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Punisher Part 1 and 2 - Raid 71 - 74 - Level 18

I need to kill five more scavs on Shoreline with an AKM to complete Punisher 1.

Raid 71 - Quest Completed

Loadout: I can buy HP from Jaeger again. Go figure. So I have an AKMSN with PSO scope, canted sight, and several mags of HP. One kill mag of PS/BP.

I spawned in the village, close to the map edge. I set out immediately, encountering nobody in the village itself. Ascended to the bus station, which was empty. Listened for sounds above, but the resort was quiet. Made my way down to the power station. 

I killed two scavs at the power station - but it was a struggle. Normally, the HP ammo just drops these guys, but today a) they had armor and b) the AKMSN was jumping all over the place. At one point I stopped and checked to make sure my SRVV muzzle brake and my foregrip were attached - I couldn't understand what was going on with the recoil.  The second scav messed me up badly. As he died I heard a third scav on the west side of the building - but I was in no position to fight him. I scrammed.  I left the power station, fled some distance, and dropped into a bush. There I healed, fixed both blacked arms, ate and drank, and repacked magazines.  During that time I heard the scav run around and weapon fire. I think some other PMC has entered the station and killed that scav.  

I finished packing mags (PS ammo thankfully) just as it seemed to get real quiet at the power station. I crept back over to it, hoping to catch that PMC unawares. I took up a good position with cover and angles but it stayed quiet - no footsteps or looting. I finally broke cover and reconnoitered  - there were only two scav bodies - the ones I dropped. They had been picked clean except for a Makarov (which I need for a later quest) and PS ammo (which I need for this one).  I grabbed those things, returned to my bush and packed more mags. 

It's getting late. Went down to the gas station - empty.  The weather station is on my way to extract, so I headed there.  I approached from the west - I took cover behind a tree and leaned out to scope it - there were scavs!  I headshot one but the weapon fire seemed to excite the others. Some ran inside, others took cover behind the vehicles and began firing on my position. I dropped down to the safety of the slope and then did a wide flank around the north. I carefully approached from behind another tree and leaned out - I killed two more scavs enfilade.   Quest Complete!  

I didn't even bother to finish killing the others or to loot. I drank some water and headed to extract. 

Time In Raid: 47 minutes, 12 seconds
Exp: 2662
Shots: 127, Hits: 14, Accuracy: 0.11, Body: 591, Armor: 275
Kills (AI Scavs): Sanyok Dzhentelmen, Stasik Kabachok, Albert Batters, Sanka Pyatyora, Vano Lyubitel 


  • maybe I should have run that HP ammo offline to test?  It was fine the last time I used it.  Or maybe I should get around to building my shooting range in the hideout.
  • I think it wasn't a PMC who visited after me - it was a player scav.  But why was he firing his weapon? Was he jumpy? Or was he trying to pretend to be an AI scav, firing bait shots to attract people like me to his position?
  • did not get much loot


  • survived
  • completed quest
  • made level 18 - which also opens up Punisher Part 2!

Raid 72 - The Unintended Loot Run

For Punisher Part 2 I have to kill 12 scavs with a suppressed weapon.  Pretty much any weapon I want, so long as it is suppressed. I chose the Scar-L. But with the scope and the suppressor and the mods, it costs quite a bit, and it costs a lot to insure.  So now I need funds again.

Spawned outside the sunken village. There is loot here, so I took the opportunity to get a little. Before I knew it, a little had become a lot, and it was really good loot.  You know, my ruble reading is lower than the odometer on my car, I could really use some funds.  There's no sense carrying this heavy load across the map - why don't I just extract now?  So I did.

Time In Raid: 6 minutes, 51 second
Exp: 666

Raid 73 - Outsmarted

I spawned into the map in front of the CCCP Terminal.  How should I play this? Maybe go through construction hoping to kill the scav there and then check out pier?  So I stared the walk down construction. There was a scav! I carefully aimed with the scope and fired. I swear I hit his head, but he ran away, running behind a little shed. I pursued. Where did he go?  I started moving steadily forward, clearing every corner, stepping into every little shack  - I don't want this guy to end up behind me. Where is he?  I continued and continued - no sign of him.  

