Boss Spawn 100%
There is an event going on where the odds of the bosses spawning on a map is now 100%. I also landed a "Kill Sanitar 2 Times" Operational Task, so I set out to do that.
I didn't see Sanitar even once, but I had some great fights with Scavs and PMCs and possibly his nurses, so no complaints.
While I didn't bag Sanitar, I did kill Partisan. Thought he was a scav, killed him from atop some rocks. This wipe Partisan and I have a co-dependent relationship. I kill him, he kills me. We trade back and forth, though, honestly I don't see him very often. Until now. Apparently the guy can hold a grudge.
After killing Partisan I then encountered him in my next five raids. He'd just appear out of nowhere and shoot me dead. I only had eyes on him two times, the other three he just killed me from nowhere. Awesome.
I have been avoiding the Streets map, because no frames per second. But I have a ton of quests backlogged for that map. I guess I'll be running it for no other reason than Partisan doesn't spawn there.
First raid: waited 5 minutes for Matching, got a disconnect mid-raid and that ended it.
Second raid: waited 3 minutes for Matching, wandered around lost and confused for half the raid, stumbled into the Pinewood Hotel where I marked a vehicle, killed a PMC, and got absolutely mobbed by scavs. Died. At the time of death I must have been getting maybe 4 frames a second. Game was nigh unplayable.
Third raid: used the "Where am I?" feature on the Maps of to figure out where I was. This really helped. Wandered into the boundary sniper because I'm stupid. Died.
Fourth raid: Killed by boundary sniper. OMG How dumb am I?
Fifth raid: Got a disconnect. Was able to reconnect, except for my game was bugged out. I could reload magazines, but gun would point funny. Firing it righted it though. Couldn't pick up loot or interact with anything. Couldn't tab to gear or health, so couldn't pack magazines or consume the food I brought. Dropped all priorities in favor of just extracting. Got cornered in a cul-de-sac with a gate I couldn't open ( because I can't interact with it ). But I lured a scav in and he opened the gate for me. Extracted.
Sixth raid: there will be no sixth raid. I'm done with Streets.
I'm playing PVE - WHY do I need to wait for Matching ? Why am I getting disconnects? Frames?
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