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The Bunker

While pursuing The Bunker Part 1, I killed a scav and he had picked up an assault rifle I had never seen before: an HK G36 5.56x45 .  His had a very short barrel - making it more like an SMG than an assault rifle. Seemed cool.

There was a hiccup. I was level 12 and didn't have access to the flea market. I couldn't buy magazines for this weapon. The only mag I had was the one I found it with.  But beggars cannot be choosers, so I kitted out with it and went back to Reserve to pursue The Bunker Part 2.

Right off spawn I encountered one of Gluhar's guards, he fired, I got off a quick spray, and then jumped down to one of the vehicle dugouts, breaking my leg. Healed my leg, evaded, repositioned, repacked my one sole magazine, and somehow managed to kill the guard. This in the first minutes of the raid. He had a Vityaz, but with no stock (?). I took it.

I picked up the black bishop, black pawn and white pawn entrances to the bunker without truly descending into it. Then I scooted overland to king and picked up that entrance. Then back out to white bishop and down. 

I walked down the ramp towards my last entrance. Before the ramps bottom, I sprinted and jumped across the opening to the tiny bit of shelter behind the far door frame.  "Enemy spotted!" and a bunch of shouting. The raiders started firing on me, but I was safe (barely) behind the door jamb. 

I  carefully right leaned the jamb. With difficulty I used both the G36 and the Vityaz to kill all three, plus a scav that wandered up. Picked up a real assault rifle, grenades, a much better rig,  and a good armor set from my victims. Dropped the G36 into the water.  I don't have a backpack, and don't much want one - planning to leave via manhole cover.

Went upstairs, scouted out the door - it seemed clear, but suddenly footsteps ran up. A player scav ran into the building - I cut him down. Sorry friend. Filled my rig with the goodies he had picked up. Scouted the way forward again - seems clear. I'll just run across towards King - and will duck inside if there is any trouble.  

I started running. A scav who had not been there seconds before shouted in my ear and killed me instantly.

One guard, three raiders, a scav and a player scav. That's a great raid.  


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