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Punisher 6 Completed - Secure Container Epsilon!

Finally, after years of playing EFT, I have completed Punisher 6 and have secured my own Secure Container Epsilon. That thing has 8 slots - it's huge. Twice the size of the little alpha I've used all these years.

I started it on Shoreline, because I was doubling with some Peacekeeper tasks.  I even used the SVD at long range (as it was intended) and sniped some PMCS from afar.  I tried sniping on Reserve and that was boring. Ran some of my ammo runs on Reserve carrying that SVD around, but never encountered PMCs.  I finally decided to just cheese it and run dorms on Customs over and over. That mostly worked. I also tried fighting the PMCs in the industrial area, but that rarely went well.  The SVD is really big and ungainly for a cramped place like dorms, but it's easier to control the fights there. 

My very last raid I needed only one PMC kill to finish the quest.  I went to dorms. Two story was completely empty. Three story the same. I was descending the staircase to the first floor of three story, when I heard footsteps to the left. I went to explore, hoping it wasn't Reshala.  It was Reshala.  Shouts went up, doors started getting kicked open, the hallway in front and behind filling with Scavs and Zavodskys.  I backpedaled, killing a threat and then ran out the front door. The gunfire and enemies followed. I ran around the ice cream building, bleeding, blacked and broken arms, nearly done for. Toggled my esmarch and ran to the back of the bus depot. The Scavs and Zavodskys were in pursuit when suddenly the tempo of the battle increased. There were PMCs on the road by the bus station. Weapon fire and grenades just everywhere. I cowered trying to patch myself up, hoping the Zavodskys wouldn't kill all the PMCs in the meantime - I need to finish this quest.

I ended up trapped in the bus depot area.  There were scavs behind. There was a PMC in the bushes to the side, I could hear him rustle but couldn't get eyes on him. I didn't dare step out to look - he'd kill me for sure.  Along the front wall were two other PMC, they were close enough to the wall that if I climbed on the car I still couldn't see them.  I thought I'd have an easy right hand peek on them, but every time I moved towards the opening, I'd get shot up and have to retreat and heal.  What's the play here?  I was all out of meds and had a new bleed I couldn't fix.

Sensing my weakness, the PMCs along the wall decided to push me. One ran into the lot and started to take cover to fire on me. But not fast enough. I blasted him and down he went. His friend shot me up a bit in exchange. I fell back and started reloading. He pushed, I tried switching to my pistol, but before it would switch I had to first finish loading the SVD and then chamber a round, and then finally switch weapons - just in time to die under a hail of 9mm RIP.

In other words, I completed the quest and took the quickest available extract. 


In the course of running Punisher 6 I died a fair bit and ended up buying a number of SVD rifles. I would mod them to try to raise their ergonomics.  But as I modded them, I carefully set aside the original unused parts.  Then, when the quest was finally over, I took each of my modded SVDs and restored them to their stock state, and then sold the weapons and all those fancy mods back on the flea market.  I caught the market at a high and ultimately I turned a handsome profit. An unexpected bonus. 


If AI enemies are very close to a wall, then sometimes their weapon can go into or through the wall. If that happens, you can be shot through the wall.  I think that's what was happening along the bus depot wall - but I've also seen it at the building in the industrial area with the USEC locked room on Customs and other places. The PMC will be close to the walls and can make otherwise impossible shots on you.  They shouldn't even be able to see you, but whatever.


I didn't get the tag of that last PMC kill. But thank you ??? , whoever you are. Let's do this again some time.


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