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Raids 95-99 - Four Raids, One Scav Killed - Level 20

Goal: Pursuing Punisher 4, the first part of which is to kill 10 scavs with a shotgun on Woods.

Progress: excrable

Raid 95 - Potato Wars

Loadout: the MT-255 revolver shotgun with the Pilad shotgun dot sight. Don't ask me why I thought this weapon was a good idea, but somehow that's the one I picked. Class 4 armor. Meds, ears, etc.

Spawned on spine. Where to go? I decided to try Emercom camp - I've had good luck with killing scavs there in past wipes.  Went to Emercom. No scav noises. I carefully sidled up to it. Someone was moving around - definitely a player.  He must have heard me, because he suddenly ran upstairs and started looking for me. I was positioned at the corner of the camp, aiming up. He finally came out of the conex, looking north. I was due west of him, meters away. I aimed at his head and fired. And nothing happened.  I can't believe the sound didn't of the weapon going off just meters away didn't spook him. I shot him the side of the head again, and nothing. He got spooked and backed off - I chased him with another ineffective round.

He started coming down - I have a left lean here, not good. So I retreated to the cement ring and took up a right lean, reloading. He stepped out, I shot him. I shot him again. He fired, but I had good cover. I fired again and again. He fired, finally clipping me. I backed up to cover, peeked out and blasted him again. Backed up and reloaded. I leaned out to fire, he blasted away with autofire, and this time tore me up pretty well.  I don't know what's going on, but whatever it is, it's not working. I fled around the far edge - I painkilled and stop bleeds and then re-approached from behind. "I am the predator, not the prey". He started moving around frantically inside the camp, but I couldn't see him. Just as I was about to step into the camp and try to hunt him down, I glanced to my left. A duo was heading this way from the south.  Fuck this, I need scav kills. 

I fled north, keeping low and using concealment. Then made my way east, using painkillers to escape anyone's attention.  I had a blacked leg and stomach and was losing energy and hydration like crazy. I fixed the leg with surgery, and then forgot to eat before attempting surgery on my stomach - so as soon as the surgery was done, the stomach went black again. My CMS was spent. I'm going to die.

Maybe I can find some food and drink and delay the inevitable? I made my way to the old mining camp, but died of exhaustion just thirty meters from the first building.

Time In Raid: 23 minutes, 6 seconds
Exp: 428
Shots: 11, Hits: 0
Killed By: MUYU8299  GG MUYU8299 - hope you fared ok against the duo.


  • poor fire control?  I ran two offline raids on Customs before this one to make sure I knew how to handle the weapon. I have no idea why none of my shots were landing, especially those first two which should have sheared his head right off his body.
  • bad stomach surgery - can't try to repair it when hydration or energy are at 0. 
  • forgot rubles for the car extract


  • used cover effectively
  • didn't run from a fight (until the duo showed up)

Raid 96 - Killed By A Scav

Loadout: Remington 870 12 gauge shotgun, modded with laser and dot sight and foregrip. Loaded with lead slugs. No armor.

I investigated some other shotguns and finally decided on the Remington 870. I don't like the pump action much, but it seems to do the job. Practiced with it in several offline raids to get a feel for it.  

Spawned along the river, not far from the village. Made my way toward the east side of the village. Just as I was approaching the bus stop, a scav shouted at me somewhere to my left. I ran to cover and ducked behind a trash bin. Turns out there was a second scav waiting at the extract. He shouted and fired once and killed me with two hits of PS to the thorax. (Same bug I encountered in raid 87).

Time in Raid: 1 minute, 22 second
Exp: 0
Killed By: Silvestr Kapec


  • not knowing that a scav apparently hangs out at the vehicle extract on Woods now. Must be new for this wipe.


  • smart to run straight for cover. 

Raid 97 - Frying Pan, Fire

Loadout: Remington 870 again. Class 4 armor. 

Spawned near scav house. Not a great place to hunt scavs with a shotgun. I skirted it and didn't hear anyone there anyway. Near the scope shack I heard a scav, and he fired on me right before I went to enter the shack. I repositioned to a tree. He's over there, but I can't see him. Went another tree forward. Where is he? There he is!  I aimed and fired some quick shots - he ran, and I fired a few more and he went down.  I reloaded and continued.  

I was planning on skirting the lumberyard, it has scavs, but also snipers. But as I went around the lower edge, I decided to just take a quick peek. I climbed the incline and looked around - it was quiet.  Too bad.  I went back down to the beach and continued.  Not 10 seconds later I started catching sniper fire from behind. I scrambled and made it to the safety of a rock. Counted 5 and then sprinted to another. Counted 7 then another sprint, this one taking me away from the lumberyard - just as I crossed over a small ridge to safety an automatic weapon rang out ( Scar-L? ) and I was dead with three shots of M856A1 to the thorax, coming from in front of me, not behind.

Time In Raid: 11 minutes, 49 seconds
Exp: 100
Shots: 5, Hits: 3, Accuracy: 0.6, Body: 311
Killed: Loenya Dvuhsotyy
Killed By: Doki_lingyu     Nice shooting, Doki_lingyu


  • bad luck
  • maybe should not have peeked the lumberyard. I bet that's what drew the attention of the sniper


  • surprisingly good fire control. 3 shots out of 5 on target at 50 meters

Raid 98 - Death By Scav

Spawned near scav house again.  Was skirting when a scav shouted at me from the area of the house. I couldn't see him, but decided to try for the kill. I approached tree to tree. He shouted and fired again, missing. I shot two shots into the doorway and then dodged behind a tree.  I looked left and right - no sign. I stepped out from behind the tree - that doorway is pitch black. I bet he's in there.  You know what I should use? The flashlight!  BAM - I was dead to a single headshot.

Time In Raid: 3 minutes, 57 seconds
Exp: 0
Shots: 2, Hits: 0
Killed By: Toha Kosoy


  • I meant to lean out from the tree, not step out. Not sure if that made a difference.
  • The second I couldn't see him I should have dodged back - no sense standing there staring into the darkness of my demise


  • none

Raid 99 - Loot run on Shoreline

Time In Raid: 17 minutes, 47 seconds
Exp: 633  (more than the sum of my last four raids)


I had to run the loot run because I spent some money on hideout improvements and my funds ended up dropping to below 70K rubles. For a brief moment I thought about making that loot run with my ADAR or RFB, but gave up because I can't even afford the ammo. 

Oh well, the loot run was very profitable, and the hideout improvement has led to better crafting profit. Crafting is lame, but it beats wasting time doing trash rummaging raids. 

Postscript #2 - Neutralizer

Supposedly, when you reach level 20 your "survival class" indicator is updated. So instead of "unknown", my survival class is now "Neutralizer". This means that more of my XP has been gotten through killing things than through looting.  Frankly I'm surprised.  Look at these last 5 raids. My loot run got me 633 XP, but the total of my other runs got me only 528 XP (and I killed only one scav for exactly 100XP ).  But, I'll take it. Watch out Tarkov, I am the predator, not the prey!


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