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Just A Game - Raids 48-53 - Level 15

Goal: I need around 4000 XP to make Level 15. After that the flea market will be open to me. It'll be easier to make money, I can buy whatever weapons I want (or can afford).  I'll probably still die all the time, but it's something.  Also, I need funds. 

Raid 48 - Dumbness

Destination: Customs

Goal: kill things for XP

Loadout: AK-105 (suppressed), class 4 armored rig, ears, meds, etc.

I spawned inside one of the industrial section buildings. Looted a stash and, hello what is this? A class 6 armored slick.  Holy shit - I've never seen one before in a real raid. I ditched my rig, put on the slick, and moved my magazines to my backpack. I need to kill a scav for their rig.

Fortunately, Old Gas is right here, and there are usually scavs there. I started up the railroad embankment - there's a bit of wall between me and the tracks, and footsteps on the other side of that wall. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM. What the? Someone else was blasting the guy I was just about to kill. I stayed put. The killer came running down the tracks. When he goes to loot the body, I'm going to circle around and kill him. BAM BAM BAM. A scav started shouting from somewhere in Old Gas and the killer and the scav began exchanging fire. There is a gap in the wall, I aimed down sight and leaned - I can just see the edge of the killer. Come on, just scoot over so I can kill you.  Instead he ran the other way. BAM BAM BAM. More fighting with the scav.

I brought my weapon down, another scav had stopped to survey the activity - he took aim at me. Shit. I let off a quick blast of autofire at the scav - probably missed him - I need to move. I scooted down the hill. BLAM . I was hit, and stam drained - frozen. I popped a pain and continue to cover as the scav fired again. Meanwhile, the killer must have finished his own fight because he put his next shot on me and it was game over.

Time in Raid: 11 minutes, 35 seconds
Exp: 156
Shots fired: 11, Hits: 1, Accuracy: 0.09, Damage to body: 4 
Killed by: ItsJustAGame69  with 12/70 flechette.   GG ItsJustAGame69 - I bet you were surprised to find me behind you.


  • dithering behind the wall. I should have just circled earlier and killed ItsJustAGame69 rather than trying to keyhole shoot him
  • firing on scav at that range without cover - I should have run for cover the minute I laid eyes on him. 
  • arguably not optimal choice for cover. Perhaps I should have dropped below the overpass.  That would put me in an awkward place, with enemies on three sides, but there is plenty of cover there.


  • found a slick (which I then lost)


  • neither the AK-105 nor my beat up class 4 rig came back on insurance

Raid 49 - Shoreline Loot Run

Found loot on shoreline armed with a TT pistol.  At one point a three man team equipped with matching black helmets ran up. I dove in a bush. They passed. I held my fire and survived.

Time in Raid: 19 minutes, 4 second
Exp: 980

Raid 50 - Customs with an MP7

I have a couple of MP7 SMGs, I want to put them to good use.  

Spawned in river valley, close to Sniper Roadblock.  Made my way to the construction area.  A scav spawned in close by, but I cut him down handily.  I took shelter in the little enclosed area with the two cement barriers that abuts the wall. I heard footsteps. Are those behind me? A gym bag opened.  Aha! I know where that is.  I crouched and lowered my walk speed to the quietest and started to sneak up.  I'm going to lean this gap, then move to the corner of the fuel container. BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA - someone was firing on me. I lurched back to the safety between the cement barriers. Someone had fired on me from behind. I esmarched. Grenade. I ran. Except I didn't run - I have a blacked leg and hadn't popped a pain yet. I barely limped to safety from the grenade, but was exposed and cut down by Saphron 

Time In Raid: 7 minutes, 35 seconds
Exp: 220
Shots fired: 13, Hits: 5, Accuracy: 0.38, Damage to body: 232
Kills: Drop Filolog (AI Scav). Sorry Drop, I know the pain of spawning and being cut down all too well. 
Killed By: Saphron with 9x19 Pst gzh .   GG Saphron !


  • not realizing I had a blacked leg. It might not have made any difference, but maybe if I had popped a pain I could have fought better
  • rather poor conduct of movement once I got blasted.  Understandably

Raid 51  - Customs with an MP7 - Part 2.

