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Update: Raids 105 and 106. I Hate Oli

I have done many many scav runs on Interchange.  By and large it's low stress easy money.  As as scav, if I get any spawn except for the Oli ones, I can just go about my way looting, encountering very few others, and on the occasional encounter just a friendly bit of wiggling to and fro defuses the situation. I probably survive 9 out of 10 of these runs.   

But if I get an Oli spawn, well that's something else entirely. Oli abuts the tech stores and Killas demesne, and there are wide views from those places deep into the store itself. The player scavs that haunt Oli are not of the wiggling disposition. They'll cut your throat on sight. Both escalators are right next to the high traffic danger zones, and the rear loading docks are often camped. As a scav, if I get an Oli spawn, I don't even bother looting - what's the point if I'm not going to survive? Instead, I focus first on getting the hell out of Oli and then worry about looting.  As a scav, when I spawn into Oli I probably have a less than fifty percent survival rate.

Now I need to go into Oli as a PMC.  I need that last manifest from the info desk mid-store. This will be a new experience - I don't run Interchange much as a PMC, and I haven't set foot in Oli these last four raids. 

Destination: Interchange


  • get shipping manifest from Oli
  • kill lots of Scavs (need a bakers dozen of kill to complete quest)
  • kill three or more PMCs with a pistol (I should be so lucky).

Raid 105 - Camp Encounter

Loadout: Class 4 M2 armored rig. Silenced SR1MP pistol with SP13 and SP10. Meds, ears, backpack. Not much else.

Spawned in the far corner of roadway, Oli side.  I want to avoid the front of Oli right now, so I made my way to the loading docks and in. As I walked there I heard the inevitable tech store battle. Hard to tell if Killa is up or no.  But when I finally entered, it was all quiet.  Made my way to the desk, got the manifest, looted the computers. Where to now? I should probably go up through the mall, hoping to catch some players and bag me some scavs. Checked my extract locations. Huh, I have Emercom exit, not Railway.  That's odd. How about I just leave then? I have the manifest, and I don't want to come back here if I can avoid it.

I headed back the way I came. As I was making the final approach towards the loading dock entrances, I heard weapon fire just outside.  That's probably a player! I ran forward while the firing was occurring, and stopped as it abated.  I was still inside, crouched against the outer wall. The truck entrances not far from me.  I heard the scrape of a boot and some movement noises just on the other side of the wall. I know where the player is, and he probably doesn't know I'm here!  Just then his footsteps ran off, heading down the ramp by my guess. 

And here I messed up. I was hoping "well, maybe he'll move on and then I can finish my escape".  I should have used the opportunity to better approach the exit and get eyes on him. Maybe he was looting his kill.  But I stayed where I was crouched.  The footsteps returned to the exact spot.  He must be using that spot to catch players who are leaving.   I don't believe I made any noise, I was trying to be very still. Maybe he was just waiting to come into the mall. His footsteps ran again - this time towards the truck entrances. I heard him jump up. I stayed crouched behind my box, aiming down sight. If he heads into the mall and doesn't check his corners I should have him.  Instead he walked directly over to me and fired on me.  I got off a single shot and landed it, but it was low, not the headshot my life depended upon.

Time In Raid: 23 minutes, 0 seconds ( longer than I thought )
Exp: 264
Ammo Used: 1  Hits: 1  Accuracy: 1.0  Damage to Body: 10  Damage to Armor: 52

Killed by:  em9sredbeam with 9x19mm AP6.3 to the head and arm.  Congratulations, em9sredbeam


  • freezing when I should be acting
  • relying on "wishful thinking" instead of action
  • giving initiative to adversary.
  • not using aiming laser/flashlight.
  • died


  • I did, briefly, run towards the action, trying to get a kill. Not sure why I sidetracked myself from this.

Raid 106 - Blindsided

Loadout: no armor, a Grach 9mm pistol with AP 6.3 and Pst gzh.  Ears, meds. Backpack. Small rig. Pompon hat.

I wanted to make another run at getting that damn manifest. I just grabbed some gear I had on hand.

Spawned in the Emercom extract.  Convenient.  I made my way over to Oli, up the ramp, and let myself in by the back.  Made my way across the back of the store. It was daylight outside, but now the shadows at the back of the store were considerably deeper.  I heard some running a few shelves over. Scav?  I walked forward to the next set of shelves, ready to lean out and take down that scav. But the scav footsteps reacted to mine - getting closer. That's no scav, that's a player. I aimed down sight and leaned out around the shelf - damn it is dark I can't see a thing. Should I turn on my FLASH!!  I was blinded by one of those damn KS-23 flash rounds. Fuck. Well, we know what happens next.  I started running and jumping, but I couldn't see a damn thing. I'm sure my PMC is stuck on a shelving corner probably running in place. I tried swerving but it was for nothing. A single shot of Shrap 10 took me down.

Time In Raid:  5 minutes, 3 seconds.
Exp: 0

Killed By: McShankk  


  • living in the same time zone as McShankk


I ran a scav raid on Reserve, a map I'm trying to learn.  Killed a PMC down in the underground with a snap headshot using a Saiga-9 pea shooter, but died to his buddy in large part because I was unfamiliar with the map.  


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