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Raids 100 and 101 - Unauspicious - Level 20

Destination: Woods

Goal: kill scavs with a shotgun 

Progress: painful

Raid 100 - The Imposter

Loadout: Remington 870 shotgun with laser and dot-sight, loaded with lead slugs. No armor.  Ears, meds, etc.

Spawned at the RUAF extract.  There are loot boxes here, but they are not why I'm here. I proceeded straight to Emercom camp and got inside it fairly quickly, haven't yet heard any bait shots anywhere. Now I just need to wait for some scavs to spawn.

I waited.  After more than five minutes I finally heard shotguns pop off in the distance, which suggests scavs are finally spawning in.  With them came running footsteps - a scav ran into Emercom camp. He ran by my position, I got behind him and dropped him with a single shot.  I'll be honest, I thought it was a not good too hurried shot, but EFT felt otherwise apparently. I went back and waited for more scavs.

I waited a long time - no more scavs. Fine, I'll get some loot and head to village.  I picked up some loot, including the croutons I need for Jaeger (yes, I'm still on the first Jaeger quest, you have a problem with that?).  I checked my scav kill. What the hell? This isn't a scav, it's some naked PMC with a bolt action. Damnit!

I continued my circle. Footsteps, not my own. Those aren't scav steps. Should I take him?  I am the predator, after all, not the prey. This is my fifth Woods raid and I only have one scav kill so far. I exited and went to the village.  

I approached the village from the river side, but near the southern edge, not the bridge. A scav shouted, I blasted him - he ran into the foliage, I followed blasting him more, blindly. He went down. Yes!!  Another scav voice shouted directly on the other side of the house I'm behind. I reloaded, jumped the fence and approached the main street. I peeked the street - no sign of any scavs. Just then a scav shouted directly across the street from me, and started firing through a bush.  I started moving to the hard cover of the cable wheel, but I fucked up and aimed down sight, which brought my movement speed to a crawl.  I died to several shots of 5.45x39mm PS.  If I was wearing armor, I probably would have survived.

Time In Raid: 20 minutes, 48 seconds
Exp: 686 (seems low for a raid with a PMC kill)
Shots: 7, Hits: 4, Accuracy: 0.57, Body: 471
Kills: Nateorama123 (Level 9 USEC), Mishanya Sega (AI Scav).  Good luck on your next raid Nateorama123.  
Killed By: Pavel Lyalka


  • too cheap to spring for armor
  • ADS was bad
  • should have taken cover behind that wheel to begin with
  • probably should have taken the last fight in Emercom
  • croutons gone!!!!


  • killed a player and a scav

Raid 101 - Hunt and Survive

Loadout: Remington 870 with lead slugs, and beat up class 4 armor.  Meds, ears, lunch. 

Spawned south of USEC encampment. No need to approach it and its many mines.  I ate some snacks for energy and then headed up towards the Scav bunker with the radio antennae.  There was a scav there - I carefully put both the reticle and the laser right on his head and blasted him - and he just seemed annoyed.  What? I played cat and mouse with him a bit - me being very very careful to not expose myself, and I swear I put more shots right on him. But he seem unaffected. He blasted the tree I was hiding behind. Then he blasted it again, and this time the shot went right through the tree. It nearly killed me - two blacked arms, heavy bleed, light bleed, all systems red. I staggered down the embankment praying he wouldn't follow, staunching bleeds. I healed a bit, climbed into a bush, and performed surgery. Man that messed me up. Eventually I went back up and killed him with my first shot. 

Another scav wandered over and freaked out about the body, but ran back towards the other part of the scav bunker camp - across the road. I followed, tree to tree, constantly looking for cover. I tracked him around the camp, approached from behind and blasted him - and he ran. Aren't these lead slugs supposed to do like hella damage? Why is he breathing? I chased him back across the road, but, again, was very cautious about using cover. I circled the other camp, couldn't find him. I finally heard his voice as he went back where we came. And so did I. I chased him back and forth and finally I heard a "auugh" and he died in the middle of that road. Apparently I must have wounded him and it took him awhile to die. 

Looted him. Now what? Excepting these two clowns (three if you count me), there's no one here, and it's getting dark. I'll try abandoned village and village. No one in abandoned village. It was definitely getting way dark when I approached village, but the car was still there. I checked the extract for a scav guard - there was no one, paid my fare and waited.  The village was quiet and twilit as I extracted.

Time In Raid: 32 minutes, 14 seconds
Exp: 1598
Ammo used: 13, Hits: 2, Accuracy: 0.15, Damage to Body: 173
Kills: Leha Syavka, Ilya Operator.  Godspeed gentlemen.


  • Not sure what is going on with some of these missed shots, especially on that first scav.
  • Did not get much loot - huge oversight. I was so focused on scav hunting I wasn't grabbing stuff.
  • That first scav shot me with .366 TKM FMJ in the thorax.  The armor saved me. I know that round does a lot of damage, but I felt like he only hit me once, and yet I had damage up and down including two blacked limbs. That doesn't seem to add up right.


  • survived (finally)
  • killed two scavs, which is as many as I had done in the five preceding attempts.


I was secretly hoping that my 100th or 101st raid this wipe would be bigger wins, something to celebrate. Instead I'm just grateful to have barely survived one of them. 


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