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Sanitar Punished - Raids 138-142 - Level 23

Destination: Shoreline

Goals: acquire six more PMC kills for Punisher 4.  Also, I have the quest to kill Sanitar.

Loadout: Class 4 armor, Ash-12 with PS12B, meds, ears, etc.

Raid 138 - Boring. Good Loot

Spawned in north east somewhere. Made my way to north edge of resort, killing sniper scav behind on the way. Went to loot the safes in admin, I caught a glimpse of a figure in the raised glass hallway - was that a PMC or a scav? Not sure if scavs go there, but there hasn't been any sound of combat, so maybe not a PMC? Looted the safes, but one was already hit.  Guess that was a player.  Made my way to Sanitar's cottage and looted the safes there.  Was getting late, so extracted instead of going to the pier to look for Sanitar.  While I killed some scavs, I didn't see or hear anyone else.

Time In Raid: 42 minutes, 19 seconds
Exp: 1727
Kills: Timurka Kontrolnyy, Armen Tormoz, Borya Student, Danila Makarych.  Godspeed gentlemen!
Shots: 25, Hits: 7, Accuracy: 0.24, Body: 571


  • should I have tried to chase down that figure I saw? Probably not - I didn't fully realize it was most likely a PMC until I hit the second safe.


  • survived
  • conducted combat against scavs well
  • got good loot

Raid 139 - Encountering Sanitar

Spawned on the west edge of the village. The plan is to chase gunshots, or, lacking those, hunt down Sanitar.  Made my way to the cottage.  As I approached a scav shouted from in front of me.  I don't have good cover - I fired on him quick quick. I put round after round into him. Why isn't he dropping? He opened fire and tore me up just as my last round dropped him. Fuck. I reloaded. Russian screaming in my ear, from directly behind me. I know that voice. Sanitar.  I spun and opened fire on him at point blank. He turned and ran, I chased. He ran through a bush, I ran around it. I fired and fired and fired at his back. I only have a 10 round magazine, and while not consciously counting I knew I had only one round left. He was about to corner - I can't lose him. I fired my last shot into his back. He collapsed. 

I stepped into a bush and started healing and repacking mags.  Sanitar has two guards right?, and those guys can be pretty tough. I have two blacked arms. Guess I should be glad they aren't blacked legs (or my head).   Once I had done all I could to prepare, including drinking my juice, I searched Sanitar's body. He was armed with a Kedr.  Don't I need his bag for a quest? I was confused. I moved my stuff into his bag and took it. Grabbed a few more of his things and checked his pockets.  

And then I left. I don't want to encounter his two guards - I'm good for now.  At the post mortem screen I realized that I had already killed one of his guards. Huh - I thought that was just a normal scav.

Time In Raid: 12 minutes, 30 seconds
Exp: 3337
Kills: Farmacevt (Guard - headshot), Sanitar (Boss).  Godspeed gentlemen.  Thanks for the help with the quest!
Shots: 20, Hits: 10 Accuracy: 0.4, Body: 924, Armor: 14


  • should have looted the "scav".  He probably had a decent weapon, ammo and armor.
  • mistaking the guard for a scav. I am an idiot.
  • should have hunted down the second guard


  • completed my first Huntsman Path quest.  (Even though I still have not gotten Jaeger his croutons)
  • survived
  • this is my first real "in raid" killing of a major boss. I've killed most of them offline several times, but never in a real raid. In fact, this is the first time I've fought Sanitar in a real raid (though I'm pretty sure I evaded his guards while working the early Punisher quests)

Raid 140 - Nobody Home

Spawned somewhere. Hit resort, but it was quiet. Looted the safes. Heard the sound of combat elsewhere on the map, but couldn't tell where.  Headed to cottages. Quiet there too. Hit the safes. As I was heading out I saw some bodies over alongside the fence. It was Sanitar and a guard. They had been mostly stripped, but the guard had a zeroed Korund, which I took. And a super low durability VPO-136, which I did not. I think a player scav killed these guys and must have handed the guard his weapon while looting. Huh.  Extracted. 

Time In Raid: 35 minutes, 56 seconds.
Exp: 2239
Kills: Anfim Transformator, Rustam Tamada, Vladik Potroshitel


  • my shoreline raid times are really long. I think this is because I don't run everywhere, preferring to walk, and also I walk carefully. I take shelter. Look and listen. And repeat. Am I supposed to just race like a madman to resort and then race to extract?  
  • These raids are boring.


