- engage in more PvP, kill PMCs
- have fun
- plant markers on Tigr vehicles for Peacekeeper (two more)
- I planted the markers
Raid 143 - The Long March
Loadout: Class 4 armor, Ash-12 with Monstrum scope and PS12B. Meds, ears.
Spawned at RUAF on Customs. Immediately headed south towards the road, I hadn't gone far when I started hearing footsteps in bushes approaching. I think whoever spawned at Crackhouse must be pushing me, but I haven't heard any running - how did he get here so quick? Did I spawn late?
I don't want to try and fight him blind - I ducked into the construction area near little skeleton. And here I made a huge mistake. This was a good place to draw my adversary into, but I didn't exploit it. Instead of posting up behind the cable wheels or some other hard cover, I continued south on my original vector, towards the road. Suddenly I was being shot. I couldn't see my attacker. Stam drained, badly wounded. I popped a pain pill and somehow staggered through the gap in the wall, moving into the bushes just past it. My attacker roamed around the skeleton area, I could hear him hitting bushes, but he didn't approach the gap in the wall I had just disappeared through. Why is he not attacking? Why didn't he kill me when I was stam-drained and slow walking?
I have a blacked leg and multiple heavy bleeds - I need to heal. So I esmarched, sure that would draw his attention. But it didn't. So I fixed the second heavy bleed. And then a splint. And then several rounds of cheese. My attacker seemed uninterested - maybe he knew if he followed through the gap I'd kill him, but I'm surprised he didn't try flanking. He wandered off.
I don't have a CMS kit in my secure container anymore - expensive PS12B ammo takes that coveted spot. What now? With this blacked leg, I'm dead man walking. Any PMC that sees me will kill me instantly, and even scavs are serious threats now. I hated to do it, but I threw down my Ash-12 into a bush. Death comes for us all, but today for me it is almost certain. No sense giving my weapon away.
I moved on. Slowly. In the road I hit the loot body there, hoping he'd have something. He had pretty good loot and a pistol with five rounds. Score! I stepped away from the car and BAM! BAM! the sniper on the tower was firing on me. I moved as quick as I could into the tree line, but not before he hit me, blacking an arm and nearly killing my weak ass.
Somehow I managed to cross the map with no further encounters. I limped all the way to the far side of New Gas where the two remaining Tigr vehicles are. The tower sniper had been killed by someone, and the other roofs clear. But there were scav voices near military checkpoint. I ducked into the New Gas area, hoping to kill a scav and get a decent weapon, but it was empty. Before I could approach the first Tigr, a scav spotted me and started firing. I slowly stepped to cover behind the gas prices support. I did a quick right lean, acquired my target, leaned back, and then snap leaned out, took the shot and leaned back again. Scav down. That was textbook.
Marked the Tigr. The scav body I dropped was gone. The blood splatter was on the pipe that he had been standing in front of, but his body had apparently fallen through the little hill or something. Damnit - I need a better weapon. And ammo. I popped a pain pill and made my way forward to the van. Another scav spotted me and began to circle. I fired my four remaining shots at him. Two hit him, he groaned but didn't drop. Another scav shouted from the grassy hillock and opened fire. I scrambled, but was pincered and unarmed.
Time In Raid: 26 minutes, 32 seconds
Exp: 370
Shots: 5, Hits: 3, Accuracy: 0.6, Body: 143
Kills: an AI Scav whose name I forgot to screen capture. Thanks friend!
Killed By: Lyova Nervnyy
Exp: 370
Shots: 5, Hits: 3, Accuracy: 0.6, Body: 143
Kills: an AI Scav whose name I forgot to screen capture. Thanks friend!
Killed By: Lyova Nervnyy
- what was I thinking in construction? I should definitely have taken cover and set up. Pathetic.
- died
- good evasion
- good fire control on the scavs
- managed pain medication well - I was saving my last two painkillers for whatever maneuvers I would need to get to extract - I could hear a lot of scavs across the wall
- marked one vehicle
Raid 144 - Gunned Down
Same loadout, except I brought double snacks. One set to replenish my hydration and energy (which was low from the last raid) and another set to replenish me later in the raid.
Spawned near military checkpoint. I'm close to my goal, but don't want to get caught flat footed by the scavs when they spawn in. So I waited until they spawned and started firing. Military checkpoint was clear. Made my way to the last vehicle, marked it. Killed a scav. Now what? There are supposedly rogues over at the fortress, and it's easier to approach them from this side (no machine gun facing west). But I opted instead to go to New Gas and then maybe Dorms to look for Reshala. So I turned around and went back the way I came, heading for the hilltop that overlooks New Gas. BAM BAM BAM BAM! Someone was firing on me. I turned and ran, thinking my closest cover was the gap in the wall, but that was further than I thought. I zig-zagged, but my zig lacked some zag. You know - I forgot to eat my first snack. My energy is at 1, I wonder if that has anything to do with my demise?
Time In Raid: 6 minutes, 7 seconds
Exp: 220
Kills: Tima Makarov
Shots: 2, Hits: 1, Accuracy: 0.5, Body: 35
Killed By: CladKubelwagen with M856A1 GG CladKubelwagen
Exp: 220
Kills: Tima Makarov
Shots: 2, Hits: 1, Accuracy: 0.5, Body: 35
Killed By: CladKubelwagen with M856A1 GG CladKubelwagen
- forgot to eat and drink
- was careless in my approach to the hill.
- died
- marked last vehicle
- now I just need to survive a Customs raid (I've died four in a row)
Despite the string of deaths, these raids are still more fun than Shoreline. I'm annoyed that I haven't seen either player I encountered in these last two raids. I hate getting killed from nowhere.
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