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Update: Raids 5 and 6. Level 2

Since (re)accepting this mission from Prapor to kill scavs on Customs I've been on four raids. Died in every single one, and 0 Exp in more than one.  Not good.

So today, the goal is simple: Don't Fucking Die. If that means running and crying when a Scav shouts at me, so be it.

Raid #5
Loadout: Class 4 Body armor, headset, VPO-209 with FMJ, sling, rig, helmet.
Insurance: 22K

Spawned above river, customs side, south.  Sunny late morning. Worked my way toward bridge. Heard a player stomping about and went quiet and into a bush. I was between the two land bridges. Player passed me, but I couldn't tell if he was north or south so I let him go by.  Peeked both bridges, no sight of him.  Continued north, crossed the river on the trash bridge near where the smuggler sometimes has his boat.  As I approached the road above, a battle broke out on the road. Grenades and auto-fire. I tucked into some bushes to wait it out. It got quiet. Waited some more.  Might be a good time to catch a player unexpectedly, while looting. But the battle had sounded pretty big, so it might be more than one up there. Suddenly a player was walking down the hill, heading straight for me. Not sure if he saw me, but he would soon.  His weapon wasn't raised, so I had the initiative. Started firing and he replied with automatic fire. We circled each other, with a fat tree trunk between us. We stripped all the bark from that tree.

I was firing wildly, but as the VPO only fires single shots,  still had plenty of ammo - when would he need to reload? I never found out. He got me in the head with 5.56x45  M855, probably an M4A1. Ultimately, he hit me with 7 shots.  I fired 20, but only landed 3.  Hopefully they did some damage.

Nice work Capo_Dei_Capi_  .  Please don't take my VPO.

Time In Raid: 12 minutes, 36 seconds.
Exp: 0

 - Sucking at combat
 - Using a carbine when every player seems to be kitted for World War III.
 - Is Prapor being generous to _everybody_ ? Not just me?  

 - Didn't freeze. Took initiative. 

Follow Up: You can see Capo_De_Capi_ kill me here:      He called me a "Bush Wooky" and took my VPO-206. Not unjustly.  OMG, my aim. 

Raid #6 - The Minimum

Loadout: Class 3 body armor (6823-1), helmet, ears, MP5, rig, sling. 
Insurance: 24K

Arrived on customs house side of river, north of main bridge - near railroads. Sunny morning - lovely really, the air was cool with the waking sun warming my face gently as I walked into it. Quietly crossed map, quietly looting as I went.  Found a car battery. Carried it for a spell, but it was making me louder than usual (which is already too loud) and slower.  Not worth dying over. Ditched it near  bus depot. Heard fighting in the distance, but didn't see a soul. Was hoping to kill scav at military checkpoint, but he had been gotten already. 

Time In Raid: 19 minutes, 29 seconds
Exp: 651

 - Did Not Die
 - Broke the chain of losses!
 - Level 2

 - None

Raid #7 - First Blood
Loadout: same as before.
Insurance: None required

Entered Customs area near military checkpoint. Quickly found cover and started working south towards liquid storage area.  As I crossed that last little ridge fighting broke out near the military base gate. Couldn't see anything.  Tucked in to see if the victor would head this way, but quiet.  Checkpoint had no guard posted. Looted the area and then headed out to cross map.  Quiet until I was passing dorms and then there was shooting through glass windows and bullets landing near me.  Ran.  At RUAF checkpoint encountered a scav guard. We traded a lot of fire. I used cover well, and he did not, but seemed to superhumanly just absorb all the 9mm rounds I sent his way. I was running low on my magazine, switched to burst fire, fired a last burst and ran down the hill to reload and reflank. He clipped my arm during the gunfight and blacked it out.  Went to a bush to PK and med up. Drink water.  Heard more Russian shouting and stomping on the road above, but no shooting.  Guess I made him mad.  

I need to live more than I need to kill, so I'm out. Heading across the river towards crossroads. On the rise, there is a backpack in the middle of the path... and no body.  Bait?  I'm not going to find out. My little sling and my rig are already full - I'm not risking my life for someone to practice shooting 100+ meters across the river - I ran past it. On the way to crossroads I started to black out - exhaustion and dehydration.  But I made it out alive. 

Time In Raid: 20 minutes, 2 seconds.
Exp: 951
Kills: 1    -- apparently I killed the scav guard (Vitaly) after all.  Who was stomping up there then?  

- Forgot to eat and drink between successful raids!!  Must remember - this has almost killed me twice.
- 7 raids to 1 killed scav is not a good ratio. Must improve. 
- Poor aiming.  
- Am likely being too timid. But this is arguable. Don't need to seek trouble in Tarkov, it will seek you.

- Did not die
- Killed a Scav.  Only 4 more to go to complete task. 
- Used cover fairly well in firefight.


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