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Punisher 3 Completed - Raids 92 to 94 - Level 20

I need 7 more scav kills to complete Punisher 3.  

Raid 92 - SVDS 

Loadout: AKS-74U with iron sights and US gs ammo, ears, meds, no armor.

Spawned on the rise next to the military checkpoint road. The checkpoint was empty, but maybe that would change. I tucked into a bush and waited.  Some few minutes later I heard bait shots firing around the map, and shortly after scav voices coming from the checkpoint. Excellent.

I killed three scavs pretty handily at the checkpoint, using its rear wall for cover. Every time I'd start repacking mags it seems another scav would spawn and approach.  After my third scav kill I had two scavs still up. One I could hear from the direction of the tower, but I couldn't see him. It's possible he's just shouting over in the industrial area.  The other fired on me with a shotgun from the big field, and I have a good idea where he is. 

I went up the hill, keeping an eye on the ground below, checking the roof lines in the industrial area for snipers. That scav should be below me, and his pathing might bring him up onto this hill. As I approached where the quick path hits the rocks I heard footsteps. Sounds like the scav might be up here.  I stepped behind a tree - don't see him, don't hear him. Advanced to another. Nothing. Advanced towards the rocks, when I heard the footsteps again, but over on the east side of the rocks. Shit, that's got to be a player. I spun and started firing but four lightning quick ZHIP!s of a suppressed SVD put an end to that. My adversary was peeking over a rock while I had been caught in the open.

Time In Raid: 9 minutes, 48 seconds
Exp: 470
Shots: 59, Hits: 11, Accuracy: 0.19, Body: 613, Armor: 34
Kills: Valyok Balalayka, Semyon Nasvay, Danila Sumrak
Killed By: MilitaryBase with four rounds of 7.62x54mm R SNB.  Glad I didn't bother with armor. GG MilitaryBase !


  • being caught out of cover
  • turning to fire rather than running for cover


  • picked up three more scav kills
  • completed Polokhim Hobo quest

Raid 93 - Quest Completed

Spawned near dorms wall.  Made my way to New Gas. Empty. Made my way to Military Checkpoint. I ran a brisk business in scav kills there. There'd be one, I'd kill him. I'd start repacking a magazine, and another would spawn and come to investigate. Kill him and repeat.  I swear it seemed like packing magazines was causing the scavs to spawn.  I got the quest complete sound and then killed another.  

Now what? Let's get some loot and extract. I became suddenly quite risk averse.  I got some loot, but not as much as I was hoping - most of the stashes, boxes and bags on my route to smugglers had been hit already.  

Time In Raid: 26 minutes, 55 seconds
Exp: 2436
Shots: 81, Hits: 14, Accuracy: 0.17, Body: 695, Armor: 70
Kills (AI Scavs): Taras Hors, Toha Govorun, Denya Gashenyy, Korneliy Makarych, Pahan Zavodskoy


  • didn't get more loot


  •  completed the quest

Raid 94 - Shoreline Loot Run

Got turned around at the raid start and went the wrong direction. Walked into a trio.  Fortunately I was able to hide before they became aware of me and I let them pass. I only bring a pistol and a backpack on these loot runs, so am in no way prepared to conduct a real fight.

Time In Raid: 25 minutes, 18 seconds
Exp: 1484
Shots: 14, Hits: 5, Accuracy: 0.36, Body: 205, Armor: 47
Kills: Stepan Sova, Guram Sych 


Despite the XP from finishing Punisher 3 and Polokhim Hobo I was still 7000 XP away from Level 20. But I can just buy my way across that finish line by doing Gunsmith 4. So that's what I did - ran a loot run for some cash and blew it on the M4.  Now I'm Level 20, which means I can go right into Punisher 4. Yes!  That epsilon container is getting closer.

I was comparing my progress to earlier wipes.
  • 12.09 --  never made Level 20
  • 12.10 -- 120 raids to Level 20, approximately 6 months
  • 12.11 -- 101 raids, 6 months
  • 12.12 -- 94 raids, less than 3 months
So I'm definitely progressing faster by raid count, but also by time. And the reason the real world time is quicker is not that I'm playing more. I'm playing about the same. Instead the answer is simple: I'm not running scav raids.  On previous wipes, if I was at PMC raid 100 I had probably put in at least that many and more scav raids.  But this wipe I've run only a handful of scav raids, almost all my in-raid game time has been used for real raids. That's why I've been able to run nearly 100 raids in just a couple months, rather than taking a whole wipe to run that many.   For completeness, I've had twelve loot runs where I just went into a raid with a pistol and a backpack and the goal of getting rubles, so it's not like I'm not wasting time grubbing through garbage - I still have to do that. But at least any XP garnered in those raids counts.  And, for fairness, I observe that in previous wipes when I was at Level 20 I easily had a million plus rubles, usually I made bank fairly quickly after reaching the flea market. But this wipe I'm constantly needing money. I think I'm at 650K rubles today, but there've been several occasions where my ruble count has dipped below 100K.  My poverty is one of the reasons I haven't been running armor lately. 

In summary: avoiding scav raids has been a big boost to my progression, but leaner.


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