Grabbed my other MP7, some food and drink and returned to Customs.  Spawned in the river valley, customs house side, above junk bridge close to Smuggler extract.  There are two possible spawns behind me, and three more north of me on this side of the river. I don't want any of these folk behind me, so I tucked into a bush and waited a spell. No one approached from behind, so I set out.

Crossed the main span of the bridge.  Dropped into the river valley and began to cut up towards RUAF.  A scav was above me - I shot him, but he ran away instead of dying (rude).  I don't like being in this valley on this side - it's very exposed and I don't want to end up as someone's shooter born in heaven trophy. I cut up to the vehicle, then to the tank. My scav was against the wall - I fired, he fired as I ducked back to safety. He repositioned closer, I tracked him in my sight as he moved. He stopped and I shot him in the head. My screen went dark.

What? Did the scav kill me?  No - I was killed by a ABrooHaam, a PMC. Probably looking for shooter born in heaven trophies.

Time In Raid: 8 minutes 44 seconds
Exp: 220
Shots fired: 17, Hits: 4, Accuracy: 0.18, Damage to body: 123, Damage to armor: 11
Kills: Alik Schekotun (AI Scav). Godspeed Alik,
Killed By: ABrooHaam with one round of 5.45x39mm PS to the head.  GG ABrooHaam.


  • maybe this approach via the river valley is not the wisest right now?


  • I was actually happy with how the combat was conducted. I moved from cover to cover, kept cover between my and my adversary, and while I'm not the best at aiming, I got some shots on the scav and killed him with a headshot no less.

Raid 52 - Loot Run On Shoreline

Time In Raid: 11 minutes 46 seconds
Exp: 621

Raid 53 - Loot Run On Shoreline

This was a harrowing loot run. From behind the resort I killed the sniper atop the big rock at the river. As I made my way along the edge of the map, a PMC sniper started firing on me. I was running and zig-zagging, but he tagged me and it nearly killed me. I dropped to the ground and crawled into a bush. I used up bandages, esmarch, splint, cheese and most of a salewa.  Then I ran again - and the sniper resumed firing on me. Zig and Zag. Then a scav I couldn't see shouted and he started firing on me. Amazingly, I dropped down into the swamp area and was able to take cover. I don't know where that PMC is, and I don't want to be bogged in the swamp if he's somewhere above me. I went around to the green "Mayors House" (or whatever it's called).  I opened the door, stepped in, closed the door and started looting. 

Footsteps ran up. I quietly took a position in a side door frame. The closed door lulled the interloper into thinking he was here first. He didn't check any windows - he just waltzed in. I fired, forgetting I had a blacked arm, and missed. "I just want to loot" I said over VOIP.  "Are you a frog?" He asked.  Why does he think I'm French? Do I have an accent? I wasn't sure what to say. He ran by me fleeing the house. I shot and missed again. Oh shit - now he's outside and I'm trapped inside. I'm an easy kill for him.  

I sprinted out of the house, turned the opposite direction from where I think he went, ran, dropped into the grass and crawled to a bush. I waited. I heard him run around - probably hitting the stashes.  I didn't get a good look at him, but in the two glances I caught I could see a helmet, armor, and an AK variant. I don't want this fight.

I waited and then went to Tunnel via the village - looting a bit as I went. I was dehydrated with blurred vision and dying when I extracted, my bag not even half full.

Time In Raid: 31 minutes, 13 seconds
Exp: 1337
Shots fired: 9, Hits: 2, Accuracy: 0.22, Damage to body: 92
Kills: Artur Klim (Sniper).  Godspeed Artur


  • I'm really bad at VOIP.  
  • the meds I used to survive cost more than the loot was worth.
  • 1337 XP is the most XP I made all week.  Pathetic


  • survived.


After six raids I am still Level 14. Fortunately, I caught an Operational Task that I could craft my way across the finish line so I did that.  Totally lame.  But I'm Level 15.  

I sold a bunch of shit I've been holding onto until I made the flea. Sold a bunch of weapons I was keeping to use but didn't really want.  Bought some weapons that I actually do want, and am vowing to not touch a VPO or an AK until I start the Punisher quest line. 

I'm proud that I went out a couple times chasing gunshots. That was fun, I want to do that more. I really dislike looting, but I will say that using my PMC to do loot runs is so much better than scavving. Scavving is just the worst.  Sadly, I note that my loot runs on Shoreline netted me 2938 XP this week, but my "kill things" runs on Customs only 596.  


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