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Update: Raid 114 - Downed a Duo. Quest Complete. Level 18

I am tired of questing on Interchange. I want to finish this "Kill 25 Scavs on Interchange" quest and then go do something else. All I need are two scav kills and it'll be done.  Anyone want to place a bet on how many raids it'll take me to kill two scavs? Three raids? Five raids? 

Destination: Interchange


  • kill two (2) scavs
  • retrieve shipping schedule from Oli logistics office (low priority)

Raid 114

Loadout: lightly worn Class 5 High Mobility Gen IV armor, AK-104 with canted dot sight and two thirty round magazines of BP, one of PS. Ears, meds, extra ammo, energy drink (lesson learned) and a Vulcan MG nightscope in my rig.  

Spawned on roadway, south of scav camp.  The plan is the same as yesterday: rotate between the car park under IDEA and the power station, and get those scav kills.  Started working cover to cover up the road. Suddenly started taking sniper fire from somewhere - I ran and zig-zagged my way across the road and parking lot and into the parking garage, underneath the Ultra mall.  I caught my breath and put the nightscope onto the AK. Scoped around, and didn't see anything.  Suddenly, started catching fire again, but from inside the car park. I ran again - this time back out. Made my way along the outside edge of the mall. The same sniper as before started shooting on me - I ran into the car park under IDEA. I scoped the area - no scavs. I took maybe two steps towards the tents when more fire came my way - this time from inside the garage again, by the second PMC. This is bad. 

I ran outside (again), started catching fire from the first sniper (again), and just ran into IDEA, up the steps and into the little office. What the hell. Amazingly, no shots were landed. I'm pretty sure the first guy was firing 7.62x51mm, and the second something else.   I could have looted the IDEA office, but I was shaken up by the ordeal. I want to get my scav kills and get the hell out of here.

I went out the back, and down to the power station. There was a scav there - he shouted and fired, but I used cover well and shot back - he fled, but didn't get far. I turned the corner on one of those transformers and put him down.  That's one.  Whew.  

I checked the power station. No more scavs. Did some light looting, but it wasn't a priority.  Made a circuit, and another. I heard noise from up on the IDEA ramp - scooted to the cover of the little side shack. Took a seat behind a chair. What should I do? Wait to see what the guy above does? I can't rotate back to the garages with him above me. Maybe some more scavs or player scavs will spawn here. I cooled my heels for maybe a minute when I saw two shadows move along the back wall.  Allright the scavs are here!  Turned on my aiming laser moved to intercept them. 

First scav came into view, I started shooting. He shot back immediately, and didn't shout. Shit. This is a player scav and he has a friend. I switched to autofire and ham-handedly killed him. In retrospect, I think autofire was a bad decision. But whatever. Our fight was very brief (a second? two seconds?) but I managed to keep a big steel wagon between me and his buddy. Then I rotated and fired on his friend. But I stepped out of cover too far (and it was a left peek).  I killed his buddy, but his buddy had an autofire weapon and messed up my arm, gave me a heavy bleed. I quickly esmarched, but the arm went black. I took cover, reloaded, healed. Quickly searched the bodies. Goddamnit, these aren't player scavs, these are PMCs.  Pretty cool - I killed a duo. Me.  Levels 20 and 22. I looted them, took cover again, did surgery, packed mags. Did another circuit. No scavs.  But the car was gone - I think those PMCs paid for the car extract. I wonder why they were circling round to my position? 

Let's head to the IDEA garages. As I walked onto the road, I remembered that I thought I had heard someone up above earlier. I should probably hug that wall, just in case. Prescient.  BAM! A shotgun blast hit me from above, amazingly it didn't kill me - the steep angle saved my life. I can't conduct a firefight like this - I ran forward and into the garages. No one followed.

Put the Vulcan MG scope back on and began to explore the under park. No scavs. What now? I still need one more scav kill. Scav camp? Yeah, why not? It's just over there. I removed the Vulcan again and headed across the parking lot. Suddenly I saw a scav just standing on the road there, his back to me. And here I made the mistake that would lead to my death later in the raid. I didn't find cover, I just aimed and shot. Worse, I aimed, but forgot to switch to the canted sight, I clicked to switch to it - but instead of switching I mis-clicked and discharged the weapon. The scav spun around and started firing.  Shotgun fire was tearing me up. I turned to flee, but was frozen. Took a painkiller, fled. I was somehow not killed.  But now I had a blacked leg, and was badly hurt. I spent the last of my cheese restoring myself, and didn't have enough to restore the leg - so I left it blacked. I started limping my way along the edge of the mall.  As I passed the Oli garage entrance I heard a scav yell at me from within the garage. Really? Well, let's see what's what.  I put the nightscope back on and limped into the underground.

I couldn't see the scav anywhere. I worked my way in and around. Nothing. I was approaching the south exit.  Ok, forget it, I'll just head to extract. I removed the Vulcan, since I'm about to go outside.  I heard footsteps creeping behind me. Probably around the corner. Shit. I turned on the laser and prepared. I can't run, so this will be my last stand.  Suddenly there were running footsteps near the south exit, approaching. I changed my focus - as a scav ran into view. He yelled at me, and I took him down.  Quest completed! How I love that sound.

Then a player scav, from across the parking garage came into view and started firing on me. Man - I wish I hadn't taken off that scope - I could sure use it. I dodged behind a pillar. I peeked and got a hit on him, and darted back behind the pillar. He began to strafe with his AKM, I was taking hits. Suddenly, there was a loud shot from my left - the creeper. I spun, but not before he took me in the head with 7.62x51mm BPZ FMJ. I suspect these last two player scavs may have been working together. If so, it was a great play on their part. If not, then I hope they didn't fight over my stuff. 

Time In Raid: 37 minutes, 53 seconds
Exp: 2538
Killed By: Stas Poc (player scav).  Nice creeping Stas! 
Kills: Parfeniy Gonduras (scav),  Drewseph654 ( Level 22 BEAR ),  nikodegallo ( Level 20 BEAR ), and Sergey Lysky (scav). Godspeed gentlemen.  Good luck on your next raids, Drewseph654 and nikodegallo !
Ammo Used: 75,  Hits: 11,  Accuracy: 0.12, Damage to Body: 524,  Headshots: 3

On the post mortem screen, I see that I was killed by a headshot of BPZ FMJ. But I had also taken hits from buckshot, 9x19 PSO and 7.62x39mm PS. A veritable pin cushion. 


  • firing on something when standing in the open, without cover. When will I learn?
  • mishandling weapon
  • is futzing with the scope a mistake? In any case, I need to improve.
  • the fight with the PMCs was inelegant. I probably owe my success to my armor, BP ammo, and their bad aim, but not to my great skill.
  • I had looted a grenade earlier, I should have sent it over the shipping container toward the creeper when I first heard him. 
  • died (valiantly, but just as dead)


  • took down a duo.  Me!!
  • killed two scavs and completed the quest
  • achieved Level 18.


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