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Raid 91 - Pass the Ammunition - Level 19

Goal: Kill scavs on Customs with AKS-74U

Raid 91 - Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition

Loadout: AKS-74U with iron sights and 5.45x39mm US gs (that's the subsonic round, makes recoil manageable). Meds, ears, no armor.

Spawned in at RUAF. Took shelter in a bush. Players should be coming this way, maybe I can catch one, but there is no sense in exposing myself - I have a low range weapon with weak ammo and iron sights.  After some minutes the scavs spawned in and began making noise. No sign of any players. Time to move out.

There was a scav across the checkpoint wall - I brought him down through the little window. His body is exposed and it's possible players may still be incoming, so I didn't go to loot him. Entered construction area. At the conex and dumpster next to little skeleton I proceeded to fight off scav after scav. Every time I tried to reload a magazine, another scav would start moving around. I was mostly killing them at medium range too, which is nice, though I never was able to advance to looting any of them. The last scav I killed was not looking at me - he was distracted by some player to my left. And that kill drained my last magazine. Should I fight that incoming PMC? I don't have any magazines but I have this blog, trust me, just mentioning it kills conversations dead.  I decided to not take that fight.  

I returned to the area I started - but I wasn't alone. There was another player over near where I killed that first scav.  I took shelter in the little shack with the stairs and started packing mags. The player came over - I stopped. He sniffed around a bit and moved on. I think he heard me.

I could hear a duo moving around  - I think they were the ones my last scav was looking at. As they approached I once again had to suspend magazine packing for fear of drawing their attention. It'd be great to fight them and maybe kill them or die to them. But not so fun if all my magazines are empty - that's just pointless.

Finally the traffic died down. I packed a couple of mags and headed out. Crossed the map, killed a player scav who was running out of dorms laden with goodies. But I didn't stay to loot - had to go and start packing mags again.  Killed another scav by New Gas, and another on the overlooking hill, and put shots on another. 

I was down to my last magazine when I reached the military checkpoint. I was really hoping for a scav kill there, though that might risky since I'm so low on ammo and still have a bit of the map to cross. It was empty. I got some loot and continued. At ZB-1011 a scav shot at me, but then he disappeared. Was he shooting through the windows of the building? I didn't bother to figure it out. Extracted.

Time In Raid: 32 minutes, 52 seconds
Exp: 3161
Shots: 200, Hits: 29, Accuracy: 0.15, Body: 1044, Armor: 606
Kills: Vlad Ipoteka, Vitya Vonfenshteyn, Serega Supeerspecnaz, Arsen Volfenshteyn, Zhores Kostoprav, Radik Novgorodskiy, Fedot Levyy, Trifon Vezunchik  .  Godspeed gentlemen, thanks for the help with the quest!


  • did not loot most of my kills. Could have gotten more XP just for touching their butts
  • using too much ammo on each kill. Arguable - the US round makes the weapon manageable, but it's a weak round. That's the tradeoff.
  • poor ammo management - maybe bring a fifth magazine and more loose rounds
  • passed over at least one scav at New Gas


  • eight scav kills is pretty good. Brings the end of this quest in sight
  • finished Operation Aquarius Part II. (I'm triple questing while working Punisher 3)
  • survived
  • evaded players successfully - given that I had empty mags at the time, this was well done


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