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Update: Level 1 and struggling

 I'm not sure why, but this new wipe is much more difficult. I had no problems killing 7 scavs to complete that first task last wipe. The biggest challenge was _finding_ scavs. But this time, it seems like every scav is a deadshot, killing me in less than a second. And that change seemed to happen when I was working my Woods scav quest. The first three kills were easy and normal. And then every encounter after went south. 

 It's Christmas, and the lobbies are full of players, and players make everything harder. 

Goal: Kill 5 Scavs on Customs

Progress: 4 raids, 0 scavs killed. ie. Not Good

Raid #2

Loadout: SKS (23K), PS ammo (4.5K), Sling (2K), Meds, No Rig. PACA, Comtec Headphones
Insurance: 9.7K

Time in Raid: 7 minutes, 36 seconds

Exp: 32

Spawned near edge behind power tower. Went to stash underneath tower.  Decided (poorly) to stay there in the corner in the bush for a few minutes, to let other players pass by.  Player ShadowCasting approached crouch walking around the rock (why did I not hear him?). I aimed down sight, but could not get a bead on his head - was trying to hold fire until sure. He fired first with automatic fire and that was it.

Killed by one round of 5.34x39mm BP to head (others must have missed). 


Poor cover there, waiting near a known stash was a very bad decision. I wasn't intending to camp, but if I ever do, be sure to camp where you'll end up behind the player, not in front of them.

Why couldn't I get the shot lined up?  Lag? Frame rate? Shitty reflexes? I need to investigate.


32 Exp is not 0 Exp

Raid #3

Loadout: SKS (23.7K), PS ammo (4.5K), Helmet, Ulley body armor, Sling (2K), Meds. No rig. No headset.

Same spawn location as last raid. Pouring rain, low visibility. Went into map a bit, passed wall, and heading to Gas to look for scavs. The low ground on Dorms side of that wall has less cover, but is less visible on the likely paths of players that may be heading towards dorms.  Except when it's not. Out of the fog ahead appeared a two-stack heading directly for me. I crouched, shot three rounds, but hurriedly. The decision to engage was a bad one. They returned a volley of fire (pistols?). Armor and Helmet kept me alive. I turned and ran, but my legs were already shot up. Amazingly, made it through a hole in the fence while they reloaded. Was just starting to med-on-the-run when they caught up and finished the job. BasedNordicChad killed me with 9x19mm.   

Time in Raid: 1 minute 19 seconds

Exp: 0


- Solo player has no business in the clear. Though, with the rain and the fog, and low versus ridge, this mistake is debatable.   
- Engaging them head on huge mistake.  Should have ran and then either disengaged or displaced.
- Once the first mistake was made, should have committed. I fired three wild shots because I wanted to get out of there. Instead, that could have been one or two landed ones, which might have changed the outcome significantly.


- wasn't killed by a scav.

Raid #4:

Loadout: M9A3 Pistol with 3 magazines. PACA, Painkillers and Esmarch only, Rig (no backpack)

Spawned near ditch between customs house and storage. Overcast, light rain.  Hid in bush to listen.  Weirdly quiet.  Usually, the west side of the river opens with a psychopath bloodbath with everyone running round playing Highlander until the victor crosses the river. Gave it an extra minute.  If it's quiet here, I could probably go looting, but want to stay focused on goal of bagging scavs. Went up to front parking lot of customs, usually there is a scav guard there. Crickets.   Crossed river. Except for some gunfire near the warehouses, still spookily quiet. No scavs in bus-station, but started to take sniper fire.  Evaded, approached Gas. Peeked it, no sign of scavs.  Not sure if that sniper will be looking here, and don't want him behind me, so decided to go around gas before peeking again.  On the ridge above it, I thought I saw two scavs standing in east parking lot, turned to double check and bam! dead! They fired a huge volley of automatic fire, without chirping, and I seemed frozen.  But was definitely scavs guards, not player or player scavs. 

Exp: 0

- playing Escape from Tarkov


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