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Two Psychos

Two Psychos

Destination: Customs.  Level 4.  PACA armor and a VPO-136.  Raid before this I had a lot of luck killing scavs in the storage shed area. It was great - no one bothers me over there, and I racked up a bunch of kills. The fights weren't ever exciting, but PACA and VPO-136.  

Spawned on the river Customs house side. Awesome! I back tracked toward the storage sheds.  A player could easily be heading in my direction this early in the raid, so I ducked down into a bush and decided to just wait and listen.  Supposedly half the players die in the first five minutes of the raid. I have no idea if that's true or not, but I'll pretend it is.

At around the three minute mark a grenade launcher began firing.  Sounded like it was on my side of the river, firing across.  A grenade would fire, small pause, and then another. Grenade, grenade, grenade, grenade, grenade. How many grenades does this guy have?

Five minutes have passed. He's still firing. Should I move? Well, I  need to practice my "covert movement", so why not do that? So I slowly crouch walked through the bushes. The grenades stopped.  I listened for scavs in the storage sheds - nothing.   Crossed the street and went up to the wall to listen closer.  Footsteps approaching, fast. Someone ran right up to the other side of the wall where I was.

"That might have been me. Might've been. I might just have used a grenade launcher to kill the whole lobby"  - he voicelined me through the wall. "I had to do it. They were dirty dirty boys. Dirty boys" - his speech paused here. This is the place in a normal conversation where I say something.  

What was there to say? I ran away, towards Crossroads. What. The. Fuck.

He didn't chase me. Didn't kill me. I went the long way round. No scavs in the storage sheds. Crossed the river, fought some scavs. Saw some bodies in the distance through my scope, but didn't approach - those aren't my kills and I'm not touching the kills of some psycho. I'm here to kill scavs and survive.

Continued on. I reached the gas station. But the raid is getting late now, and my energy is nearly gone, despite the snacks I brought and ate earlier.  I need to get off this map.  

One last stop at the stash between the railroad tracks and the dorms wall. A player scav ran up to me. I think he thinks I'm also a scav. What with the VPO, the PACA and the jaunty cap I do look rather scavish. I fired and hit. And fired again, and again and again.  Most of these shots were landing - he was stam drained. But for some reason, he wasn't dying. Then I was out of ammo - shit, forgot to reload after my last fight.  I spun, he fired and missed. I dodged through the gap in the wall as he fired again.  

Screw this, I can't afford this battle. Don't have time to flank him, and my energy is depleting. I cut into New Gas. It'll be harder to chase me through here, if that's what he decides to do. He didn't chase. Fought and killed a scav in New Gas, but that makes noise, so I needed to move on. Scanned the roofline across the road. Empty, no snipers. Scoped military checkpoint. Clear. The towers? Still clear.  

Headed across the back of the field that goes to Military Checkpoint. BAM!  A shot hit me. Sniper? I ran up the hill. BAM! BAM!  More shots. I need to heal this bleed. Crossed over the ridge and dropped prone. BAM! BAM!  Holy heck, that sniper shouldn't be able to reach me. Toggled the heal and ran further away, towards the back edge of the map. Dove into a bush. 

Healed, made my way to Military Checkpoint. Scoped it again. Clear.  Started to cross the little side road. BAM!  Hit again, another bleed, broken leg. Fuck! Tried to scramble across the road, BAM! a miss, thankfully. Dropped prone behind the rock, and fixed the bleed before my leg was blacked. Healed some more. I have no meds left.  

Scoped the Military Checkpoint again. There is no sniper there. Something caught my eye - I lifted the scope up higher - there was the Player Scav I shot earlier - standing in the middle of the air, above the road. I jerked my head back behind the rock. BAM!  A near miss.

I waited, but not too long - energy is getting dangerously low. Then I ran. Dodged between trees, jumped into a shipping container - ran again, dodged under pipes, threw myself into one of the industrial buildings. Dodged, ran, ducked my way across the map, dodging fire nearly the whole time until I finally arrived at ZB-1011.  Threw the door open and myself down the stairs and extracted.

Time In Raid: 33 minutes, 13 seconds
Exp: 2013
Kills: Garik Bugor, Damirka Elektronik, Denchik Zevs ( AI Scavs ). Godspeed gentlemen.
Body: 537, Armor: 9, Ammo: 27, Hits: 12, Accuracy: 0.33


I have no idea if the first psycho was cheating or not, but I rather suspect he was. His comment about clearing the whole lobby makes me think he was, plus he came directly to me to brag.  I never even saw him.  And why would someone be cheating on a scav run? I guess because I made him angry. But why stop at flying? Why not aimbot me? Also, it seemed like I might have evaded him by hiding in the bushes after his first shot on me. Wouldn't he have some sort of radar or texture hack? 

None of it makes any sense. Yet, all of it is true. 


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