Goal: Kill 25 Scavs on Customs with an AKS-74U.
Raid 90 - Everything Comes in Twos
Loadout: AKS-74U loaded with 5.45x39mm US gs ammo. Meds, ears. No armor.
I've been dying too much lately, to both scavs and players, but especially players. The last player I killed was two weeks ago when I went out duo-ing with Om3ga. I try not to think about it too much - killing other players is great and all, but I need to focus on killing scavs. I'm 6 raids into this quest and am not even at the halfway point.
Spawned near smugglers. Took shelter in a bush, waiting for the scavs to spawn. The bait shots started, I moved out. Peeked the road above, nothing. Moved below the bridge, peeked again - a scav shouted to my right, but I couldn't see him. Backed down into the river valley and cut across. Peeked again, hunting him, when I heard footsteps on the other side of the big stone divider. Is a scav coming to investigate again? Come to mama, little child. I have something for you. I went down and around, but there was no scav - instead I watched as a player disappeared over the lip of the road.
A player! Should I wait for him to move on before continuing? No! He might kill my scav. I remembered my daily affirmation: "I am the predator, not the prey." . I repeated it to myself, and began my approach. I didn't follow him directly, I went wide - I can't let scavs sneak up behind, that would be bad. Scavs are deadly. One dead scav was all I found. As I re-approached the little grounds immediately inside the roadblock I wasn't even sure if I would find anyone. But I heard movement as I approached the wall, I leaned around it aiming down sight. There was the PMC! I blasted him, dumping nearly a full mag into him, I leaned back and retreated, reloading. Did I kill him? More movement sounds - no I did not. I did not reapproach - I fled away, looped around and recrossed the wall from the other gap, ducking into a bush. I slowly advanced. Footsteps dead ahead. Is he straight in front of me? I think so. I opened up, firing blind. A shotgun rang tagging me. I finished my magazine and fled back to the other side of the wall, reloading. I dropped into a bush. It was quiet. I think he's waiting for me.
I started a heal - to bait him. But got no reaction. Since I need the healing, I did another. Still nothing. "I am the predator, not the prey." I waited a bit, then backed away - circled all the way around the RUAF buildings, and reapproached. There were two dead bodies there. Whoa - who killed these guys?
As it turns out, I killed both of them. That wasn't one PMC I fought - it was two. Strange that I never heard a death cry though. They were both low level, but one of them had picked up a scav SKS from somewhere and I grabbed that - might need it for snipers. Excepting their tags and their loot, I left them unmolested - you can keep your stuff - it's hard being low level.
Entered construction. Killed a scav. Nobody at the bus depot. Where next? It's getting late, so I decided to head towards New Gas. I stopped for a second before reaching the railroad berm - it's always a good idea to use your ears to approach. Footsteps. On the berm. I aimed down sight and leaned out from behind the tree covering me. Another player! I had him dead-to-rights. I started firing and Weapon Malfunction. What? I don't even know how to fix a weapon jam. The player turned on me, I leaned back to cover. BAM! The tree suffered a grievous hit from his weapon, but I was ok. Does reloading fix this? BAM! No it does not, and now I'm catching fire. Fuck it - I am the prey. I turned and ran, fleeing towards dorms. BAM BAM BAM! One of the blasts took out my stomach, heavy bleed. I continued running, fixed the bleed so he can't track me, then veered to the right and threw myself into a bush with a rock providing good cover. Gasp! Gasp! Fucking stomach. I took a painkiller, quieting down.
How do I fix a weapon jam? It says "Inspect weapon". What does that mean? Like double-click it? Footsteps. I switched to the SKS. Someone was approaching, walking cautiously. I used my ears to aim. Closer, closer. I fired. BAM! BAM! Click! Out of ammo. Through the brush I could just make out the blue and gray stripes of one of those scav jackets before I died.
Time In Raid: 24 minutes, 35 seconds
Exp: 1788
Shots: 90, Hits: 25, Accuracy: 0.26, Body: 1063, Armor: 277
Kills: BigDog509 (Level 7 USEC), RealMeatHammer (Level 6 USEC), Prohor Yaselka (AI Scav). Good game BigDog509 and RealMeatHammer . Hope your stuff comes back on insurance.
Killed By: Kolya Dikiy - Player Scav!! GG Kolya Dikiy
- not checking the ammo on the SKS earlier (but I did look for PS rounds on the PMC and he had none)
- not knowing how to fix a weapon jam ( in my defense, I don't do scav runs, so how would I know?)
- poor aiming at the end - I couldn't really see my target, but still, got to make every shot count.
- added only one scav to my tally.
- killed two PMCs
- all the battles, including the last one, were fun
- fixing the bleed and veering was smart, though he apparently saw me - or maybe he heard my gasping.
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