Destination: Interchange
- Kill Scavs (need 17 more to complete quest)
- Kill PMCs with pistol
Progress: not a single iota of forward progress.
Raid 108
Loadout: Class 5 Ghzel armor, SR1MP Pistol with two magazines of SP13, meds, no grenade. Extra ammo, AFAK and CMS kit in alpha container
I spawned behind power plant. That's good - there should be some scavs here. I waited. No scavs showed up. Looted the power plant. Found a Tetriz. That's cool! I don't know what they are worth, but I believe it's a lot. I think even a non-FIR Tetriz is worth a lot, because you can trade it for a physical bitcoin to Mechanic? Not sure. But I took out the AFAK and extra ammo from my secure container and popped the Tetriz there.
Made my way to the underground. Was walking along, cover to cover, looking for scavs. No scavs. I was behind a container when I heard someone running, heading my direction. I leaned out and aimed down sight - but the angle wasn't good - I was too close to the container. Took one extra footstep to correct the angle - now I'm well protected and have a nice keyhole angle looking into the garage. I'll be very difficult to hit. The PMC ran up from somewhere out of sight and stopped directly in front of my angle. One step more or less and I would not have had an angle on him. I fired, he fired. I got off two solid shots, maybe not to the head, but good shots. His blast of autofire killed me.
Time In Raid: 8 minutes 18 seconds
Exp: 149
Killed by FrenchieSoup with one round of M855A1 to head.
Ammo Used: 2 Hits: 4 (fragmentation?) Accuracy: 1.0. Damage to Body: 141 Damage to Armor: 18
This loss does not sit well with me. Yes, I know I have a pistol and I'm going against someone with an assault rifle - but it's so dark down there and I was much more in the shadows than he. How did he know where I was? Was it that extra step I took? Did he hear that and place me exactly? Though it was a left lean, which exposes me more than a right lean - I was still well covered and in full darkness. My accuracy was 100%. He was not moving or strafing. Were my shots hitting his arms?
I may need to practice headshotting and maybe seeing if I can fire this pistol faster (but accurately). Certainly, landing one more shot couldn't hurt (me).
- should I have changed speed to slow before adjusting my position? Did that single footfall cost me?
- Not aiming better at head.
- The stupid Tetriz isn't worth much money and the bitcoin trade both requires other items which I don't have, and Mechanic Level 2, which I also don't have.
- the keyhole position stopped all those other rounds from his weapon. Maybe that headshot was just dumb luck.
Raid 109 - I Don't Understand
So, after Raid 108 I had a bit of time and I got setup with the SR1MP pistol+silencer+laser again and I went and practiced on Factory. AI Bots set to Impossible, and High quantity. First raid I killed 6, but with troubles, 7 the next and smoother and extracted, and 10 on the last one. Feeling good. All I need to really focus on for the raid is killing scavs.
Loadout: same as before. Class 5 Ghzel armor, silenced SR1MP with two mags of SP13.
Spawned in the area with the stashes and tents. Made my way across road, started catching sniper fire from somewhere. Ran and evaded, entered IDEA underground. I might be here early(ish). Went to setup on any players that enter IDEA. None did. I heard a scav moving around the car park. Excellent, time to move out. I turned on the laser, spotted a scav and bam! a clean headshot ... except it wasn't, he yelled. I scrambled for cover. I came around the cover - it's pretty dark but I can see him. Aimed again and headshot...headshot...headshot... what is going on? Those were three good shots. He started return firing, messing me up. I closed the distance and began firing on him even more. He kept firing at me as if no shots were hitting him, I completely gave up on cover and advanced on him, nearly emptied the magazine before I died.
Time In Raid: 6 minutes 47 seconds.
Exp: 41
Ammo Used: 15, Hits: 4 (??) Accuracy: 0.13 Damage to Body: 219 Damage to Armor: 3
Killed By: Semyon Predatel with several rounds of 7.62x39mm PS
- getting frustrated and abandoning cover - I should have reset and gone around the container from the other side. I was constantly sure that _this_ shot would be the one to bring him down and end it. But it never was.
- died
- died to a scav
- maybe I'll get my stuff back with insurance?
Raid 110 - I Still Don't Understand
Ok - fuck the pistols. I don't have much real-world time left to play. Pretty much kitted out with what was at hand.
Loadout: Class 4 M2 armored rig. VPO-209 with a magazine of .366 AP and one of .366 TKM FMJ
Spawned behind Goshan. Not fond of this spawn, but whatever. Made my way into the underground - took a bit to find that ramp that goes up - I've only ever used it once. Ascended the ramp. I started hearing weapon fire - it sounded like someone was outside the mall shooting. At me. Suddenly I was hit - fractured leg. Fuck! Is there someone up here?
I didn't see or hear anyone, but I went back down the ramp. More fire, I kept hearing it strike the wall. I couldn't hear the retort of the weapon, is it suppressed? I think someone is shooting at me from outside the mall. Not sure. I started taking more hits. It was difficult getting out of the elevator shaft. I had bleeds and a fracture. I got outside the shaft, hot-keyed my esmarch, and died to the next shot to the head. As I fell I thought I heard footfalls - but couldn't place their location.
Time In Raid: 3 minutes 18 seconds.
Exp: 33
Killed By: CN0990-Zeldo with four rounds of 9x18mm PM PBM. (Leg, arm, two to head)
I was practicing with Interchange in offline mode, and I realize there is another "goshan alley" spawn closer to Emercom extract. From there, a player could get to the elevator shaft in a reasonable time, though I should have heard them coming. Also the upper ramp spawn could get to the top of the shaft in a timely fashion too and very likely be unheard by me. So I think what was happening is that the other player was shooting at me with a suppressed 9x18 pistol and bad aim. So I was hearing the shots strike the inside of the elevator shaft wall, not the outside. I was tired and frustrated and once I got that leg fracture, I just resigned to dying.
- by the end I had just given up. I didn't even care anymore.
- I should have immediately taken a PK so as to not had the impaired movement. That could have kept me alive. But again, I just didn't want to be bothered.
- my killer will likely not be thrilled with my VPO-209.
Three deaths in a row is very discouraging, especially the death to the scav. I practiced so sincerely today, but it seemed to make no difference. This is not the first time this has happened, where all the shots on a scav are misses. He wasn't even moving, he wasn't far, the laser was on his face. And the last raid is just the cherry on top of the shit sundae that was today. Was he in the mall or outside it? If inside, where could he have spawned and gotten to the elevator shaft so quickly without me hearing him?
It's very discouraging.
Post PostScript
I happened to watch a streamer put a couple of shots into a scav head also from close range - and the scav just ignored the shots and fired on him. That makes me feel slightly better, that it's not just me. Though, the streamer fired several more shots and unlike mine, those weren't ignored. What's up with that? Desynch? I never see that in offline mode.
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