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EFT has a new Halloween event: Zombie Apocalypse.  Cool concept, but has been decidedly "meh" for me.  I have yet to survive a single raid.

During this event PVE is no longer using local servers, but the official remote ones. The whole reason I play PVE is to avoid those servers. Unsurprisingly my first raid had a Disconnect after I killed one zombie and then the game was aborted. Nice.  I've tried this several times, but it mostly hasn't gone well.  

Lately I've been running a very high ergo AK-105. That weapon has been great to me, and I can easily stock up on good ammo on Reserve.  I never run scav runs ( I hate those ), instead I occasionally run Reserve looking for Raiders and ammo.  It's been good, and in PVE mode, D-2 is a safe easy extract.

But for the zombie event, the AK-105 just isn't cutting it. I load up HP rounds, which, in theory, should have plenty of flesh damage but I'm just struggling.  Maybe it's because of the remote servers, but it seems my headshots just aren't landing, and the body HP pool between stomach and thorax on the zombies is just too high.  I ran my little SAG 5.45 short and it went a little better, but not by much.    Also, those damn pistol zombies give me a lot of trouble - maybe it's the wider MOA on these short guns, but my headshots at range are just not landing. 

I tried the SR-2M Veresk SMG, which carried me through Level 15 and for which I have Level 2 Mastery, and that went better, but that's even less capable for reaching the pistol zombies.

So I need to find something else for this event. VPO-209 with Geksa? My once-beloved Ash-12? Something firing 7.62x51mm maybe?  Supposedly .300 Whisper in the MCX, but will that work at range? Can't be worse than the AK-105 I suppose, so maybe I'll try it.

I learned that if you climb up on a car or something the zombies won't follow.  So as I navigate Lighthouse I climb up a car, look around and pick my next vehicle or whatever, go there and repeat.  In one raid I spawned in, climbed on top of a car, began to peer and plan ahead and then I was dead. Killed by an AI PMC from somewhere.  Typical.


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