Destination: Customs
Goal: Pick up package for Mechanic. Reach level 15 ASAP
Raid 43 - Easy Go
Last raid I scored a nice 5.56 MDR with a vudu scope and suppressor from a PMC I killed, along with some Korund armor. Let's go!
I spawned in the industrial section in the little pass-between. Made my way to the building in the north west corner, the one with the collapsed roof. Started looting. There were footsteps on the metal stairs, a scav was coming up. I leaned out the door to blast him but where was he? I couldn't see him. He shouted, instinctively I ran - just down the catwalk a spell, he fired. I must have run right by him. I spun around - there's no one here. I ran back into the little computer room - he shouted and fired again. I quickly healed and went to the other exit of the computer room. Around the other catwalk - I could hear him moving but he's invisible - I even turned on my flashlight - but there's no one here but me - this is not a big building. I ran outside, went along the short wall, and re-entered from the other door briefly - no one that I can see.
The whole invisible scav thing unsettled me. I headed up towards military checkpoint. It appeared empty. Onward to New Gas. There was weapon fire at New Gas - I hustled down the hillside to the wall and peered through the cracks. The scope has got too much magnification. A PMC came into view. I should have toggled the scope magnification and patiently lined up a shot. But what I did instead was fire indiscriminately. The PMC fled. He peeked back at me once, I fired a quick volley, missing again.
I moved along the wall. He must have gone through the gas station - I could hear him when he was outside on the other side. He's going to try to flank me. I moved away from the wall, quieted down, and slunk into a bush. I'd prefer something with hard cover, but not enough time.
I was hoping he'd move on my previous position - which would put me behind him. But once he saw that I wasn't in the same place, he gave space and started another flank - crossing the railroad tracks and going around the berm. Does he know where I am? I can hear him circling pretty well. I quietly moved forward to the edges of the bush and aimed down sight. Once again, the scope has got too much magnification for such a short range. Before I could adjust it, his head popped up over the rail tracks. I fired, and missed. He fired - I attempted to flee, but was trapped in the bushes.
Time In Raid: 12 minutes 28 second
Exp: 245
Shots fired: 25, Hit: 1, Accuracy: 0.04. Damage to body: 6, Damage to armor: 38
Killed by: Calypsoo . GG Calypsoo - that was fun!!
- this death is all on me. I had three chances at Calypsoo and whiffed every one.
- very poor fire control. auto spraying when looking through a 6x scope is not a winning formula
- mishandling the scope. I should have switched it to 1x, or perhaps foregone it and just point fired with the laser
- perhaps should have sought better cover.
- The insurance cost over 70K rubles, more than a third of my net worth.
- firing through the gap in the wall was clever.
- recognizing the flank and reacting correctly was well done.
Raid 44 - Looted
Exp: 75
Ammo Used: 12. No hits
Killed by: Sidecity. GG Sidecity
- maybe I should have been more careful when advancing right there.
- that side has concealment, but not good cover - maybe in the future I should move between the buildings?
Raid 45 - Survival
Exp: 1130
Shots: 17, Hits:2, Accuracy: 0.12, Damage to Body: 84
Kills: Alvian Robin. Godspeed Alvian. I'm sorry I don't remember where we met.
- survived (whew!)
- completed two quests, plus two operational tasks.
Raid 46 - Return to Customs
I need keys for some of the quests now and am stuck. Otherwise, I just need stuff. What I really need is XP to push me up to Level 15. I think I need around 6000. And, despite the last haul, I also need funds. I briefly considered a loot run on Shoreline or a scav run on Reserve, but too boring.Exp: 700
- playing it too safe?
- survived and garnered some more rubles.
Raid 47 - The Shootout
Exp: 780
Shots: 61, Hits: 9, Accuracy: 0.15, Damage to body: 443, Damage to armor: 49
Kills: Shura Shaytan and Faddey Borzyy - godspeed gentlemen.
Killed By: SkullMecca - GG SkullMecca
- need to practice cornering and leaning. I'm definitely "stepping out" too much.
- should have dropped the backpack before popping the pain.
- should have shouted something
- next time bring a grenade - that's what they are for.
- maybe not as good fire control as I thought. I wish I knew how many shots I landed on him. Since I only landed 9 shots total between three targets, it might not have been many. The scav kills were both thorax shots - so that's two or three per scav minimum.
- died and didn't get a lot of XP
- didn't run from combat
- would totally do this again
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