I've reached Level 16 now, and have levelled up half my traders (Skier, Prapor, Therapist, Peacekeeper) to level 2, and have flea market access. Awesome. So now I can pretty much run any weapon I want, excepting the ones banned from the flea. That's nice too. But there is a hitch: the ammo. Most of the better ammos are locked behind top trader levels and are not available on the flea. Leveling up my traders to Level 2 got me access to 9x18 Pst gzh and M856, and PP. What the hell am I supposed to do with that? There is a new weapon called the SAG, which is a 5.45 single shot carbine. It has super low recoil and good ergo, much like an STM-9, but unlike the STM-9, it has the potential to use decent ammo, with rounds that can fly a fair distance. With a little modification, the SAG becomes even better. It's responsive and zippy. A great little headshot machine. There are also some Prapor trades for BT ammo, so I started running the SAG with BT. Ran a num...