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Stumbling - Raids 35-39 - Level 13

Mechanic wants to me to repair some control panels on Factory. I really don't want to do this, but this quest pays the most XP right now and I'm trying to reach Level 14 (for Peacekeeper Level 2) and Level 15 (for the flea).  I'm going to go into Factory at night to see if I can get this done easier.

Raid 35 - 

Loadout: Grach pistol, rig, some meds, ears, a sling backpack. One set of tools in my secure container.

Spawned behind forklift, repaired the first panel.  I don't have a second set of tools, so I headed to extract. Just as I stepped out of the glass hallway into the big room with the door to Gate 3, someone came running up. I moved between the steel tanks, I aimed down sight in the darkness. The footsteps came around, I tracked them. A flashlight came on and I was dead before I could even pull the trigger, my adversary already locked onto my position. It's not like I had been quiet, and the spawns/pathing in Factory make many things predictable - but that was a remarkable kill.

Time In Raid: 1 minute, 20 seconds
Exp: 0
Killed By: King_Solomon 

Raid 36 - 

Loadout: pretty much the same as before, but this time there is a flashlight on my pistol.

Spawned far away, made my way to the underground, took it all the way over to glass hallway. Repaired the second panel.  Now what? Do I need to survive and extract for this quest? I don't think so. Should I go loot or look for trouble? I stepped out of the glass hallway and a scav ran up to me. I forgot to turn on the light, but I aimed down sight and rained bullets into his head. He went down.  Or, rather, he crouched and then killed me.

Time In Raid: 5 minutes, 51 seconds
Exp: 400
Shots fired: 13, Hits: 2, Accuracy: 0.15, Damage to body: 104
Killed By: Hariton Baton (AI Scav)


  • this quest does require survival and extract
  • should have turned on the light
  • didn't hit as many shots as I thought - and must have put them into his arms.

Raid 37 - 

All I need to do is extract.   Loadout is the the same, but I don't have a light for the pistol. That requires a B-9 adapter which I can't buy.  

Spawned into somewhere. Where am I? I looked around confused. Wait - I'm in the room with the Gate 3 extract!  There's the exit sign right there. I moved underneath the exit sign. I can't see anything, but the "Open Door" command is not appearing. Where is the door? I tried stepping forward and back. Maybe to the right? No. Maybe to the left? Footsteps - multiple footsteps. I quickly crouched between the pipes and the wall. Two kitted PMCs came in. They are probably headed to the office - I'm just going to sit tight here and let them pass.  One went up the stairs, and then he turned and stared straight at me. Oh shit! He must see me. I aimed down sight and started blasting him in (what I thought was) the head. Flashlights came on and they lit me up.

Time In Raid: 1 minute, 14 seconds
Exp: 0
Shots Fired: 10, Hits: 2, Accuracy: 0.2, Damage to body: 101
Killed By: ihatemyparents with many rounds of M856A1.   GG ihatemyparents !! Good luck on the raids.


  • Fence sells pistols with flashlights - I could have just gotten one from him and taken the flashlight and adapter and sold back the pistol
  • Turns out the door is to the left of the exit sign.  Now you know!
  • There is a loot box up there. The PMC wasn't staring at me, he was opening and looting the box.
  • I'm disappointed that I didn't kill him, but my overall accuracy wasn't terrible at that range. I must not have hit his head.

Raid 38 - Finally

Spawned somewhere, made my way to extract. Run through. 
Time In Raid: 2 minutes, 2 seconds
Exp: 100

Raid 39 - Return to Customs

All that dying and stumbling around on Factory was unsettling. Decided to go to Customs to help calm my nerves.   I still need some loose meds, and shit ton of other hunt and gather quest and hideout items.

Loadout: AK-105 with PSO and laser. Busted Class 4 armor. Meds, ears, backpack. No tools.

Spawned behind the military checkpoint.  I worked my way into the industrial section and started hitting stashes and looting buildings. Quiet. Before exiting the building with the collapsed roof, I scoped the path forward - there was a PMC near that train car by the dividing fence. I aimed down sight but fucked up the shot. He took cover, but from the wrong angle. I aimed again. And fucked up the shot again.  He split. I didn't get a good look at it, but he has some red thing on his neck or face. 

