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Raids 80 - 86 Punishment Level 19

I completed Punisher 2 last raid. Good for me!  But I didn't achieve level 19, so I still cannot advance to Punisher 3.  

Raid 80 - Reserve

Goal: mark two tanks on Reserve for Ragman and extract

Loadout: UMP-45, Class 6 Hexgrid armor (first time I've ever entered a raid with class 6), meds, ears, backpack.

I spawned at the dome, descended the hill, marked one tank, made my way over to the train station and marked a second tank. A scav yelled at shot at me from behind at one point, but the hexgrid saved me and I took cover and then continued. Marked the second tank and jettisoned my backpack. On the way to extract I saw that scav again, but avoided him.  

Made it to extract, putting the truck behind me to protect from dome. A scav spotted me and ran forward - I dropped him with point fire to the head - nice shot!.  Doing so reset my extract timer. Does killing someone reset the timer? Had I moved? Another scav shouted, I circled around the truck putting it between me and him. The scav rounded on me just as my screen went black. Survive.

Time In Raid: 8 minutes, 9 seconds
Exp: 675
Ammo used: 13, Hits: 3, Accuracy: 0.23, Body:148 Armor: 33
Kills Mishanya Krasavec.  Godspeed Mishanya!

Raid 81 - Interchange

That Ragman quest gave me a lot of XP, but not enough to make level 19.  One of my other high paying but easy quests is the "visit 5 stores" quest in Interchange.  I didn't run this quest last wipe, but did it the wipe before. I don't remember it being too difficult.   Did they change the stores, though? The Avokado store is in the corner of the space with the hole in the floor, right at death-central. Hrmmm.

Loadout: UMP-45 again.  Class 4 MMCA armor. Sundries

Spawned in the alley directly behind Goshan. Hmm. I was hoping to spawn further away and sort of mosey in after everyone had left.  But maybe I can make this work - maybe I can hit Avokado and leave before anyone gets there.

So I went up through Goshan and hooked that left, where the military tents are setup inside.  Oh shit - I forgot, there are usually a lot of scavs here. On cue, one shouted and fired. I can't see him at all. I can't see a damn thing in here, it's so dark.  I sprinted away, but then stopped and started to heal - can't leave the bleeds unattended.  I have cover against any dangers that may lie ahead on my path, but I am exposed to anyone who approaches from behind - like that scav that just shot me. 

I looked backwards, in the direction of the scav that shot me. Footsteps in that direction. I need to take care of this quick. I turned on my flashlight and ran across the hall, to have cover from the scav. Just as I arrived I realized I had made a fatal mistake. I had mis-located those footsteps by 180 degrees. And now I was out of cover from that approach.  Didn't have time to complete the thought before someone opened fire on me and I was dead.

Time In Raid: 3 minutes, 36 seconds
Exp: 62
Killed By: zhongguorenxd   GG zhongguorenxd    ( his name means "Person from China XD" )


  • the first plan was better, the improvised "hustle to get their first" was dum without the "b". 
  • I don't remember Interchange being so difficult to see inside.  Yeah - it's always been dark, but it seemed really much more difficult than I remember.

Raid 82 - Interchange 

Loadout: UMP-45 and no armor. Ears, meds, etc.

Spawned at power station. Got a bunch of loot from the stash and the offices. I shouldn't fill up on too much loot too early - makes the inertia more noticeable. But, loot.  

I hung around outside, hoping scavs would spawn, but it stayed quiet. Made my way into Ikea. Hit the computers and got some quest items. Ok.  So far so good. Started hitting the stores. Picked up three with no problem. Man it is dark in here.  I really dislike it. I was padding down the hallway, trying to go cover to cover, when a scav shouted and fired. I dove to cover, turned on my flashlight leaned out and blasted him, pretty sure I got him in the head. He groaned. I listened - quiet. Turned off the flashlight.  Crept forward. It's so damn dark. Where is the body? It should be here right? Was it the next post down? From the darkness, a scav shouted and killed me, answering all my questions.

Time In Raid: 14 minutes, 19 seconds
Exp: 296
Shots: 17, Hits: 1, Accuracy: 0.06, Damage to Body: 72
Killed By: Ruslan Schur


  • confusing injured groan with death rattle
  • poor aiming (apparently) - though it felt pretty good at the time
  • maybe this quest isn't as easy as I remember. perhaps I am going about it wrong.

Raid 82 - Loot Run on Shoreline

Time In Raid: 23 minutes, 50 seconds
Exp: 902

Raid 83 - Loot Run on Shoreline

Time In Raid: 12 minutes, 49 seconds
Exp: 860

Made Level 19.

Raid 84 - Punisher 3 Begins!

I need to kill 25 scavs on Customs with an AKS-74U.  I hate that weapon. I can't figure out if there is a decent sight for it. I finally just decided to go with iron sights. 

Loadout: AKS-74U suppressed. No armor.

Spawned across the entrance to the Customs yard. This will work. I cooled my heels in a bush, waiting for people to move into the map. A scav was moving around the Customs yard. Good. I crossed the street, opened the door, leaned into the door frame - there was the scav. I carefully aimed at his head and opened fire. He yelped and ran around the truck, then fired. Wait, did he just fire? I entered the customs yard, but didn't go to the truck straight  - I cut around and kept close to the wagons, darted over - leaned out. The scav is lying dead in the parking lot. Fuck. There must be a player. I turned around and ran, zig zagging. Someone started firing on me. My stomach blacked, my legs red. Fuck. Amazingly, I made it out back out the door to the street. I went along the wall, popping a pain. Bullets were smashing into the wall at my position. Are you kidding me?

