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Update: Raid 111 - Killing Scavs

The Interchange quests from Ragman have the biggest experience point rewards (~10,0000 each).  But the "kill 3 PMCs with a pistol" quest from Skier is blocking several other quests and unlocks.  I had hoped to undertake these simultaneously by making a pistol my primary armament, doing the Interchange quests, and stumbling onto some PMC kills along the way.  But I don't think that's going to work.  And I still need to kill a lot of Scavs to reach the 25 scav kills Ragman wants. I think I need 17 more. 

So now the plan is to finish what I started: kill the 17 scavs.  Then worry about the pistol kills, which likely means returning to the meat grinder known as Factory.

Destination: Interchange


  • Kill 17 Scavs
  • Do "Logistics Office" Oli retrieval if convenient.

Raid 111

Loadout: Class 5 High Mobility Gen IV armor, suppressed AK-104 with cobra mount and canted dot sight, two 30 round magazines of BP, one of PS.  Ears, meds. Extra BP and the Logistics Office Key in my alpha container.    And, a Vulcan MG nightscope on the Armasight universal mount in my rig.

Spawned into Interchange just outside the parking garages. Are you kidding me? This is the spawn I always wanted for my pistol kills. I have a plan for this spawn. And here I am, no pistol.  I decided to test the plan out.  I raced into the garage, got to my set up point and waited.  I have a spot that obscures me from view and puts me behind any players that want to rush Killa via the hole in the floor. And, bonus, if they turn around, the lights blind them.  It's a great spot and it's sneaky and not obvious - I don't think it's known.   

Now I just need to wait.  So I waited. I attached my Vulcan MG Nightscope. Right on schedule, the Killa rushers rushed Killa. But not from here - they entered the mall through somewhere else. Damnit.  I listened - the fight ended abruptly with a burst from an RPK-16, which most likely means Killa won.  Sorry friends, better luck next raid.  Now what?   

I decided to go get the manifest. I slowly headed towards the escalators that go up into Oli directly. Suddenly, there was more combat upstairs, different weaponry. But this time Killa did not come out on top. I have to be quiet - there is now some Chad above me. He'll most likely loot Killa and the tech stores and move on. I'll take the long way round and I should be ok.

I entered Oli. As I moved through the far offices, I was sure to close every door I opened behind me - leave no trace. Chaddy McChadface started shooting up scavs across Oli. I continued, very quietly. Entered loading docks, started to wrap my way around. The PMC was not moving on - I heard him open up on more scavs and much closer.  Shit - I need a new plan.  Chaddy McChadface is obviously not interested in loot and is bored and looking for fights. Even if I scroll-wheel down to snail slow and mouse quiet, if I so much as fart he's going to smell it and come kill me.  There's no way I'm getting across the back of Oli without farting.  So I left. Went out the loading dock.  Once there, stepped into cover and started to remove that awkward scope - I hate this thing, it was a dumb idea to bring it.

Suddenly footsteps.  I cancelled, switched to the canted sight and aimed down it. A pistol scav walked in front of my reticle. I put him down. My AKM is suppressed and the scav didn't fire his weapon, but still  noise.  I need to leave.  I hustled down the ramp and started up the alley, stopping briefly to remove that damn scope - it's like balancing a ball on your nose. 

Where to? Goshan?  No - I don't need that shit again. I'll go scav hunting at the power station, and if there isn't anything, head to underneath IDEA, and then back down the spine of the mall.

Made my way to the power station. No scavs. There are some loot locations outside it, but the containers and toolboxes and duffles were all "open" and empty. Someone has been through here already. Same inside the power building - no scavs and all the loot vacuumed.

Went under IDEA. I really don't like this scope, but I carried it all this way - I reattached the Vulcan MG Nightscope to the AKM.  Scoped the garage. Look at that! There's a scav crouched in the darkness between those tents - I can't see him at all without the scope. Killed the scav.  And I killed several more - they just kept spawning underneath IDEA. More than once I started making my way into IDEA when I would heard voices or footsteps and I'd return to the garage and grab another kill. This is going well, and I'm so glad I brought this Vulcan MG, it was a smart idea to bring it.

After netting some seven kills, I heard another scav somewhere in the garage, but my vision began to darken. Oh no! Hydration and energy are zeroing and the raid timer says less than eight minutes. Shit. I don't have any food or drink and no time to go hunt it.  I let that last scav live, started healing my head and thorax, and made my way to extract. 

Time In Raid: 40 minutes 49 seconds
Exp: 2665
Kills (7 Scavs): Igoryan Zhivchik, Ilyusha ChPU, Vovan Pank, Lev Krasnoselskiy, Fyodor Russkiy, Seva Nervnyy, Gosha Vafel.   Godspeed gentlemen. 
Ammo Used: 48, Hits: 25, Accuracy: 0.4,  Damage to Body: 1108, Damage to Armor: 16
I came away totally unscathed from my scav battles - not a scratch on me.


  • my "kill PMCs at hole in floor" plan seems to be poor.
  • I looted most of my scav kills, but not all. And I mostly focused on their pockets or backpacks, since that's where any valuable loot is. But I may have overlooked some food and drink in their rigs. Plus, I could have taken their rigs and maybe some weapons.  Most of the time I was looting there was no rush. Need to improve.
  • didn't use aiming laser. I hate using it for fear that it'll give away my position. But the accuracy boost is probably worth it. 


  • avoided Chaddy McChadface.  I'm trying to become braver and run towards fights instead of away from them. But I have to be realistic - Mr. McChadface had brought down Killa, and by the sound of it likely had that .308 DT DMR, probably spending 3K rubles per round.  That's not a battle I'm likely to win. 
  • killed 7 scavs. 
  • Vulcan MG + Interchange FTW


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