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Update: Level 5 Still And Why

- Survive
- Kill Scavs (need 12 more)
- Unlock Jaeger (if opportunity arises)

- Miserable

Raid #1 - 1 minute -  0 Exp

Insurance: 10K
Time in Raid: 1 minute, 17 seconds.
Exp: 0
Healing: 9.5K
Loadout: SKS, meds, PACA armor, Rig but no backpack.  Salewa/exit-key/exit-money in pouch

Spawned in a depression with a rock on one side, not too far from wall.  Sparse woods and open fields. Not a good location to move from, but not a bad one to stay in.  Players can't approach from behind (wall). Should be able to hear anyone coming from sides. Sit tight, eyes on front.  Most players will push into center, toward lake and mill, don't want to be in front of them.  Not ideal plan, but workable.  

But then I did hear a player approaching - and I choked. Froze like a rabbit "please don't see me". I turned to check my open side and I saw myself. Player with the same shitty helmet as me, same shitty SKS as me, looking at me. He started firing, before aiming down sights. Otherwise I would have been dead already. I should have ran. But instead, turned into his volley of bullets, sighted and started firing. Two noobs openly firing at each other, without cover.    I got off 3 shots, 2 of them hit. But AmbitionV2 had the jump and landed 5 and killed me.  Nice work AmbitionV2.  Enjoy my SKS.

- Choked.  As soon as I heard foot steps I should have prepared to fire on that open flank. But I choked.
- Was staying put a mistake?
- He had the jump - I should have ran.
- Died

- I didn't miss every shot.

Raid #2 - 20 minutes - 0 Exp

Insurance: 10K
Time in Raid: 20 minutes, 32 seconds
Exp: 0
Healing: 7K
Loadout: AKS-74U, meds, rig w/ magazines, No armor, or backpack. 

Spawned on east side, mostly open terrain not too far from water. Made my way down closer to water, found obscuring cover, buttoned up.  My thinking is that most of the dangerous players on Woods push into the mill to take on Shturman or third party others doing that. But, once they get loot, they leave pretty quickly. Exiting players are more likely to pass on a fight.  Also, the player scavs arrive after 10 minutes, which means more potential targets. So I waited 10 minutes, like a coward, hiding.  

Then I moved out. No scavs at the camp above me. I skirted the mill, on the water side, avoiding it because it might still be hot. As I approached the end of the beach I heard a scav shouting and firing (loud single shots) up on the road, not firing toward me. Maybe I could third party him?  I climbed up below the lip of the ridge, then slowed all the way, advancing silently. There's a small gap of 2 meters at the top of the ridge that has to be crossed - I will be very exposed. Do I cross it quickly or slowly? I decided slow - less noise. I stepped into that gap and immediately a Russian shouted and I was brought down by automatic fire (5.45 PS two rounds) by a scav who I never laid eyes on.   Were two scavs up there?

- not understanding the places/routes Shturman and his guards use
- can I get around that ridge from below?
- didn't have eyes on the place I would most likely receive fire from.
- died

- two raids in a row with 0 Exp is a new personal record.

Raid #3 - 31 minutes - 1515 Exp - 1 Scav Killed

New PACA, Rig, and Ears: 42K
Insurance: 10K
Time in Raid: 30 minutes, 52 seconds
Exp: 1515
Healing: 3.4K
Loadout: AKS-105 with dot sight, meds, rig w/ magazines, PACA, no backpack

Spawned near USEC checkpoint. Didn't realize there were spawn locations so close to mill. Began advancing on checkpoint, tree to tree.  A scav was moving away. Aimed down sight and shot three rounds - hit him, but not fatally. He bolted.  Advanced on checkpoint - no other scavs.  Didn't stay to loot - thought I heard scav noise a bit down road toward mill. Went into trees to see if I could find the source but was fired upon and badly hurt. Didn't see the attacker. More shouting, me limping away. Used painkiller and was able to flee. Started medding. Leg was black. Widened circle and started towards water, where it is less likely to encounter other players. Used a PK to get across quicker, knowing that players may be pushing in about now. Stumbled onto woodpile and little cabin - I really need to learn this map better. A scav was there. "This is where I die", I thought. I dispassionately brought up my weapon, aimed, and pulled the trigger twice, killing him with no return fire. Checked him for meds. Nothing. 42K Rubles in his pocket, for some inexplicable reason.  Onward.

Limped down to water. Dead player on the approach to the tent site - stripped completely clean.  PK'd to make the cross in the clear below the mill.  Hooked over the spot of my last demise and kept going. Limped in the clear along the waters edge for god only knows how long. PK'd again (last one) right before ascending to the RUAF checkpoint - there might be scavs there or the tank.  But it was quiet. Checked the crates and nothing. But there was an AKM-N !  RUAF exfil is closed to me. Fuck!  Started limping along the wall. My vision was blurring. Used more salewa to fight it off.  Limp, limp some more. So slow. Just as I passed Factory exfil, my vision started to darken.  Oh, god, I'm not going to make it.  I used the Salewa again, and the vision brightened ever so slightly.  Limp. Salewa. Limp. Salewa. Limp. Salewa. Limp. No more Salewa - it's spent.  The UN Checkpoint is near. I limped through it's little door, my vision darkening to a circle the size of a silver dollar. And.... 0.0 seconds - Survived.   

Ultimately, I had taken only one round of .366 TKM Geksa in the leg.  But with the mobility impaired, that was nearly a death sentence.  Apparently, it was dehydration that was killing me. Go figure.

The scav I killed was named Zahar Snayper. Thanks for the rubles, Zahar.  Godspeed.  

- was approaching that scav I heard but couldn't see a mistake? Probably yes, because Shturman and his guards supposedly hide and lurk around the mill, and they are dangerous.
- not appreciating that the USEC checkpoint is so close to the mill. Within the "danger zone'. 
- should not have fired on that first scav, shoot to kill, not to "get lucky".  
- should I have followed that first scav that bolted? 
- should I have taken Zehar's weapon? I was focused on meds and possible incoming players (having just made noise). But maybe too short-sighted?

- did not die
- killed a scav (only 11 more needed)
- didn't get distracted by looting checkpoint, however tempting.  

I like the AKS-105.  Will miss it once I die and lose it. But not today!


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