I didn't continue straight down the railway tracks like I was originally intending. I took the other door and continued through the interior of the industrial section. Next building over had been mostly looted - and had dead scavs. Touched their butts to pay my respect and continued. I think I'll go by Old Gas. I scoped the way forward - the same PMC came out of that same train car. He's still here? He must have that Skier quest where you have to grab that impossible-to-grab item. I hate that one. I aimed down sight through the scope and fired. This was dumb. Because he had the cover of the train and I had the cover of my wit. He returned fire hitting me in the armor. This will not end well. I turned and ran - ducking to cover as quick as I could. When I got to cover I carefully right leaned out - but couldn't see him.  

I would like to say that I considered my options. But I wasn't considering anything. I was checking to make sure I wasn't being followed. My nerve was gone.  I cut through the wall to the main road, and followed alongside the pipe heading to New Gas. Someone began shooting up New Gas. I crouched and quietly advanced. I carefully changed my crouch height while aiming down sight in a bush, hoping to catch someone looting a body. But nothing.  

Suddenly, a scav shouted behind the wall behind me.  He was cut down by a blast of autofire. I recognize that weapon! It's Mr. Redneck! He must be right behind this wall.  Should I hop up on those tires and see if I can catch him?  I was more afraid he'd jump on the dumpster over there and catch me. So instead I advanced into New Gas. It was quiet there. Whoever had been firing seemed gone. I touched some butts. Just as I circled around New Gas I heard someone rustling in the bushes. Player scav? I always get caught on the wall/fence when I try to make the transition from here to the other side of that wall - so I didn't confront him. Instead I moved on.

Roadway clear. Entered construction. A scav ran by and took cover by a small fence. I right leaned out and took him in the back of the head with a nice keyhole shot. Suddenly more scavs shouted deeper in construction and I heard the familiar strain of Mr. Rednecks weapon. I'll flank him.  I went back to the road and made my way around. But I was too slow. By the time I poked my head in construction there was no sign of him. It's quite late - I need to go. The nearest extract is RUAF. 

I made my way to RUAF. As I approached the extract I saw some scav bodies up near the buildings. I decided to go check them. So I turned away from the extract and went and checked them. Then I returned - to the sound of a grenade pin. I ran, cleaving to the edge of the vehicle for cover. The impact grenade exploded, but I was safe. I already cleared two sides of the area - that grenade could only have come from one place: down the hill. I swung around the vehicle. Mr Redneck was lying dead at my feet. Mr Impact Grenade was down the hill. I fired and got the laser on him and marched it up to his head CLICK! Fuck - out of ammo - I haven't reloaded once this entire raid.  Mr. Impact Grenade fired on me with an SVDS. My leg and stomach blacked. Stamina drained. I staggered backwards, reloading, trying desperately to get to cover.  I keyed my meds. Had to key my painkiller twice before it worked.

Why did he not push me? If Mr. Impact Grenade had pushed I'd be dead. Maybe I hurt him badly? Or scared him?  What does it matter? What do I do now? I'm in no shape to fight, there isn't enough time to get to any other extract, especially with a blacked leg. I keep making that sucking sound, despite the morphine. I'm not going to be flanking, I'm not going to be sneaking. But I'll be damned if I'm not extracting.

I re-approached, stumble step, sucking sound, stumble step, sucking sound. Too close for the scope - just keep the laser where his head will pop up. Stumble step, extract timer came on.  Hold my ground. Mr. Impact Grenade must have realized he needed to move to get his kill. He turned on his flashlight, I started firing, and the screen went black.  I survived.

Time In Raid: 31 minutes, 29 seconds
Exp: 1799
Ammo Used: 31, Hit: 4, Accuracy: 0.1, Damage to Body: 186
Kills: Petka Shambambulish .  Godspeed Petka!


  • cowardice - rushing headlong into fights will just get you killed, and being scared is fine.  But giving into fear is bad.  I was actively avoiding everyone. I need to take up a daily affirmation: "I am the predator, not the prey".
  • why was I so slow to flank Mr Redneck? If I had done it properly, then he could have died to my hand with honor, rather than to Mr. Impact Grenade.


  • Didn't get a lot of loot, but got some key items.
  • Fast reaction when I heard the grenade pin. Being a fraidy-cat has advantages
  • Extracted


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