I looked back - there he is again - behind me!  How did I miss him?  I scoped in on him and shot him in the head again, and he ran away again behind another shack. I pursued, faster this time.  Cleared the angles - cleared the shed. The whole construction area is pretty wide open - it's not full of bushes or anything. But I couldn't find him. I went back and forth and finally gave up. 

I moved on towards the pier. I was scoping that and listening - no sounds of any activity. As I approached I began to have second thoughts about going to the pier - it's easy to get bottled up and I haven't seen any sign of any scavs, so it's a lot of risk for no reward.

WHIZZ!  A suppressed rifle round went by my head. I jumped onto a jersey barrier and leapt over some barbed wire - a scav above me at the gas station somewhere shouted and began firing too. This is too hot.  I ran down toward the pier, zig-zagging as I went.  I dove to cover alongside the building. Whew!

I listened - no sound of any activity. Can I hit those safes safely? I decided to run and zig-zag and dive into the building and then loot.  Should be simple enough. I ran and ZIP headshot with M855A1 from someone inside the building firing autofire - but their first round took me. That was a hell of a shot, because I was running across their field of fire. 

Time In Raid: 9 minutes, 39 seconds
Exp: 0
Killed By: durex--nianna  GG durex--nianna  - nice shot!


  • the scavs at pier (not that there are any) are not worth the trouble.  I should not have headed there.
  • spending too much money on my loadout. Neither the armor nor the weapon came back.
  • outsmarted by a scav
  • I am two raids into this quest and still have not killed a single scav.


  • meh

Raid 74 - In which I kill something

Loadout: once again, Class 4 armor and a too-expensive 5.56 Scar-L. Instead of both a scope and a canted sight I'm going with just the Monstrum 2x scope. I do like that scope a great deal.  Bringing food and drink along with mags and meds.

Spawned along the north wall, behind the resort. Set up the laser and the scope and headed out.  At the crossing near rock passage there was a sniper on the big rock. I took him down, but with a little difficulty - took more shots than it should have.  I slunk closer - scoped out the lower area for more scavs but it was empty.  Wait a second - I glanced upward - is that a second sniper on the rock? It is!  I lined up the shot and headshot him. That shot was a lot smoother than the previous.

Went up and overlooked resort - no one in the plaza. Worked my way around to be below the bus station - there were footsteps above.  Is that a PMC or a scav?  I circled the station from below. The footsteps ran a bit and a scav said something in Russian. I had cover behind a small tree trunk - I leaned out and once again got a smooth headshot. Nice!

That scav death seemed to stir up some activity. A scav shouted somewhere above me and on my right.  And more footsteps were approaching from ahead and on my left. I stayed put - not wanting to bring undue attention to myself from the scavs. Just waiting to see which one gets closer and then I'll take him too. 

The footsteps on the left were pounding through bushes. Do the bus station scavs go down the hill? Oh shit! That's a player!! I aimed at the bush and smashed the fire key.  And realized my weapon was still set to single fire, not autofire.  The bush smashed its fire key too, ending my raid.

Time In Raid: 13 minutes, 17 seconds
Exp: 590
(forgot to screenshot stats)
Kills: Vovan Pikatiniy, Vityan Tolyatti, Martyn Piterskiy
Killed By: dage--biedawo   - Good Game dage--biedawo.  If it's not to much to ask, could you perhaps not take my weapon?   


  • sitting there like an idiot. Even if both footsteps were scavs, I should have been repositioning for better cover.  In fairness - I was next to a tree and planning to swivel once I determined which scav would be arriving first. 
  • misidentifying adversary
  • spending too much money on weapon and loadout.
  • forgot to check/set/change autofire setting. Rookie mistake.


  • killed three scavs, two of them with nice shots


My last two raids I've died to someone with -- in their name. durex--nianna and dage--biedawo . Is that a coincidence?

So "dage--biedawo" means "Big brother -- don't hit me!"  in Chinese. A hilarious name! 


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