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Delivery from the Past, Part 1 - Raid 17 - Level 7

Destination: Customs

Plan: Not a great plan. I need to get into the director's office at the customs house, but I don't have the key. So the plan is if I spawn on the industrial side of the river to just slowly make my way there and see if someone leaves the door open. If I spawn on the customs house side, I'll just kill time (and anyone I encounter) and hope someone opens it for me.   

Raid 17 - Fun in the Sun

It was a bright sunny midafternoon when I spawned into the area near the trailer park. This is the customs house side.  So I found a bush and sat.  After about three minutes I decided to maybe start my way there. As I approached the storage sheds I heard someone speaking Russian and footsteps. Then a player scav stepped into the road and started making his way to the river. He forgot to check his six. I aimed down sight and gently reminded him. I got off a shot (surprisingly not a kill shot) but then my weapon jammed.  He ran. I reloaded, I ran after him, flanking. He was scared cowering behind one of the trailer shacks when I leaned around the corner and autofired him back to the start screen.

He had nothing worth taking. I went backwards, away from the river. Slowly worked my way around to the customs house from the far side. It was quiet. Circled in and what do you know? the door - it is open!!  I ran up the stairs - cleared both rooms. But it was quiet.  I got my package.  Awesome.  Now to extract.

I felt a little sad at getting the package - I was half hoping that the door would be closed so I could just wander the map chasing down fights. But, I shouldn't be too upset - I still have to extract and drop the case off in the factory. The odds are high that I'll be back on this errand again.

I crossed the river. No sign of anyone near RUAF or construction. I looped around the outside of construction - there were odd footsteps inside - likely a player - maybe a PMC or a player Scav.  I decided to enter in via the next gap in the wall. But as I made my way there I saw two player scavs in the road just outside the bus depot. Change of plans. I hustled down to the bus in the road, leaned out and started firing. Hmm - having difficulty landing shots - and I'm still shit at tap firing, I'm trying to fire single bullet volleys but am instead spitting loads into the air.  One of my adversaries was not having the same problem - he peeked out from behind cover and his shotgun nearly tore off my arm. Heavy bleed - limb perilously close to blacking out. I jumped behind the tinfoil bus stop and esmarched just in time to save the arm. Cheesed it.  I resumed the fight, leaning left, leaning right - scampering back to the bus - but it was not going well. The two of them began to spread out - they'd soon pincer me - time to bounce.  I ran. I ran all the way to the dormitories, looped around, and started making my way back towards them.  I didn't have eyes on them, but one of them had caught sight of me  - more shotgun fire, missing fortunately. I reversed course and ran away again, putting hard cover between us.

This time I flanked quite wide, and entered the bus depot from the hole in its far side wall. Cleared the busses. After the last one, leaned out and there were the two player scavs at the edge of the entry - I switched to single fire and started firing. And firing. How is this guy not dead?  One of them moved to safety, the other backed up, trying to fight and retreat - he should be dead ten times over. Oh well. I ducked back behind the bus, reloading, and running - I ran out again, behind the bus depot and around. I caught the safe player scav from the side - he was aiming at the entry of the bus depot waiting for me to push. He wasn't expecting me here - I took him down with a blast of autofire. The shotgun player scav fired on me again - I don't know from where.  OK, I guess I won't be looting his pal. I broke off the engagement.

Should I go uphill? I might be able to camp the body from there?  I considered it, but I am really having trouble landing mid to long range shots today. I need to extract with this package -  I'll just move on.

I went around New Gas. Quiet. I killed two AI scavs near the military checkpoint. There was a third who shouted at me, but I couldn't get eyes on him, and he never fired. I entered the liquid storage area, first scanning through the opening for scavs and player scavs. This late in the raid there should be some around. I hit a stash and started to move towards ZB-011 when someone fired on me - player scav, behind cover near the closest liquid storage tank.  I dodged right and used the go-between to flank him. When I came round I saw him aiming down sight at the approach he thought I would have taken. I killed him from behind.  That's enough for today - still need to remember to extract with this package. Extracted.

Time In Raid: 32 minutes, 15 seconds
Exp: 2785
Kills: Vantuz Dryahlyy (player scav), Romchick Goblin (player scav), Vasyan Centrovoy (AI scav), Seva Chekist (AI scav), Dimon Genotip (player scav).

Ammo Used: 121, Hits: 25, Accuracy: 0.15, Damage to Body: 880, Damage to Armor: 128


  • aiming trouble
  • tap fire is not going well. 
  • very little loot


  • despite the weapon handling problems, the combat was neatly done. 
  • got the package and survived
  • made level 7
  • this raid was not only successful, it was a lot of fun. 


Now to Factory. There is no sense in putting it off. If I die, then it'll be back to Customs to attempt it again. But I need to do some homework, to learn the new expansion - maybe tango with Tagilla a bit offline before cabaceoing him for real. 


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