I crossed over the million ruble barrier recently. That's great to have some of the financial worry behind me. And I picked up a new Ragman quest on Reserve: visit 5 different rooms. Pretty chill. Except it requires four keys that cost more than a million rubles in total. Awesome. But I ran a scouting mission as a scav and some of those rooms get unlocked by PMCs and left open. So maybe I can just piggy-back on someone else, like I did for Delivery from the Past.
Destination: Reserve
Goal: Kill raiders in bunker (still need 2 more) and visit the 5 rooms.
Raid 79 - Sigh
Loadout: Beloved Vityaz with Pst gzh, one grenade, Class 4 armor. Meds, ears.
Caught the pole position spawn this time - spawned in the bunker itself, white pawn dead end. The raiders don't always spawn in the first minute, so I looted a couple containers and slowly made my way into the bunker. It was empty. I visited all the places the raiders hide. Nothing. I pulled the D-2 switch, except for the lights coming on, there was no change. Looted a container. Now what?
I'll hang out a little more. I went back to the white pawn hallway. Another player entered the bunker and began running around. More than likely, when he's done he'll go up the ramp from King to White Pawn - that seems to be the route everyone takes. So I went up to the little door and posted. I aimed down sight standing to the side of the doorframe. If I left lean I'll lean into the doorframe. I waited.
He finished up, his footsteps approaching. I aimed down sight, at the ready. Hopefully he'll run, because then I can catch him with his weapon down. He advanced, I could see his flashlight on the wall. Then he stopped.
Why did he stop? Is my shoulder visible through the doorframe? I don't think it should be - the way his light is coming through means he shouldn't have an angle. He stayed stopped. Now what? I quieted my motion to the minimum, took a single sidestep away from the door, stood, stepped back and leaned and fired and died instantly to a headshot from the aptly named YoureTooSlowTV .
Time In Raid: 5 minutes, 46 seconds
Exp: 61
Ammo Used: 3 - No hits.
Killed By: YoureTooSlowTV with a M855A1 to the head. GG YoureTooSlowTV , how did you know I was there? Quick reaction!
- This is exactly the sort of fight I should not be taking. I simply don't have the skills for this. Nor the ammo neither - he had a fat helmet (Altyn?) and my Pst gzh would take a loooong time to drill through that.
- I'm not sure what the best course of action should have been. Simply flee?
- it will be a success if I manage to take a lesson away from this and similar losses.
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