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Flailing on Customs - Raids 145-149- Level 24

Raid 145 - Survived

I just need to survive on Customs to complete my quest. Did that. Got two nice scav kills.

Time In Raid: 21 minutes, 26 seconds
Exp: 1128
Shots: 9, Hits: 3, Accuracy: 0.22, Body: 203
Kills: Kiryusha Sedoy, Kostyan Sekach.  Godspeed gentlemen.


  • cowardly ratted my way across map, avoiding conflict
  • did not get as much loot as I could have


  • completed quest and made level 24

Raid 146 - Chasing Gunshots

Back to Customs with my Ash-12. Goal: Kills some PMCs and extract alive.   Spawned at the wall next to Military Checkpoint.  Went backward first, to the corner of the map where road to military base leaves the map. Looked out for the PMC spawn there, hit the stash, waited for the scavs to spawn in.  When they did I started to hear weapon fire, and, interestingly, I could hear shots coming from behind me, as if off the south edge of the map. I read that in the corners of customs the sound "wraps". So what I was hearing was likely weapon fire due north of me, in the industrial section.  And, indeed, as I moved north I heard that same automatic weapon firing over by the liquid storage tanks.  Military checkpoint was empty.
I continued to hear intermittent weapon fire north of me, and the occasional scav callout. I made my way to the wall and peek through the hole at the admin gate. No sign of anyone. The latest weapon fire had sounded more in the direction of the green screen building. I crossed the truck apron to the wagon parked in the corner. There was a figure there, with a purple backpack, just standing. He scared the crap out of me. I point shot him, but my rounds didn't seem to be having any effect. I must have shot off five or six when he crumpled. 
I reloaded and strode past his body and started to clear the area beyond. That was a scav right? Pretty sure. Should I check his body just to make sure? I hesitated. I need to repack my magazine, that's got to be a priority.  Running footsteps. Someone was approaching on the truck apron. I positioned myself next to the steel pipes for cover. A PMC with a nice helmet rounded the corner, ran past the body and descended on my position. I'm not sure if he caught sight of me, or maybe his running slowed his reaction. I got off the first shots and pummeled him. He fired on me, definitely tearing into me, but I drained my magazine and he went down.  I reloaded back to the first magazine. How many shots do I have now? Two? Three?
I wanted to move away from this crime scene, to find somewhere to repack my mags and see if attention would be drawn, but was cut short - more footsteps. Fuck. He has a friend. I had trouble placing the footsteps at first - his buddy seemed to be behind him. I hustled back to my place by the pipes. DUN DUN DUN DUN - someone was firing on me from behind, from near ZB-1011.  I spun and fired at the guy with the matching nice helmet and died.  Was that a trio? Or did I mis-hear the direction from where the footsteps emanated?

Time In Raid: 6 minutes, 40 seconds
Exp: 445
Kills: Miron Mavr (AI Scav),  Unknown USEC (Level 51-70) 
Killed By: Yagwick_   .  GG Yagwick_  !   Were you in a duo or a trio? Sorry about your pal.


  • possibly mishearing sound
  • returning to the pipe for battle. With no more than three rounds, I should have just fled.


  • followed gunshots
  • killed a PMC, most likely the highest level PMC I've killed to date.  

Raid 147 - The Kedr

Spawned outside of Crackhouse, next to the buses.  There can still rogues at the fortress, so I have to be careful.  I moved to be outside the conex containers across from the machine shop. I'm exposed to the inside of the map, but that should be ok.  Here I should be able to hear anyone moving at RUAF and catch them, and there shouldn't be anyone coming for awhile from inside the map - the next closest spawn is behind Old Gas.

Or is it?  I heard jumping on metal. Someone was climbing the shacks where I had just spawned. How is that possible? Where did he come from? I aimed down sight, he stopped for a second. That's all I need. I fired - a perfect shot. But for some reason it didn't kill him. I fired off a couple more. He dropped off the roof. I sprinted towards the far end of the line of shacks to close distance. BRRRRRRRR I was getting fired upon. Stam drained. I staggered to the end of the shack line, multiple bleeds, badly injured. A grenade dropped. I cornered. My legs both went black. I advanced. BRRRRRRR. I died. I didn't once see my adversary since he dropped off the roof. How did he get the grenade off so quick? Those things take me forever.

Time In Raid: 1 minutes, 32 seconds
Exp: 50
Shots: 5, Hits: 1, Accuracy: 0.2, Body: 99 .  
Killed By: kedergobrrrrrrr  (with 7 "r").  GG kedergobrrrrrrr !  Where did you spawn that you got to the shacks so quickly?


