Goal: Kill 25 Scavs on Customs with an AKS-74U.
All three of the AKS-74Us I purchased for the last three raids came back on insurance. So back to it!
Raid 87 - Double Tapped
Loadout: AKS-74U with iron sights and US gs ammo. No armor. Meds, ears, extra ammo.
Spawned inside the storage shed area. It's pouring rain, deafening. None too quickly worked my way to the end of the main span where a scav shouted and ran up. I leaned out blasted him in the face. But the AKS-74U jumped around with crazy recoil, which is peculiar because I have been practicing with this exact weapon offline and the US gs ammo smooths it out considerably. But it was like a bucking bronco. The scav, despite my shots right in his face, turned and ran. My magazine was empty, so I didn't pursue hard. I stepped back to cover and reloaded. I went to pursue - he had turned around. I shot him in the head again, he seemed unaffected. I ducked below the edge of the trailer. I don't have cover when crouched, but I can see up from under and started to line up the shot. I shot - nothing. I tried again, but it's taking too long to line up the shot - I know I should move, but I'm hoping for just a fraction of a second more to finish it. BAM - he shot me and I was dead.
In the post-mortem screen I see that he somehow shot me twice with PS ammo to the chest. A known bug, IIRC.
Time In Raid: 6 minutes, 58 seconds
Exp: 54
Ammo: 46, Hits: 6, Accuracy: 0.13, Body: 232, Armor: 118
Killed By: Kolyan Ovalnyy
- cannot beat a scav (or anyone) in a head to head fight, especially without cover. I should have moved to cover, I knew at the time that I should move to cover, but wishful thinking killed me
Raid 88 - Dumb and Dead
Spawned across the main road in front of the customs house, pouring rain. For some reason I was disoriented at first - couldn't place where I was. Quickly figured it out and sat my butt down in a bush. I will wait for other players to move and scavs to spawn. Suddenly a scav across the road shouted and started firing. Is he firing at me? The shots seemed to be getting closer. If the scav is firing at me, he will definitely kill me if I don't move. I scooted to the left a bit. The scav is definitely firing at me.
I stood up and moved to put the abandoned van between me and the scav. Where is he? I know one hangs out in the bushes above the drainage ditch. I crossed the road and held tightly to the wall - to get what little cover I could while approaching that scav.
Autofire rang out from across the road. My stam drained, I couldn't move. All I could do was turn and put a few shots at the muzzle blast I could see coming out of a bush. Then I died.
Time In Raid: 1 minute, 26 seconds
Exp: 0
Shots Fired: 2
Killed By: Henchman13 - GG Henchman13 are you running Punisher 3 too?
- The scav was not firing on me - he was firing on Henchman13. I suspected a PMC might be about, but I hadn't heard any other weapon fire. I wonder why not? The deafening din of the rain, most likely
Raid 89 - Survival
I have run 5 raids for Punisher 3 and died in every single one. Three of them to other players, two of them to scavs. I have killed a total of maybe 5 scavs. Not good progress.
I spawned in RUAF. I hate this spawn - everyone is heading this way. If I were eager to pull intel out of crackhouse, it might be ok, or perhaps if I was working on Shooter Born in Heaven it might be a good place to set up on incoming players. But normally, I dislike it. Particularly since it seems that if someone spawns in RUAF, then scavs don't spawn here right away.
Enough complaining - I went to a bush and took shelter. After about 2 minutes, the scavs spawned in across the map and you could hear them firing - both bait shots and shots on PMCs. Also, the rain abated - finally!! I heard some scav voices on the side road that goes to RUAF, quite close. Awesome. I ducked into the river valley, went around the dividing wall and approached from below. I could see some scav feet just standing in front of me. I shot. He complained, but didn't move. But I heard another coming to investigate. I waited and the fly fell into my trap. Took him down. Rose back to the road, and killed his friend with the iron feet. One of them had an AK-74M. Not ideal, but better than what I have now if I need to shoot at snipers.
Entered construction around little skeleton. Nobody. The sniper on the tall tower spawned in and began firing on me. I stepped out of cover, aimed down sight, put some shots on him ... and took a round to the stomach. Ooof - I backed away and did some surgery. That was the same mistake as got me killed two raids ago - staying exposed firing.
I changed position and repeeked the tower with the AK-74M. The sniper was gone, someone else had taken him down. Thank you, good sir (or madam)! I wish you a good raid and hope we don't meet.
No scavs in bus depot. Where next? Dorms or New Gas? I decided New Gas. There was a scav moving around there, but I had trouble getting eyes on him. I finally did and started blasting him through the car windows - he repositioned to deny me cover - I ran, he fired and hit. I took shelter and healed. I came around on a different approach - I don't see him at all. But he saw me - he fired and hit again, and once again I ran and healed. This is not going well.
I made a bigger circle. No sign of him. I got up on a vehicle to see better or bait a shot. No sign. A scav was moving in the gas station. I crept to the side - I could hear him jumping onto the shelf in that corner room. Is it a player scav? Well, I know exactly where he is - let's go get him.
Except I couldn't make the jump to that side. I know three different ways across, and I couldn't successfully make any of the three jumps. Sigh. I believe this is a recent change in the game - lowering jump height or some such. I gave up and walked around the long way and went to Military Checkpoint instead.
My vision was blurring - I need food and drink. There was a scav at Military Checkpoint - despite the troubles with my vision I was able to get a nice keyhole shot on him and bring him down. I went up the tower to look for provisions when another scav started firing. I raced down. There are often provisions in the corner, next to the UN vehicle and the conex at the maps edge. There was a Kvass. I drank its sweet sweet elixir and used up the rest of my AFAK healing the damage the dehydration and energy loss had given me. Went to the hole in the fence and killed another scav. Two more shouted from further away, but I didn't have eyes on them.
The timer is ticking. Three minutes left. What's the play? Kill these two scavs? Or extract? I need a survival in my column. I evaded the fire from the scavs and extracted.
Time In Raid: 31 minutes, 11 seconds
Exp: 2476
Shots: 113, Hits: 15, Accuracy: 0.11, Body: 639, Armor: 74
Kills: Rustam Pekar, Semyon Kalach, Yasha Boks, Bogdan Margarin. Godspeed gentlemen
- did not get much loot and overlooked some obvious opportunities
- did not kill the scav at New Gas.
- only four scav kills.
- forgot I had a can of peas in my secure container - I should have used them.
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