In addition to "Ivan", the SA-58 FAL I received yesterday, I have two other FALs. Yes, I, the level 5 noob, have three FALs taking up 34 cells in my inventory that could be used for something useful.
I am gripped with Gear Fear. I know I suck. If I take one of those into a raid, I'll be killed and will never see the weapon again. That's one advantage of the SKS, no one takes it, so it comes back with insurance.
I should just sell them. They would pay for a lot of load-outs. Though, I'm not sure I can sell "Ivan". And one of the others I built myself from scratch - paying top ruble to Fence for every piece. Seems lame to sell it for less than I paid to make it.
I have taken them out on offline raids to try them out. Wow! If you want a weapon that'll punch holes in the sky and cause the firmament to crumble, the SA-58 is it. But if you want to hit something a little lower or a little smaller, it might not be the best choice. Great weapon if you can aim well enough to one-tap. Not sure if it's a good match for me.
Since I'm at it, I will confess that I also bought a Vepr Hunter from Fence. Paid 80K. Nearly triple what I would pay if I could access the flea market. Thanks Tarkov. And it only has one 5 round magazine and I can't buy more. So, it's going to rot in my stash too. Not my smartest play.
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