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Nothing Crazy - Raids 40-42 - Level 14

I am keen to get to Levels 14 and 15.  At Level 14 I'll unlock Peacekeeper 2 which means I'll have access to the canted sights, which I like just because they are easier to use on my keyboard than a variable scope.  Level 15, of course, unlocks the flea market, which will mean I don't have to fill my stash with both quest and hideout items. I can focus on the former.

Raid 40 - Shoreline Loot Run

I have an operational task on Shoreline and it pays good XP.  So Shoreline.  I did a cache run. One of the first caches I hit had a GPU. I almost didn't take it, for fear of having some flying radar driven adversary making a beeline to me. But I took it.  Last cache had a new Class 5 Ghzel.  Didn't see a soul.

Time In Raid: 32 minutes, 20 seconds
Exp: 1387
Kills (sniper scavs): Rodion Dzheyk and Lev Hlyst.  Godspeed gentlemen.
Ammo Used: 4, Hits: 2 Accuracy: 0.5. Damage to Body: 70

Raid 41 - The Jaunt

I need a bunch of quest items. Loose meds being high on the list. Off to Customs.  

Loadout: "Tetanus" my modded AKM. My new Class 5 Ghzel. My jaunty hat and moustache. 

I spawned not far from the military checkpoint. Crossed into the industrial section. Took down a scav with the silenced AKM.  So far, so good.  I headed towards the north corner, where ZB-1011 is.  There was the sound of a zipper bag coming from the direction of ZB-1011.  There is not gym bag over there, is there?  I approached carefully. There were other sounds - someone toggling a light or laser. Is someone inside ZB-1011? Something about the noises was really confusing. I looked up into the sky, looked around. Looked over at the building with the collapsed roof - there was a PMC at the corner, observing me. I brought up my weapon, which was the wrong move. 

Time In Raid: 8 minutes, 3 seconds
Exp: 445
Ammo used: 10, Hits: 3, Accuracy: 0.3, Damage to body: 122, Damage to Armor: 5
Kills: Mikola Dvuhsotyy (AI Scav).  Godspeed Mikola
Killed By: lootgoblinnuts  GG lootgoblinnuts


  • The second I saw that PMC I should have ran for cover. Probably still would have died, but staying put and trying to shoot at him when he's already looking my way is a big mistake. One I keep making over and over.
  • what was up with the zipper and the other sounds?  
  • didn't get to use the Ghzel. Easy come, easy go. 


  • looked good

Raid 42 - Gaining Inertia

Destination: Customs
Loadout: AK-105, busted Class 4 armored rig, ears, meds, usual.

I again spawned in close to the military checkpoint. Looted the area and made my way into the industrial section where I looted more. Just behind the buildings where the Old Gas underpass is I spotted a PMC. I knelt, aimed down sight and began firing on him. He spun and started firing. This is not good - I don't have cover. I put his head under the reticle of the scope, snapped off the shot and then got up and ran across his field of fire, hoping to use the hill as cover.  The hill was not good cover, but it didn't matter, because I had killed him with that last shot.  Yes!!  He made the mistake that got me killed last raid.  

My victim was -Haku- a level 43 USEC.  He had a Korund Class 5 armor (!!) and nice 5.56 silence MDR with a Vudu scope.  I grabbed those plus some of his loot. Awesome.  I was excited to get these trophies and now I just wanted to get out of the raid.  Head to RUAF via Old Gas?  I stepped into Old Gas.  Two scavs shouted and started firing. I quickly took cover behind the van. Where are they?  I could hear them, but couldn't see them. Also I was moving poorly. Is this inertia? Am I overweight?  One of the scavs began to circle, to pincer. Shit. I'm going to get myself killed. I ran zig zagging back under the underpass to cover. Everything feels wrong. The scope, the weapon, the movement.  I forgot to eat and drink between raids and my energy is low. I drank some juice and soda, ditched my AK-105 and its magazines in a bush, and headed out again. I used the dumpster to jump the wall to the main road and headed out that way.  Scavs I couldn't see started firing on me from New Gas and I didn't try to engage. I ran.  

I ditched a heavy wrench near the Bus Depot. I fiddled with the scope and practiced aiming down sight.  Someone ran up, but it was just some unlucky player scav. With some effort, I killed him. I proceeded to RUAF - there were two scavs there, but I evaded them and extracted.

Time In Raid: 26 minutes, 53 seconds
Exp: 2854
Ammo Used: 29, Hits: 2 Accuracy: 0.07, Damage to body: 64
Kills: -Haku- (Level 43 USEC) and Push Sportsmen (player scav).  GG gentlemen. Thanks for the gear -Haku-, I will try to make you proud. 


  • what was going on with the movement and aiming?  I went offline and practiced with that MDR afterwards, wearing the Korund,  and it was fine. 


  • conduct of combat against PMC was pretty good, including the needlessly seeking cover.
  • survived
  • made level 14
  • avoided three pairs of scavs. Normally, I'd consider this a mistake, but under the circumstances I don't.


I made level 14, but can't put a canted sight on the MDR because of where the shells eject. If you cant the weapon, you'll be shooting yourself in the face with the used shells.  I have two of these 5.56 MDRs right now and every intention of using them, the canted sights can wait.


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