Destination: Reserve Goals: Mark tanks, kill raiders, visit rooms for Therapist and Ragman Progress: I had fun. Raid 171 - Cornflake versus the World Loadout: P90 SMG, Armored Rig, Meds and Ears. This is my last P90 - the top rail for this weapon is just never on the flea anymore and I don't have the level 3 traders necessary to get it (but I'm working on it). Hopefully whoever gets it from me today will put it to good use. Spawned far away, made my way to the tank underneath the Observatory that I need to mark. Marked it. There was the sound of combat from the garages. That could be a good sign: maybe someone will open RB-ST. I waited in the little Harry Potter house, scoping the manhole extract and the garage area. I heard more weapon fire, but didn't see a soul. It got quiet. I waited, sure that someone would stagger in front of my reticle, but no one did. Went to the garages - it was quiet. RB-ST still locked. Damn. Crossed over toward White Bishop, someone f...