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Triple Questing on Reserve - Raids 69 and 70 - Level 17

 I have three quests on Reserve: kill 5 raiders (only 2 to go), get med documents (bought the keys for 400K) and mark fuel tanks.  Let's do all three in one raid!

Raid 69 - Halfway Connected

Loadout: Vityaz SMG and Class 3 armor, meds, ears, two markers, the two keys in my secure container.  I spawned at the dome. Walked down the hill, marked the first tank, taking longer than I hoped because I forgot where the hole in the barbed wire is.  Descended into bunker via White Pawn. The bunker was empty - two dead bodies (scavs?) and open looted containers. No sign of anyone. I searched it completely, checking all the corners the raiders hide hoping that maybe one was here, but no luck. Checked the D2 switch - it was pulled already.  As I exited the D-2 hallways I heard footsteps by the office entry. I killed my flashlight, approached the big room and leaned out. The silhouette of someone in a penis helmet was standing outside the office door. I fired, emptying an entire mag into their head. He just stood there, then suddenly fell over dead and then shot me after dying. What? I retreated back down the hall and esmarched and healed. 

More footsteps - a scav crouched in the entryway of the big room at the end of my little hall. I leaned from where I was, put the reticle on his head and freed up some CPU resources. I checked the two bodies - both were scavs and didn't have anything worth looting. I carefully exited the big room towards king, with the intention of heading to the water. There was a scav in the bathroom. I aimed at him and fired - he was there, then he blinked out of existence, I fired more, he fired, he blinked back into existence and I killed him. What is going on? I checked my ping - it's fine. 

I crossed the water, got the two documents for Therapist, came back down and exited via D-2. Someone else had opened the doors leading to D-2. As I approached the last big cylinder rooms - the one with the safe at the far end, I could hear someone moving around in that room. I have my documents, I don't want to mess this up. I took the passage to the exit, closing doors behind me. Activated the switch, squeezed by the opening door and my extract timer did not appear.  What's going on? I moved around a little, waited. The steel door was now fully open, I checked my extracts.  Just then my extract timer appeared, it counted from 6 to 4 and then my screen went black and I was extracted.  

Time In Raid: 18 minutes, 11 Seconds
Exp: 2383
Kills (AI Scavs): Klim Gefors, Dron ChPU, Kolyan Zloy 
Ammo Used: 56, Hits: 6, Accuracy: 0.11, Damage to Body: 272


  • not knowing the map better - shouldn't have had to hunt for the opening in the barbed wire


  • completed Disease History quest. completed half of the fuel marking quest
  • survived

Raid 70 - In which I dumb

Loadout: same as before, but now have an AFAK in my secure container instead of keys.

Spawned in one of the vehicle bunkers by the trains. Made my way to the fuel containers next to the trains and marked it.  On my way to the underground bunker I encountered a scav - had a very awkward fight with him at too close range - but ultimately he did not scratch me, so no complaints.

I entered the King building - all the doors and gates that should be closed were closed.  There was loose loot lying around. That put me at ease. I closed the doors as I opened them, turned on my flashlight and descended into the bunker.  I carefully peeked from the top of the metal staircase that descends into the King antechamber. Seems empty.  But then I saw movement and a figure moved out of the big room to the corner where the raiders often lurk.  Yes!! Raiders!! I headed down the stairs and someone started firing on me without yelling first. OMG - that wasn't a raider, that's just a normal PMC. Why am I so dumb? 

Time In Raid: 8 minutes, 56 seconds
Exp: 140
Killed By: bbongseok -- Good game bbongseok
Killed: Fedot Tulovische (AI Scav)
Ammo Used: 61, Hit: 22, Accuracy: 0.3, Damage to Body: 500, Damage to Armor: 421


  • careless - too eager
  • died
  • have not seen a raider since raid 65. Possibly because I've died several times beforehand.


  • how did I do 500 damage to body firing on just one scav? And 421 armor? I didn't even bother looting him, and now I wonder if that was a mistake. But he wasn't a boss guard.


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