Destination: Reserve Goals acquire military tech for Secure Container Beta trade (Iridium, Virtex, Military Cable and Tank Battery) Kill PMCs Find Bunker Control Room for Prapor Quest I haven't run too many raids on Reserve yet, two as a PMC, and a few as a scav. But except for one military cable, I haven't yet come across an Iridium, Virtex, or any of that. But for every PMC I kill I'll allow myself to buy one of the items I need. Today's plan is to go to King - quickly check it for military tech, and then go into the basement. There is supposedly an Iridium spawn near the D2 power switch. Plus I need to go into the Bunker control room for that Prapor quest. This should be exciting. In my offline raids, it seems the bunker is always crawling with Raiders, and those firefights don't go my way more often than not. So my plan is get down by the switch, open the door to the control room for the quest. Then drink my energy drink, pop a pain pill, hi...