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How It Goes - Level 15 Achieved

How It's Going

I haven't been actively questing this wipe, so my progress has been slow. I'm not complaining. It's been fine - the raids have mostly been fun.  Unless there are connection problems, or just really bad luck, I'm rarely killed by AI Scavs anymore.  That's nice.

After BSG increased their banning activity and posting the names of ban recipients, it has seemed to me like cheating has lessened.  I'm definitely surviving more raids, winning more fights, and having fewer "sus" deaths.  All good.

Level 15 Achieved

I needed just over 5000 XP to make Level 15. I figured that'd take me about 5 raids, maybe more, because I have to plan on the failed 0XP raids that I'd inevitably have.  As luck would have it, I garnered those XP in two raids, without any quests.  On my last scav run, I'd gotten myself a Level 5 armored rig and a 9mm Vector with mag after mag of AP 6.3 off of some unfortunate PMC.  In all my wipes, I'd never run the vector.  Tried it out offline - pretty fun weapon. 

So my first raid with the vector went smoothly. Killed a bunch of scavs, extracted. My next raid was harrowing - stumbled upon Reshala and the gang at New Gas. Started fighting them. That was going fine, until I was forced to displace by a grenade, and then got caught out of cover.  The Level 5 armor saved my life - I was badly hurt. But I was able to disengage and fled. Followed the dorms wall all the way up to the edge of the map where I tucked into cover and started healing and eating.  I had a blacked arm and decided that I wanted to go back and try another pass at Reshala, so I started surgery on the arm.  Footsteps. I clicked out quick, abandoning the surgery. A Zavodsky stepped out through the gap in the wall and started firing on me. I just barely managed to kill him, but not before taking more injuries and having two blacked arms now. 

So I changed plans. Looted the Zavodky and extracted.  At the end of the raid I saw that in those battles, I ended up killing FOUR Zavodkys.  Good for me!  

So those two raids pushed me to Level 15. 

The Quinceanera

To celebrate achieving Level 15, Tarkov celebrated by letting me open a stash that had a lion, a GPU, a water filter, bolts, helix and cable. Over a million rubles in one stash.  Extracted.

I spent the money immediately. Bought myself a secure container Beta ( 6 slots!! I don't even know what to put in the extra two slots ).  I also bought a key tool. So that's at least one of those new slots accounted for. 

The Flea Disappoints

While not hurrying, I had been looking forward to the flea market so I could start to run the Ash-12.  The PS12B ammo is a one tapping terror and despite the challenges of that weapon, I really like it.  However, apparently PS12B is no longer on the flea market.  And even PS12 and PS12A are problematic.

So I'm adapting.

My New Secret

In my search for alternate weapons and ammo I stumbled across something. Maybe something not well known. Not sure.  

I have landed on an ammo that is cheap - I'm getting it for 50 rubles a round ( or less ). And yet, it can sometimes one-tap the thorax. There are tradeoffs, and they are considerable. I'm having to practice offline to best figure out how to handle the new weapon and ammo. But so far, so good.


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