Goals Survive Be More Aggressive Kill Scavs Progress: Upward Raid #10 Loadout: same as last. AKS-74U, mags with mix of BP/PS/PRS ammo. Ulley rig, sling, meds. Water and Car Kit in Pouch. Insurance: Not Necessary (insured from previous raid) Started in Storage Area, next to customs house. Worked way across river. As I finished crossing the road near Sniper Roadblock, a two stack started crossing in the other direction down near the intersection. We saw each other. They ceased crossing, I finished. But now we were both on the same side. I hid behind a container, listening. If they were flanking, they were quiet. Peeked roadside and then crossed back and when down near smugglers boat. Heavy gunfire near RUAF Roadblock, so assuming that's them. Crossed back. Was moving very quietly behind bus depot when I heard heavy foot steps stomping along the fenceline. I turned, waited, and Scav came around the corner. We traded fire. He stepp...