I sprinted into the street. Take cover in the bushes? No - that'll do no good. Need hard cover. Ran to those walls that are mid-street. I need to get away from this guy, put as much of the map as I can between me and him. The main span? Over the railroad car?   Running footsteps. No time - I turned around and began to make my way back towards the mid-street wall. Can I right lean him? No, not him: them. There are two and they are pincering me. Shit.  I need to kill one ASAP. I arrived at the wall and began to lean and step around it when I was shot dead.

Time In Raid: 3 minutes, 38 seconds
Exp: 43
Killed By: PABL02    

I forgot to take screenshots of the other post-mortem screens, but PABL02 killed me with M62.  


  • Probably should have waited longer. I interpreted the scav as a sign that the area was clear of players, but it was still early, and it's not like the scav is going anywhere.
  • On the other hand, if one of my two adversaries was using a texture hack, then they would have seen me hiding in the bush once they arrived at the area. 

Raid 85  - Punisher 3.02

Loadout: AKS-74U (not suppressed this time) loaded with US gs ammo. No armor. Cute hat, ears, backpack.

Spawned up on the hill behind the power tower.  I found a bush and began to cool my heels. I had a real life distraction and when I returned to the keyboard I heard running footsteps. Oh shit. A PMC ran by my position and heading towards the road to military base extract. That was crazy. I waited some more and then headed out, following him but none to closely. I'm here to kill scavs.

As expected the stash next to the garbage was hit already. I worked my way to the military checkpoint. It seemed quiet. A scav shouted and fired somewhere down on the main road, but not at me.  I approached the checkpoint from behind. There was no one at the checkpoint, but I heard scav voices from the field next to it. Slunk along the back wall, peeking through the openings. A scav stepped behind the wall and I blasted him.  It took a lot of rounds, but the US gs is working really well - this weapon is somewhat controllable. I crept forward to loot him - he has a Vepr Hunter, which I want in case I need to shoot any snipers. But before I could grab it another scav shouted and started firing. We played peek-a-boo through the holes in the wall, until I finally dropped him. Then a third scav ran up, and I dropped him too. The last two scavs had nothing worthwhile, but I finally got the Vepr Hunter and its mags. Nice.

Speaking of magazines, I have a problem. I'm almost out of ammo. I brought four magazines, but forgot to pack extra loose rounds. Damnit! This quest requires this weapon. I combined magazines. I now have one and a half mags left. 

Went up the hill and checked the rooftops across the way for sniper scavs. Clear. Made my way to New Gas. There were scavs there - a lot of them. I killed one in a fight, but grenades drove me back towards the road, still on the west side. Suddenly I started catching a lot of rifle fire from behind. I took a round in the arm, heavy bleed. Might be a sniper scav, but I'm pretty sure it's a player. I need cover NOW. I ran into the building - a scav was waiting there already aiming. I stopped but couldn't get my weapon up before he took my head off my shoulders. 

Time In Raid: 17 minutes, 11 seconds
Exp: 1111
Shots Fired: 114, Hits: 12, Accuracy: 0.11, Body: 627, Armor: 25
Kills: Afanasiy Poc, Pisya Matchmeyker, Pafnutiy Vorteks, Styopa Ledenec
Killed By: David Investor


  • trying to fire on the scav at the end was a mistake - I should have dodged left instead. Probably still would have died, as he was ready, but nevertheless.
  • forgot to bring extra ammo. Especially with this US gs, I burn through it.


  • most of this combat was well done
  • good to head into the building after catching fire from behind. 
  • The scav killed me with 7.62x39mm PS (no surprise). The arm and the heavy bleed were caused by M80 - could be a sniper scav, but more likely a player.
  • checking the roof line before heading to New Gas was smart

Raid 86 - Punishment

Loadout: AKS-74U loaded with US gs, extra ammo. No armor. Food and drink (and meds, ears, etc)

Spawned at the dorms wall. I didn't even consider rushing dorms. I rushed a bush instead and sat down and had lunch. Tasty.  

Made my way to New Gas, approaching from the train tracks through the front field. It seemed quiet. I briefly got stuck on some barrels and that timing was poor because a scav shouted and fired and hit and I don't have armor. I staggered to safety, barely alive. Healed, fixed the broken leg, and continued. Checked the far side of New Gas - clear.  No snipers. Closed the door and then began circling back around the building. There was my scav - I fired and killed him.  He had a shotgun, which I took, though I'm not sure why. Just as I stepped away, someone began firing on me from the railroad tracks. I plunged into the trees - I need better cover. The PMC came up over the tracks - I began emptying my magazine into him, but it didn't seem to effect him. His shotgun rang out repeatedly and quickly and that was it.

Time In Raid: 8 minutes, 40 seconds
Exp: 477
Shots: 17, Hits: 4, Accuracy: 0.24  Damage to Body: 212
Kills: Guram Mochalka . Godspeed Guram
Killed By: dirtyflicker  -- GG dirtyflicker


  • Most likely none of my shots landed on dirtyflicker
  • I need to practice point firing with this thing


Three raids into Punisher 3 and I've only killed 5 scavs and I've died three raids in a row.  Not good. Also, I started Punisher 3 with about 900K rubles, and ended with 600K. I guess that's right, the AKS-74U isn't that expensive and I'm not doing expensive mods, but still, I think it is likely costly around 65k rubles, plus another 20K rubles to insure it. Bleah. 


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