  • survived
  • got good loot

Raid 141 - Abandoning Punisher 4 - Customs

These shoreline raids are just too boring. It was great and all killing Sanitar, but I've barely seen anyone in ages. Ostensibly I'm here pursuing Punisher 4 - killing PMCs - getting better at PvP. But spending 40 minutes in-raid just going from bush to bush isn't improving my PvP at all. And it's not like I'm hiding from combat - there is no combat. These raids are dead.

So now I've decided I'm going to Customs for a bit. I have a quest to mark some Tigr vehicles.  Maybe I'll encounter some players, maybe get some kills, maybe my raids will be shorter and more action packed.  And, hey, there is an event right now where there are rogues at the fortress.  If nothing else, getting killed by them might be fun.

Spawned in at RUAF. I hate this spawn. Technically, I also have the Shooter Born in Heaven quest and so what I could do is jump onto the roof of one of these sheds and snipe across the river at any incoming players. But I have my normal Ash-12 with a 2x monstrum scope - not a good kit for sniping.  Huh, now that I think of it, I also have a scav vest and balaclava.  

I moved south, towards the intersection and the main bridge. The first Tigr is also there. I marked the Tigr. Weapon fire started sounding off around the map. The next vehicles are near New Gas. I moved into some bushes and headed for the roadway. Footsteps came running my way on the roadway from the direction I was heading. Wow - that's fast - who is heading here from there already?  I stepped out of the bush and started firing on a player. I started strafing left towards the cover of the big rock, just as a second player stepped out from behind it. Shit. There would be two. I fired my last shot, killing the first player but couldn't make it to cover before his friend unloaded a torrent of autofire at me, and down I went.

Time In Raid: 5 minutes, 0 seconds
Exp: 175
Kills: ??? (unknown USEC, Level 11-30)
Shots fired: 9, Hits: 5, Accuracy: 0.33 Armor: 56, Body: 316
Killed By: ManILoveMoms - sorry about your friend.  Hope the rest of the raid went well.


  • should have used cover better. left leaned the wall? not ideal, but better than standing in the open firing.
  • too many missed shots.
  • died. wounded and killed by 5.45x39mm BP gs and 5.56x45mm M856A1. 


  • raid was fun
  • raid was short
  • killed a PMC
  • planted a marker

Raid 142 - Another Short Raid

Spawned across the road from the front of the Customs house. Moved down the road, tucked into a bush and set up all my new gear (scope reticle, laser, scope range).  Decided to wait for a bit before heading out.  BANG BANG BANG - a loud (but familiar) weapon was firing in the customs yard, or maybe near its side broken wall. Well well, let's go investigate!

I moved to the door that leads from the road to the customs yard. You can peek the cracks in the doorframe, so I did and carefully scouted it. Hmm - no bodies, no one there.  Who was firing, and at what?  I decided to swing around to that side opening -  BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG  - someone was firing on me from the bushes.  I fired a couple of wild shot and jumped behind a vehicle. Bleeds and a broken arm. I healed. I could hear my adversary romping around in the bushes, fortunately, he didn't push me immediately. I peeked. BANG BANG. I ducked. He missed, but I didn't get a look at him.  Don't know where he is. Now what? Well, I can't peek again - he'll be ready. I need to draw him out of the bushes.

So I sprinted over to the V made by the storage sheds.  He fired, hitting me. My stamina drained, but somehow I managed to make it to cover before getting killed. Fuck. I am not in a good way. And here I'll be forced to use a left lean and he'll have the right.   I threw a grenade, which, in retrospect was not a good decision - it took so long to ready and release. He pushed me just as I released the grenade. I couldn't get my weapon back up before he killed me.

Time In Raid: 4 minutes, 5 seconds
Exp: 49
No hits.
Killed By: PTU-BS with an STM loaded with Pst gzh .  GG PTU-BS !


  • should have waited a second then swung and fired.  Might not have changed the outcome, but better than using the slow awkward grenade.  
  • died


  • the grenade wasn't a completely wrong decision - it might have forced him to move, which is what I wanted. Just too close range for it to be workable
  • peeking the cracks was smart
  • I did not shy away from the fight. I heard the weapon fire and headed out.
  • kept the raid short.  


Even though these two raids on Customs ended in my demise, versus the three Shoreline raids where I survived every raid, I vastly preferred the Customs raids. They were not boring, I engaged in PvP, and I even got a kill.  Can't wait to return. 

Post PostScript

I killed Sanitar.


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