I have three quests on Reserve: kill 5 raiders (only 2 to go), get med documents (bought the keys for 400K) and mark fuel tanks. Let's do all three in one raid!
Raid 69 - Halfway Connected
Loadout: Vityaz SMG and Class 3 armor, meds, ears, two markers, the two keys in my secure container. I spawned at the dome. Walked down the hill, marked the first tank, taking longer than I hoped because I forgot where the hole in the barbed wire is. Descended into bunker via White Pawn. The bunker was empty - two dead bodies (scavs?) and open looted containers. No sign of anyone. I searched it completely, checking all the corners the raiders hide hoping that maybe one was here, but no luck. Checked the D2 switch - it was pulled already. As I exited the D-2 hallways I heard footsteps by the office entry. I killed my flashlight, approached the big room and leaned out. The silhouette of someone in a penis helmet was standing outside the office door. I fired, emptying an entire mag into their head. He just stood there, then suddenly fell over dead and then shot me after dying. What? I retreated back down the hall and esmarched and healed.
More footsteps - a scav crouched in the entryway of the big room at the end of my little hall. I leaned from where I was, put the reticle on his head and freed up some CPU resources. I checked the two bodies - both were scavs and didn't have anything worth looting. I carefully exited the big room towards king, with the intention of heading to the water. There was a scav in the bathroom. I aimed at him and fired - he was there, then he blinked out of existence, I fired more, he fired, he blinked back into existence and I killed him. What is going on? I checked my ping - it's fine.
I crossed the water, got the two documents for Therapist, came back down and exited via D-2. Someone else had opened the doors leading to D-2. As I approached the last big cylinder rooms - the one with the safe at the far end, I could hear someone moving around in that room. I have my documents, I don't want to mess this up. I took the passage to the exit, closing doors behind me. Activated the switch, squeezed by the opening door and my extract timer did not appear. What's going on? I moved around a little, waited. The steel door was now fully open, I checked my extracts. Just then my extract timer appeared, it counted from 6 to 4 and then my screen went black and I was extracted.
Time In Raid: 18 minutes, 11 Seconds
Exp: 2383
Kills (AI Scavs): Klim Gefors, Dron ChPU, Kolyan Zloy
Ammo Used: 56, Hits: 6, Accuracy: 0.11, Damage to Body: 272
- not knowing the map better - shouldn't have had to hunt for the opening in the barbed wire
- completed Disease History quest. completed half of the fuel marking quest
- survived
Raid 70 - In which I dumb
Exp: 140
Killed By: bbongseok -- Good game bbongseok
- careless - too eager
- died
- have not seen a raider since raid 65. Possibly because I've died several times beforehand.
- how did I do 500 damage to body firing on just one scav? And 421 armor? I didn't even bother looting him, and now I wonder if that was a mistake. But he wasn't a boss guard.
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