Destination: Interchange
- kill scavs for Ragman quest (need 8 more)
- retrieve shipping list from Oli Logistics office (lower priority)
This "Kill 25 Scavs on Interchange" quest is dragging out. Just want to get it done.
Raid 113
Loadout: Class 5 "High Mobility" Gen IV armor, AK-104 with canted sight and two 30 round magazines of BP and one of PS, ears, meds, et cetera. In my rig I am also carrying a Vulcan MG Nightscope, which is proving to be very handy when in or under the mall (but very awkward otherwise).
The plan is simple: rotate between the IDEA garages and power station to kill scavs.
When I was reviewing my loadout I stopped for a second: should I bring food and drink? The lack of it cut my last raid short. But, honestly, I always seem to find food and drink on Interchange, that was just unlucky. In fact, I had looted quite a bit of food, just no hydration. So I didn't.
I spawned into the far south west corner, pre-dawn. Oli is the closest store. This is a strange spawn because the Exfil location for this spawn is Emercom camp, not railway. That's annoying. I made my way up the median of the roadway. The first loose loot I spotted was some grapefruit juice. Great. Onward.
I made my way to the IDEA garages, attached the Vulcan nightscope. There was a single scav there. Killed him. He had some bandages on him. No more scavs appeared, I rotated to the power station. I caught a scav outside and fired several good shots on him, surprisingly he didn't go down and fled into the building. I switched to autofire and went around a different entrance. Caught him by surprise and killed him. Found another scav crouch hiding in the office, killed him too. I think those might have been player scavs. Sorry guys. They had very little loot - must have just arrived. The power station and its surroundings had been picked fairly clean of loot. Autofire uses up ammo, so I went to a bush and started repacking mags. Another scav ran by, but he disappeared before I could fire on him. Looked around, couldn't find him.
Returned to the IDEA garages, killed three more scavs using that night vision scope. They were carrying nothing, esmarch, and bandages. The last kill was difficult - was having trouble aiming and got my arm blacked in the attempt. My hydration is low and my energy zeroed. Shit. I went for the grapefruit juice - only, it wasn't juice, it was a box of 120 rounds of ammo. It had looked like grapefruit juice when I picked it up in the predawn light, but now I see it's not. Oh shit. I'm deep in the garage, I'll head down and cut over to hole in the fence - I don't have much loot and certainly don't need it. My vision was blurring, everything was failing fast. I was applying healing to my head and thorax, but that was soon spent. Gunfire outside the saferoom exfil. Are you kidding? That's directly between me and where I need to go. I am in no shape for a battle - so I had to go around. There is a loose food and drink spawn just twenty meters from the Emercom rear garages, it's rarely looted, if I can make it there I'll be ok. Of course, this is Tarkov. I died to exhaustion just five meters from that.
Time In Raid: 43 minutes, 2 seconds
Exp: 1787
Kills (all scavs): Styopa Tormoz, Kaban Sizyy (player scav?), Radik Zhigan (player scav), Alvian Chukcha, Kayl Zver, Sanka Botan. Godspeed gentlemen. Sorry to mess up your easy money raids Kaban and Radik.
Ammo Used: 53, Hits: 19 Accuracy: 0.28 Damage to Body: 879 Headshots: 3
- why am I worried about nickles and dimes? Just bring the damn snacks on every raid.
- maybe too focused on the task? Should have been looting more
- poor time management
- died
- died needlessly
- killed 6 scavs. Once I reached the IDEA garages, it seemed like I moved from kill to kill. The time passed quickly.
- Was unharmed in five of the six firefights
I was running a scav run on Reserve when I saw something unusual. There was a player, not sure if a PMC or a player scav, who was dressed all in white: white helmet, white upper, white pants. Mottled slightly with light gray. It looked like winter camouflage. Is it snowing up at the dome? Is that a costume option? Was it some sort of display bug? I felt bad for whoever it was - do they know how visible they are?
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