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Quick Rundown - Raids 124 - 130 - Level 21

There was an event last week where there was no flea market or traders. I had to run scav runs to get some weapons, and since I couldn't buy scav vests and balaclavas I had to set Punisher Part 4 down (again). I did some looting and chased down some other quests.  

Here is a quick rundown, skipping most of the blow-by-blow.

Raid 124  - Punisher 4

On Shoreline, pursuing Punisher 4 with my Ash-12. Was in a bush peeking the way forward when a player ran up nearby, apparently to do the same. I couldn't see him, but I could hear him. I stepped out of the bush and started firing on him. He turned while crouched and shot me dead. In the post-mortem I saw that none of my shots landed.

Time In Raid: 3 minutes, 14 seconds
Exp: 42
Shots Fired: 2.  
Killed By: Tritantrfl7   - GG Tritantrfl7   


  • maybe I should have just stood instead of moving? Would have made less noise initially.

Raid 125 - Shoreline ?

Returned to Shoreline with an ADAR, but realized when I got there that I didn't have a balaclava or scav vest.  Now what?    Ended up firing on a scav, and while doing so noticed there was an odd behavior with the reticle movement. Conducted some experiments, but the scav killed me before I could complete them.  

Time In Raid: 12 minutes, 40 seconds
Exp: 415
Shots: 14, Hits: 4, Accuracy: 0.21, Body: 101
Kills: Roma Multik.  Godspeed Roma!
Killed By: Tihon Ognestrel

Raid 126 - Gun Run

Went to customs to grub up some weapons. Killed a player scav who was carrying a whole load of shitty VPO-136s. Took them all and crafted the VPO-136s into AKMs on the workbench.   Saw Reshala and gang behind New Gas, but couldn't manage to kill any of them and gave up once I got the weapons trove from the Player Scav

Time In Raid: 16 minutes, 32 seconds
Shots: 21, Hits: 9, Accuracy: 0.38, Body: 425, Armor: 26
Kills: Zhores Korzh (sorry dude)
Exp: 1168

Raid 127 - Lighthouse

Went to Lighthouse, got a quest item.
Time In Raid: 24 minutes, 9 seconds
Exp: 785
Shots: 10, Hits: 4, Accuracy: 0.4, Body: 173
Kills: Senya Novgorodskiy (AI Scav)

Raid 128 - Woods

Went to Woods for a quest item. Came under sniper fire at the saw mill, jumped to cover. Proceeded cover to cover and then ran into the main sawmill building where I was immediately gunned down by NirraGniKGaming.

Time In Raid: 9 minutes, 18 seconds
Exp: 164

Raid 129 - Woods

Returned to Woods, got the quest item. Killed a scav, came under sniper fire, evaded and extracted.

Time In Raid: 15 minutes, 26 seconds
Exp: 902
Shots: 5, Hits: 3, Accuracy: 0.6, Body: 147
Kills: Fedya Butirat

Raid 130 - Exit Camped

Customs, looking for action or loot.  Quiet raid.  Raid timer was running low, so I hustled to RUAF. A scav shouted, but then footsteps came running from behind. I pushed forward to the scav and put a whole magazine of Pst gzh into him, but he didn't go down. No time to dawdle, someone is approaching. I moved, but autofire rang out and I was cut up pretty badly. I ducked behind the cover of a building. I switched away from the STM-9 I had been using to an MP-5 I picked up earlier in the raid - not even sure how many rounds are in the magazine - but I know it's on autofire, I at least preprared that.  The footsteps hadn't followed me between the buildings, instead he was wrapping around.  That's tough for me - can't use the right lean. I swung out and smashed the fire button, but I was dead before a single round fired.

Time In Raid: 24 minutes, 2 seconds.
Exp: 984
Shots: 32, Hits: 10, Accuracy: 0.31, Body: 451, Armor: 74
Kills: Petya Gosdep, Styopa Boroda
Killed By: Prov Sobachnik (player scav. player name: wuhaoyu ).  GG wuhaoyu


The three completed quests pushed me over to Level 21, and they open up more quests for me. So when I next return to Shoreline for Punisher 4 it doesn't have to be such a waste of time - I have some other quests I can pursue simultaneously.

Post PostScript

The guy who I suspected of cheating in raid 117 is now gone from the chat tool. He was Level 18 when he killed me, and now he is absent. 


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