  • not knowing all the spawns on Customs
  • poor fire control? That first shot should have killed him and the immediate follow ups seemed solid too. Frustrating.
  • firing from the open and moving across the open. I think the run to the shacks was a good move, if I had made it unhindered I would have had the right lean and been able to duck into the shacks for cover as I progressed on his position.  But maybe I was slow embarking, or maybe that run was too risky. I could have jumped into the container behind me for cover.


  • 99 damage. Had it been a thorax shot, this would have likely been a win for me

The Stack - Raid 148

Returned to Customs with another crappy Class 4 armor and an Ash-12 and a dream. Spawned down by the river, close to smugglers. Tucked in behind the rock, waited for the scavs to arrive or maybe the player at the next spawn over to stumble in front of my barrel.

The scavs started shooting, but little else. Made my way out. With Rogues at Fortress, my theory is that a lot more traffic is going to end up moving along the south side of the map, along the road or the woods. So I moved to the wooded hill across from construction.  I started hearing weapon fire coming from the direction of the bus depot, so I headed that way.  I reached bus depot, which was quiet, and now the fire seemed to be coming from New Gas.  I moved behind the railroad berm.  There was definitely weapon fire occurring at New Gas.  It got quiet just as I arrived.  I started to peek over the railroad berm when a shot from big skeleton came my way. I ducked back down to safety, not having gotten a look at New Gas.

Ok, because of the threat behind, I moved south a bit and prepared to cross the berm fast, so I can get back to cover before whoever is at skeleton can get a bead on me.  But, first, let's hit the stash here, right?  So I kneeled down and opened the stash. A grenade landed. Close by.  I tabbed out and ran over the berm.  I dove into the bushes. BUDDA BUDDA BAM BAM BANG DUM DUM DUM BANG. I was catching heavy fire. From the hill above? Not sure. I stopped behind a tree trunk and fired a couple of suppressing shots, but they weren't helping. The tree trunk was not protecting me. I ran along the wall, if I can reach the K crack maybe I can hop to safety.  I didn't reach it.

Time In Raid: 10 minutes, 49 seconds
Exp: 10
Killed By: Z1_Yovi    (and friends, presumably).  GG Z1_Yovi

The only battle I had the entire raid was that last one behind New Gas.  On the post mortem screen I can see that I was shot by: 
  • 5.56x45mm M995
  • 5.45x39mm PS
  • 5.56x45mm M855A1
  • 12/70 lead slug
So at least three shooters, likely four, possibly five (did every single one of them successfully land a shot in the few seconds I was alive and in range?).  Also, because of the foliage, I never saw any of them. Maybe they saw my outline.


  • it's always risky to flee into territory that hasn't been cleared, but given the sniper behind me I'd say this mistake is arguable. Certainly, the smartest play when the grenade landed might have been to duck back behind the wall. Although, I'm pretty sure from the sound that the grenade landed on that side of the wall. The grenade might very well have been thrown by the sniper behind me.  I was already planning to cross the berm, the grenade just hastened my departure.
  • did I misplace the origination of that weapon fire to begin with? Maybe I should have realized it wasn't coming from within New Gas. Perhaps I should have flanked wider at the beginning. But this is arguable too, because "flank" isn't really relevant here. I was already flanking by trying to sneak up on the source of the weapon fire from behind.


  • new personal record for most types (and quantities) of ammunition collected in my body in the shortest amount of time. 

Raid 149 - Back to Shoreline

Excepting the raid where I ratted my way across customs, avoiding all conflict, I've encountered nothing but death. In eight raids I've killed two PMCs (but died to their friends), died five other times with no kills (or just some scavs), and survived once. The scav kills probably bring my K/D ratio to 1.0, or just under. But without them, it's 2/7 .  I need a break from all the winning, plus I want to unlock Peacekeeper level 3, so it's back to Shoreline to mark some tanks.

I'll skip the blow by blow. I wandered the map, and marked the tanks.  When I was behind the resort I used my scope to peek into admin. There was a PMC moving in the foyer, looting bodies. Yes! I turned off my laser and began aiming down sight. A scav shouted and the two snipers on the rock began firing on me. I scrambled, evaded, and killed them both.  I looked back at admin and it was empty. Flanked around, but the player was long gone. 

Time In Raid: 42 minutes, 40 seconds
Exp: 1444
Shots:7, Hits: 2, Accuracy: 0.29, Body: 120
Kills: Koka Milota and Vitya Instagramshik (snipers both)


  • forgot to bring nourishment


  • survived


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