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Busted - Raids 66 & 67 - Level 17

With the flea market now available to me I can buy some keys I need. So I dropped 400K on the two reserve keys that I need for the Disease History quest.  

Destination: Reserve


  • kill 2 or more raiders to complete Prapor quest
  • retrieve the medical documents from locked rooms for Therapist quest

Raid 66 - The Gamer

Loadout: Press armor, RPK-16 light machine gun, meds, ears, one grenade.

I spawned in one of the vehicle bunkers over near the train station. Crossed the map and made my way to White Bishop. I don't know why I went there first, I should kill raiders then get the medical record, but I didn't want to forget. I got the medical records, while up there numerous footsteps tromped through the first floor of the building. I waited behind my closed door and after they departed continued.

Descended to the White Bishop ramp. There was someone moving down there. I quietly went down the ramp, I leaned out and saw him over near the storage room. I aimed and fired and missed. Damnit. The muzzle flash on this RPK makes it really difficult to use outside short range - once I started firing I couldn't see anything to keep shots on.  He threw a grenade, I ran up the ramp. Took a secure position to see if he'd try to cross the water to come get me, but of course he did not. I need to act fast this time. I ran up and out of the building and crossed over to King. Quietly descended the stairs. I advanced - he was moving around the antechamber. I aimed down sight, but I didn't wait for him to stop moving - I was convinced he saw me, but in retropsect he probably did not. I fired. And missed. I retreated, he fired and threw a grenade. I threw a grenade (why?), he threw another grenade but I was already gone.

I went up and ran over to white pawn. Third time's the charm, right? I quietly made my way along the hallway to the white pawn stairs. He was jumping around. It sounds like he's trying to reach something. This is not the first guy I've overheard jumping in the big room - is there some exploit or something down there? Why do these gamers keep jumping jumping in the big room of the bunker?  Anyway, I quietly descended the stairs and peeked the antechamber. As expected he wasn't there. He jumped and I stepped loudly forward - ooops - he froze, I froze. I waited, hoping he'd resume jumping but after a few seconds he voice lined "Nice!" . I turned on my light, he came around the corner - I fired off a volley but couldn't connect. He did that gamer thing where he bunny jumps across the door span and free looks to see his target. I didn't wait for him to come back armed with that information. I ran up the steps as a grenade came through the doorway. I ran over to the king ramp and down. He knew I was flanking and headed back to intercept. I aimed down sight and fired and stepped back to cover, but not before his shots tore me open and I was dead.   

Time In Raid: 17 minutes, 50 seconds
Exp: 123
Killed By: BAIYOU2016 - that was a fun fight BAIYOU2016, but what's with the jumping?
Ammo Used: 34 - No Hits. 


  • The muzzle flash on the RPK-16 made the weapon very difficult to use. However, I cannot blame it, this failure is entirely on me. I had four different opportunities to put shots on him and I failed each time. 
  • why grenade?
  • poor fire control and aiming - too eager to fire on the first two occasions. Perhaps should have used 4x scope.
  • Stopped firing as I stepped to cover - should have stepped while firing.
  • poor planning - first kill raiders, then go get the docs, otherwise the raiders will likely be killed by other players
  • insurance was super expensive, not sure why
  • died


  • Even though it didn't work out, I'm pretty proud of my big-brain flanks, from White Bishop over to King and from King over to White Pawn

Raid 67 - Short Raid

Loadout: Vityaz SMG. No grenade.

Got the same spawn, made my way to the King garages. There were footsteps - sound like the gymnasium. I quietly advanced, the door to the gym is closed, but there is definitely a player over there.  Suddenly the footsteps ran and they sounded like they were upstairs. If he's upstairs, now is my time to move. I opened the door, stepped right through and was gunned down immediately.

Time In Raid: 3 minutes, 1 second
Exp: 0
Killed By: M0RGANFREEMAN  -- GG.


  • wishful thinking. Why on earth did I suddenly believe he was upstairs? There is no floor with that sound upstairs (though there is a little exercise room) 
  • go through a door without peeking it first? OMGDUMB


  • None


The keys I bought, the insurance, the failed raids - my funds are perilously low again. I don't have enough to run another raid even if I wanted to.  I ran two scav runs - got killed by an evil player scav in one, and killed an evil player scav in the other.  But after the second scav run do you know what I did? I sold the loot to Therapist and congratulated myself for making 150K on that run, only realizing afterwards that if I'd sold it on the flea market I would have made triple that.  Stupidity comes in all forms.

So I spent the next precious hour of IRL game time going through my stash and selling everything that isn't needed for a quest on the flea market.  If this flea market event is temporary, it's going to ruin me. 



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