I really like the Scar-L, though I wish I could get some decent ammo for it. FMJ is fine for scavs, and it has the advantage that it's quite a fast round, so it works well at long range. Regardless, the problem with the Scar-L is the same problem I always have: rubles. The Scar-L costs about 60K, plus 20k for foregrip and a laser, plus another 30K for the suppressor and another 30K for the Monstrum 2x scope I love. Oh - and I really prefer the 14" barrel, so there's that too (though I have a trick for getting that barrel for super cheap).
But for scav hunting, do I really need the Scar-L ? I do not. I know I promised myself no more low-level weapons now that I've reached the flea, but I do like the ADAR and haven't run it at all this wipe. So I switched to that. I still have to pay for the suppressor and the scope, but with some trades and tricks I can keep the cost of everything else pretty low. I tried it out offline (as I still don't have a shooting range) and it's working well. I like it.
Raid 75 - Snipers
Loadout: My ADAR and no armor (can't afford it). Meds, ears, food and drink.
I spawned on the north edge of the map, behind the resort. Made my way over to the rear military crossing - there was a sniper on the rock - I took him out. A bit later, a second one appeared and I took him out too. Nice. I heard some bait shots coming from the resort - from a low rise I peeked into the rear grounds but no sign of any scavs or any activity.
I began working my way around the resort, on the west side, hoping to head to the bus depot. WHIZZ! Suppressed sniper fire. Pretty sure it's a DVL-10 Sabateur, which is a bolt-action. I think it's coming from the northwest. I immediately started running to the north east, just a few steps and I should be in the lee of that big rock and out of view. BAM! A hit! (right arm) Fuck. Worse, I think the shooter is behind me, to the southwest. This isn't good - I don't have hard cover to leap behind - I started zig-zagging heading toward the water, planning to drop behind a bush. But I was dropped before the bush, shot through the stomach with M80. If I were wearing a class 4 armor set would I have survived that shot? Don't know.
Time In Raid: 9 minutes, 30 seconds
Exp: 474
Shots: 5, Hits: 3, Accuracy: 0.6, Body: 119
Kills: Petro Rakolov (sniper), Miha Russkiy (sniper)
Killed By: ZoobieJr . Good shooting ZoobieJr !! Please don't take my weapon.
- misplacing the sniper, running wrong direction. A bolt-action is not a fast firing weapon - if I had identified that first shot correctly I would have fled back the way I came and likely would have gotten cover.
- would armor have given me a bit more time? I was using the MMAC recently which does not cover the stomach, IIRC. So, in this particular case, it would have not made any difference.
- killed two scavs
Raid 76 - Loot Run on Shoreline
I took a suppressed pistol just in case I encountered scavs - might as well move the quest along. But I encountered no one. I did, however, score a class 6 hex grid armor set. Yes!!
Time In Raid: 14:24
Exp: 761
Raid 77 - Slow Progress
My ADAR did not come back on insurance. I spent the money from my last loot run building two ADARs with suppressors and scopes. Got to get this quest done.
Loadout: ADAR and no armor. Food, drink, meds, ears.
Spawned at road to customs. Made my way to the weather station, just as I started to scope it out, a scav ran out the front gate, away from me, into the trees. I didn't realize they patrolled outside. There were two others. I fired on one, hitting him, but not killing him. That sent all of them aflutter - one ran around the building, another to ran to the shed. I don't want the shed one behind me. I went around and ran into the shed, firing as I approached, and killed him. Stepped into the shelter of the shed just as the other started firing on me. Then I circled around and took him out too. Checked the building - it's been looted. I bet that was a player scav I saw leaving, not a patrol scav.
Made my way to the power station. The stash on the way was hit already - I must be following that player scav. It was quiet at the power station. Entered it from the rear - two dead scavs at the roadway entrance. I wonder if either of them is the player scav I'm tailing? I didn't loot them - they were too exposed. I circled back around the station and crossed the river on the little catwalk bridge. Just as I was about to depart the area I heard a scav voiceline behind me. Turned and the sniper scav had just spawned in. Brought him down. I waited a bit to see if more voices would join, but no.
Where to now? Up to bus station or down to gas? How about the gas station? I haven't tried that on this quest yet. Gas seemed empty. But just as I was about to give up I caught movement in the corner of my eye. Is that a scav? Or a player? I cautiously approached. Someone mumbled something in Russian - I scoped in, could barely make out a form through the bushes, and killed myself a scav.
I circled around the gas station looking for other scavs, but there were none. I scoped the pier from a variety of angles and listened. No way am I heading down there unless I know for sure there are scavs. But no clues were given.
I moved on. Checked scav island. Nothing. Tunnel and the little guard house? Nobody. I was on my way to village when in-real-life interruption happened, causing me to turn around and extract at tunnel.
Time In Raid: 37 minutes, 18 seconds
Exp: 2291
Shots: 24, Hits: 14, Accuracy: 0.42, Body: 408, Armor: 158
Kills: Mstislav Filolog, Trifon Krutoy, Afanasiy Shnek (sniper), Vasya Upakovschik
- not much loot
- killed four scavs. I could easily have gotten more had I encountered any
Raid 78 - Same Mistake As Ever
Exp: 82
Killed By: SlayerB-rye with 7.62x54mm (suppressed SVDS I believe). Good shot SlayerB-rye!
- the minute I thought there was a player in that direction, I should have taken hard cover. Stopping and scoping is absolutely the wrong play. Why do I keep doing that?
- I was assuming that I saw him before he saw me, and that was a mistake.
- had the foresight to build two ADARs, so I can jump straight into the next raid.
Raid 79 - Quest Completed
Exp: 1265
Shots: 47, Hits: 18, Accuracy: 0.34, Body: 549, Armor: 256
Kills: Danila Pingvin, Petro Spartakovskiy (sniper), Sozon Mers, Fedya Predatel. Godspeed gentlemen.
- going up that hill? Technically, I made sure the roof was clear before going up there, so as a mistake this is arguable. But probably game-wise I should just avoid it.
- died
- finished the quest
- gathering the half-masks since the beginning of the wipe was smart
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