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Punisher 4 and 5 Completed. Audio Issues


The Halloween event is behind us now. It was mostly fun. I switched to the MCX using .300 Whisper and the VPO-209 with Geksa.  Both suppressed to avoid attracting too much zombie attention.  Carried a pistol too for when I'd inevitably run out of ammo. Leaned on it on several occasions.

The MCX was awesome. The VPO-209 was perfectly adequate. Died a lot. Survived a lot. Killed a lot. I think my record was 65 zombie kills in a raid (from which I survived).  Anyway, it was a fun event.  My goal for every raid became reduced to simply kill zombies and extract. 

As a solo, trying to conduct a moving gun fight was just too difficult with the zombies.  So my strategy was to try and plot of path of safe spots on the high ground, like cars and trash bins, that I could clamber on and use as a firing platform. I'd prioritize pistol zombies first, followed by the fast ones. The slow ones could be ignored if ammo concerns loomed (pretty much always). So kill the threats from safety, run to the next car, climb onto it, repeat.  More challenging and more fun than it sounds.

Punisher 4 and 5 and the Ash-12

Killing AI PMCs with Scav vest or PACA armor was fairly fun too. Took a lot longer than expected, in part because of the long Halloween event. But also because PMCs would just blast me from nowhere half the time.

I was trying to kill the last six PMC to finish Punisher 5 and it wasn't going well. Dying. Running out of weapons. I was finally left with the three PMC kills to finish the quest and an Ash-12, which I had gotten as a quest reward for something and not sold.  The Ash-12 was my favorite weapon several wipes ago, but before I bought PVE I tried it in some offline raids and it was just not working for me. Shots wouldn't connect, and if they did, the scavs and enemies just seem to shrug it off.  So I wasn't expecting much. But, I had it in my stash, it just needs an optic and a laser and some magazines and it's ready. I loaded up on PS12 ( can't get PS12B ) and figured it'd be a quick raid.

The Ash-12 was awesome. Maybe it's better because my "Assault Rifle" skill is higher than when I tested it earlier?  Don't know. The damn thing just sang. I ran it in Single Fire, moreover even though I was in Dorms I didn't switch it to Auto. It just made the enemies sit down, right away. Got my three PMC kills without a scratch (while wearing PACA!). Killed a bunch of scavs, picked up a package for a different quest and extracted. Punisher 5 completed.  Couldn't ask for a better ending.

I really want to continue using the Ash-12, but Punisher 6 is next and I have to use the SVD instead.  While wearing the blue UN armor so I can also tackle a Peacekeeper mission.  

Audio Issues

Starting with the Halloween Event, and, unfortunately worsening after, I've encountered a lot of audio issues.

Silent Footsteps and Theory

Went through the empty parking lot and killed a PMC at the general store at the village in Lighthouse. Reloaded.  He might have friends, so I need to stay ready. I ran behind the bus in the parking lot to juggle magazines (damn scav vest I'm forced to wear). And indeed, a USEC PMC voice lined and I heard him walk into the parking lot. He's somewhere on the other side of this bus, but I'm not sure where. Should I go prone and just shoot out his legs? That seems like cheesing, so I decided against that.

I went to the corner of the bus where I'd have the right-lean. If I carefully aim down sight and pie slice he'll likely see my weapon and kill me through the bus corner, because he's probably facing this way. So I decided to instead step out of cover and fire on him as I step back into cover. That should let me land some shots on him, maybe even kill him. But it'll also let me know where he is and then I can figure it out from there.  So I did that.  And stepped out to face not one, but three(!!) PMC in the parking lot.  Needless to say, they killed me.

I've played EFT for years now, and while I'm still trash, I can very well tell the difference between one set of foot falls and three. What is going on?

And this is not the only "nearly silent" PMC that I've encountered.  My current theory is that the "covert movement" skill for high level PMCs is over exaggerated. I think what happened in that parking lot is that one of the PMC was low level and the other two were high level, and that's why I heard only one set of footsteps, instead of three.  Or maybe it's just bugged.

Out of Order Audio

Got killed by the machine gun from fortress on Customs. And after the sound of being shot I heard the sound of the gun being racked. That's usually the cue for "you are about to die", not a sound one hears afterwards.

Disappearing Audio

Was on Reserve and ALL audio went away. No ambient, no footsteps (my own or others), nothing.  If I fired my own weapon, I could hear that. If I healed, then during the two seconds of healing all audio returned - I could even hear the raiders I was fighting shouting and moving. But only for those few seconds of the healing animation.  It was crazy fighting raiders in nearly dead silence. I did not survive.

No Stereo

Again on Reserve. Catching fire from somewhere, but the sound isn't stereo - it's impossible to place the direction the shots are coming from. Left? Right? Front? Behind? I know from experience that front/back can get confused easily but this was just "gunshot sounds" as I moved in and out and around one of the garages.   Had something similar on Customs. 

Boss Freeze / Audio Bug

I'm not the only one to have this, but I killed a boss (Partisan) and he wouldn't die and just emitted auto-fire gunshot sounds for about 10 seconds straight, maybe longer. Finally that stopped and his avatar just knelt there, seemingly unkillable. ( But it was my headshot that put him into the behavior ).  Didn't get the credit for the kill on the post-mortem screen either.

Here's some zombie kills:


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