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Checking and Checking - Raids 6, 7 and 8 - Level 7.

Raid 6 - Exit Stage Right

I was able to do the Bronze Pocket Watch quest without the machinery key.  Can I get the package for Delivery from the Past without the Director's office key? I've done that before.

Destination: Customs

Loadout: AK-74M with PSO scope, Class 4 armor, meds, ears.  

The plan is simple: kill some time or whatever is in front of the barrel of my weapon and then saunter over to the Director's office to see if someone has been there and left it open. 

Spawned behind Old Gas. Checked my extracts - neither Crossroads or Trailer Park are on the list, which is very strange. So that means I need to cross the river twice.  Awkward.  But there is no sense rushing over there.  So I took time wandering around the industrial section of the map. Filled my bag full of loot, killed maybe three scavs. Then I worked my way back. There were scavs talking near RUAF.  I killed one, and was chasing another behind the big vehicle parked there. The extract countdown appeared. That's strange - my spawn location is pretty close to here.  I fired my last shot at the scav, killing him and then  I ran out of the extract zone.  Connection to server lost.   What?  The screen went dark and when I came back I was in the main interface. I tried to jump back into the raid but then I realized that I wasn't hung - I had extracted successfully somehow.  The loot I picked up was not lost. 

I didn't get to see any of the post mortem screens. But I think I killed five scavs, give or take one.  I was in the raid for nearly 20 minutes, and I'm not sure how many EXP I got, but it was enough for me to make Level 6. So probably around 2000 EXP.


  • did not reach the Director's office.
  • probably should not have run into that RUAF extract zone.


  • Survived
  • Got a bag of loot.
  • Achieved Level 6

Raid 7 - Checking

That was weird. Decided to change it up. I have that "Checking" quest from Prapor where I need to find the USEC camp and the convoy.  So I went to Woods, bringing some food and drink with me because my hydration and energy are low from the last raid.

Spawned at the UN Checkpoint - about as far away as it's possible to be from my destination.  I crossed the map. Looted the old sawmill, killed a scav at the village, looted there too.  Finally arrived at the convoy, looted. Went to USEC, looted some more.  I don't have a bag big enough for all the loot. I was putting as much loot into the containers as I was taking. I also needed to eat and drink a lot more provisions than I brought - fortunately, there were many to be had.

The scav I killed was the sole one I saw until I finally arrived outside scav house on the way to Outskirts.  There was a whole squad of scavs there, but I the raid timer was less than two minutes - there was no time to fight. I ran around them and extracted just a bit before the raid ended.

Time In Raid: 39 minutes, 35 seconds
Exp: 1808
Ammo Used: 15, Hits: 2, Damage to Body: 84, Accuracy: 0.13
Kills: Lag Hromoy (AI Scav).  Godspeed Lag!


  • probably should have managed time better
  • I made some sub-optimal looting mistakes.


  • completed the quest and got the Compass as a reward
  • survived
  • managed food and drink

Raid 8 - The back and forth shuffle.

OK - back to Customs to try the keyless delivery from the past.  I got good loot these last two raids, and I need more, especially hideout and quest items.

Spawned at the RUAF extract.  I really don't like this spawn - too many players pass through here making it dangerous to stay.  I checked my extracts - once again there were no extracts on the far side of the river - I'm going to have to cross the river twice. Awesome.

I looped around the buildings and headed toward the bridge - trying to stay out of sight of anyone who might be peering at me from across the way.  As I got to the big security fence that cuts off the road, I crossed down into the river valley to use that little go-between with the bushes. A scav shouted and fired - but not at me. Someone else returned fire. It got quiet. I turned on my laser and rounded the corner and shot the PMC in the head with a blast of autofire - he was leaning down to loot his scav kill. Ouch. Sorry man.

I rounded the next corner looking for any friends of his. But no one. I waited a spell, then returned and grabbed his dogtag - Luwucid -  Level 2.  You can keep your stuff - but I decided to grab any loot he might have, so I took his backpack and jumped into a bush.  But the backpack was empty.  

I crossed the river, checked out the Customs yard, and then went into Big Red. The door to the office was closed. Damnit.  I looted the area.  When I was looting I realized that I had misread the dogtag. Luwucid isn't Level 2, he's Level 22.  Oh snap! What was he armed with? I know he had the same crappy Class 4 armored rig that I'm wearing. Did I overlook taking a decent weapon or some grenades?  Oh well. 

I recrossed the river. Killed a scav near RUAF. Looted the Fortress (good loot) and then went to Old Gas. Killed two more scavs there - and there were several other bodies as well. Touched all the butts, and then extracted.

Time In Raid: 28 minutes, 5 seconds
Exp: 2950
Shots: 22, Hits: 4, Accuracy: 0.18.  Damage to Body: 126, Damage to Armor: 9.
Kills: Luwucid (Level 22 BEAR), Eldar Stilyaga (AI Scav), Tihon Zatvor (AI Scav), Pyotr Skvorec (AI Scav).  Good game and godspeed gentlemen.   And Merry Christmas.


  • Misreading the tag and not good looting. 
  • Not sure about this plan. I may need to find that key - or tea and squash for the Therapist trade.


  • Survived
  • Achieved Level 7!!  
  • I have now survived four raids in a row.  I probably shouldn't mention this for jinxing it.  Nice to have some wins, including another PMC kill - instead of the long sequence of deaths that make up most of my blog posts.


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