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Lighthouse Encouragements - Raids 163 to 165 - Level 24


  • mark 2 BRDM in water treatment area
  • mark helicopter in water treatment area
  • survive

Raid 163 - Survived

Loadout: Ash-12 with Valday scope. Beaten armor, meds, food, etc.

Spawned on beach, slowly made my way north. Raid is extremely quiet.  No one at construction. Ran up to the bus before the bridge, peeked both sides but no rogues at the southwest emplaced weapons.  

Worked my around through the grotto onto the rise across from Building One. Took out the machine gunner. In the parking lot of Building One I started to aim down sight at the rogue on the grenade launcher on Building Two. I absolutely have to kill him before I can safely venture into the main water treatment area.

BAM!  Someone is shooting me from behind. A player. I scrambled while under fire, can't see my assailant - I ducked into Building One. Fixed the bleeds, used the CMS on my arm. No sound of an approaching player.  I ran past the door and carefully aimed down sight and right leaned its opening. Don't see anyone. Didn't stay to try and figure it out.  Now what?  Well, I still need to kill the rogue on the AGL. I'll try the other side.

Crossed through the building. There is so little loot here nowadays. Took up a safe position in the doorway. Aimed at the rogue on the AGL and started firing on him. He stood up from his weapon and turned and shot me with his assault rifle. I pulled back to safety. That was close.  Healed. Peeked him quickly again, no sign of him.  I moved back into the building, looked for more loot then returned to a slightly different position. The rogue was back at his weapon. I fired on him again, and once more he stood up, fired on me, and then disappeared. Damnit!  I healed again, took another loop around the building, peeked out the front door looking for that player and returned. The rogue had not yet returned to his position. That's odd. 

I looked, unsuccessfully, for more loot and returned. Still the rogue had not returned. Took another circuit and went back to the position in the parking lot. He's still not there.  

What now?  Well, if he's gone then I could potentially finish and mark some vehicles. But if he comes back at any time, I'll be dead.  Extract?   Sure, why not? This Ash-12 is not great at really long shots, even with this scope, so maybe getting the survival would be smart.

So I crossed back over the road and followed the shore up to the northern extract. Just as I sat down, the other machine gun (that I had forgotten about) on Building One started firing on me. I scrambled, almost died, but amazingly extracted. That was close.

Time In Raid: 24 minutes
Exp: 1650
Shots: 7, Hits: 4, Accuracy: 0.43, Body: 304
Kills: Duke (rogue), Nevada (rogue)


  • turns out I did kill the AGL rogue. He must have fled and then bled out.
  • the Ash-12 is not great for this map. It's fine offline where I don't have real constraints, but it's not a good weapon for sniping, and as a BEAR sniping is the only viable path forward.


  • survived
  • completed Therapist quest

Raid 164 - The Sniper

Loadout: Trying something different: I have a SR1MP pistol and the VPO-215 bolt action Gornostay rifle. We'll see how it works out.

Spawned up near the sign that says "Mines" in Russian. This is really close to the key "snipe the rogues" spot, but I find it difficult. I'm going to go the route I know best.

Hid and waited a bit, hoping to catch a player that might be coming to snipe. Which is foolish with a bolt action and a pistol, but whatever. No one came. Dropped down into the abandoned village. There were footsteps in one of the buildings there. I quieted down. Probably a player scav. I waited. But no further movement. I waited a bit more. Still nothing. Maybe an AI Scav?

I continued, moving quick to avoid an encounter. Made it down to the roadside, at the construction zone. Nobody there. Ran up to the bus before the bridge. The southwest rogue on the grenade launcher began firing. I went prone, scoped in, left leaned out and headshot him. Nice. Then I switched to the other side and right leaned the rogue on the machine gun. Rogue down.  Nice.

I ran down the bridge and across the beach and into the grotto cave. Crossed that and sat down before exiting the cave. Reloaded the rifle. Decided to take a quick peek ahead. There probably won't be anyone there, I would have heard combat. But you can't be too safe. I looked through the scope and was headshot with a single round of M61, from far enough away that I couldn't hear the report of the weapon.

Time In Raid: 16 minutes, 40 seconds
Exp: 1042
Kills: Shadow (rogue), Walker (rogue)
Shots: 2, Hits: 2, Accuracy: 1, Body: 80
Killed By: PREDATOR13XX -- GG PREDATOR13XX where were you?


  • none
  • I really would like to see the angle PREDATOR13XX got. Was he behind me? If he were he would have seen me run across the beach and into the grotto. That's where I was the most exposed and visible. But is there an angle from anywhere behind that could see to the far side of that cave?  Or possibly he was in front of me, somewhere. That'd be a good place to hunt BEAR players with Lighthouse quests, because this has to be a well trodden route for those poor SOBs. But if in front, how could he get there without fighting any rogues?


  • that was fun

Raid 165 - More Fun

Loadout: once again, the Gornostay bolt action and a SR1MP pistol.  

Spawned above the resort. Made my way down to the construction area. Ran the gauntlet to the bus - no fire from the grenade launcher. Peeked both southwest positions - they seem empty. Let's hope they stay that way. Ran down below the bridge, across the beach and up alongside Building One. Killed the rogue on the machine gun there. Cross through the building, killed the rogue on the grenade launcher on the roof of Building Two. Then killed the other rogue on Building One. No sign of the rogue on the northwest Building Two corner.  Then back through the building. Killed the rogue on the south east corner of Building Two, as well as the one on the machine gun on Building Three.  This is going well.

No sign of the loose rogue on Building Three. He's very dangerous, but I don't see him. Descended into the water treatment area. Cover to cover I alternated running and resting. Marked the first BRDM. Then the second. Quest complete.  Nice!

Now what? Well, I'm here and I need to mark that helicopter. I've never had good luck fighting the water treatment rogues, but maybe I can evade them.  I made it to the center building next to the helicopter pit. Two rogues moved along outside. That's not too bad. If they stay where they are, I can keep the building between me and them. I peeked the surroundings - seems clear. Forward to the conex.  Clear. Now all I need to do is drop into the pit and scramble to cover. BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA. I was down. Never even saw the rogue who fired on me.

Time In Raid: 29 minutes, 2 seconds
Exp: 2238
Kills (rogues): Woodrow, Solem, Handsome, Cougar.   All with headshots.
Shots: 9 Hits: 9, Accuracy: 0.78 Armor: 110, Body: 362
Killed By: Sherifu (rogue)


  • I definitely killed five rogues, but the kill screen only lists four. Two on Building One, two on Building Two, and one on Building Three.  Not sure which is missing from the list. 
  • Probably pushing my luck on the helicopter rogues was silly. My plan was pretty much "just hope to not see them". Not a great plan.


  • more fun
  • another quest completed


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