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Focused Questing Results in Best Raid Ever - Raids 51 through 55 - Level 15

Cheered up by my last raid, I decided to get back to some questing.  The two quests I have that award the highest XP are on Reserve and Woods respectively. But maybe I'm not ready to reattempt those quite yet. How about Farming Part 1 on Factory? The annoying one where I have to repair those two control panels.

Raid 51

Destination: Factory

Goal: repair one of the control panels

Loadout: APS pistol, with an extra magazine. Class 3 armor. Meds. One Zarya flash grenade. Set of tools in my secure container.

I spawned in the room immediately outside Gate 3. Awesome! The panel is just over here. I hustled down the hallway heading toward the panel - someone was crouched behind a cable wheel at the end of the hallway. I forgot to put the pistol on autofire, but that's ok. I fired fired fired and took him in the head. He got off a shot but nothing too bad.  I grabbed his dogtags. Level 6. Ok, keep your stuff.  I was secretly hoping he'd have another set of tools.  I repaired the panel.

Ok, time to go.  I stepped carefully stepped into the room outside gate 3. Someone is above, maybe doing delivery from the past? Can I scoot by to exit?  I peeked out behind the generator then back-pedaled as a shot struck the generator right near where my head had been. OK - we'll do this the hard way.  I sprinted into the room, my adversary firing and missing. I took cover behind a container - peeked out to take a shot, but pulled back before taking it - I'm too late.  The pull back was perfect - more fire from him, but no hits.  I could really use a grenade.  He was running down the stairs, I swung around the far end of the container - aiming down sight  - but he was already pre-firing. Autofire blasted and took me down.  Nice work, bnuuy !   As I died I remembered that I had a grenade.  D'oh.

Time In Raid: 1 minute, 58 seconds
Exp: 658
Kills: menliker3001 level 6 USEC.  Better luck next time menliker3001, GG!
Killed By: bnuuy .  Good game!
Ammo Used: 9  Hit: 3  Accuracy: 0.33, Damage to Body: 87, Damage to Armor: 47


  • if he was coming down the stairs, I maybe should have gone the short way. 
  • forgetting the grenade. 
  • forgot to put pistol in autofire
  • died


  • completed my goal of repairing the panel
  • killed a PMC with a pistol.

Raid 52 - Short and Dumb

Same as before. I spawned in the glass hallway. I've already repaired the panel here, need to do the one in the next room. I put my APS in autofire (this time!) and went down the hall. I know full well there are two spawns down there, but I don't know what I was thinking. I ended up between two different PMCs - one shooting me up with 7.62x51mm M993 and the other with 7.62x39m BP.  I wish I could take the ammo they unloaded into me with me.  

Time In Raid: 15 seconds
Exp: 0
Killed By: Sephta  (and neighbor)
Ammo Used: 4, no hits.


  • no mistakes - that was raid was perfect

Raid 53 - Not Much Better

Spawned in the middle of the big rooms with a TT pistol and some aspirin. I dropped down into the lower area and made my way via the underground passages to the last long passage that runs underneath the panel I need to repair.  I cornered it carefully - there was a PMC at the other end. We exchanged a bit of fire down that long passage - but I don't think I hit anything. Certainly, he didn't hit me. He disappeared. He'll be set up on me. Need to go around.

I went up onto the main floor of the main adjoining room. I went to one of the doors to open - except it didn't open, instead I accidentally chose "breach" and kicked the door.  Oh god, I'm an amateur.  I went through the next door. Clear. Down the hall - MerkCity had been set up on me, but he had wisely moved after hearing me kick the wrong door. He took me down with his shotgun just as I saw him.

Time in Raid: 1 minute, 56 seconds.
Exp: 100
Ammo Used: 6
Killed by: MerkCity.  Congratulations MerkCity


  • poor conduct of door management
  • bad aim at beginning - I should have landed at least one shot
  • should have gone for an even wider flank - maybe via glass hallway? Hard to say.  
  • died


  • did not die in the first minute

Raid 54 - Quest Completed

OK, Tarkov, I suck at Factory. You've made your point. Can I please go back to playing a game?  

I want to get this quest done, so I chose a nighttime raid for my next attempt.  I spawned somewhere in near utter darkness. There was a red glowing panel near me, but not one of the ones I need to repair. Where am I?  Suddenly a scav ran up to me - I positioned myself behind a container and as he got close I leaned out and shot him. The flash from my TT pistol illuminated him enough for me to get the shots on him.  Then it was pitch black again.  I moved away a bit. Just then a scav yelled at me from across some distance and aimed at me with a flashlight. I can't see him at all, I don't have a flashlight. I aimed directly at his light and amazingly brought him down too.    I'm barely ten seconds in this raid and I've already killed two scavs and I have no idea where the hell I am.

I wandered around a bit, bumping into things until I finally saw an illuminated stairwell that I recognized. I'm about as far as possible as one can be from my destination, but at least I know where I am.  I took the stairs down, made my way through the underground passages and then up to the panel. I repaired it and began to leave. Then my game disconnected. So awesome. I reconnected some time later and extracted.

Time In Raid: 6 minutes, 52 seconds
Exp: 1410
Ammo Used: 13, Hits: 5, Accuracy: 0.38 (pretty good in the dark). Damage to Body: 240
Kills (AI Scavs): Platon Sgushyonka and Sema Elektronic.  Godspeed gentlemen.


  • not having done this as a nighttime raid sooner
  • not bringing a flashlight


  • killed two scavs in utter darkness
  • completed quest
  • survived

Raid 55 - Best Raid Ever

I'm not sure I'm up for it, but The Bunker Part Two pays 9000 XP, my highest paying quest right now. So I'm heading to Reserve.

Loadout: Vityaz PP-19 SMG, Class 4 armor, meds, ears, backpack. 

I'm not sure the Vityaz is a good match for Reserve. I've never tried it against any of the Raiders, and I know that Pst gzh struggles against armor. However, I don't plan on fighting any raiders. That's what the other PMCs are for. My plan: hide for 10 minutes, let the sweaty chads shoot up the bunker, and then go down after they bug out. 

I spawned in front of a vehicle bunker outside black pawn.  This is a pretty good spawn for this plan. I hustled into black pawn and went up the stairs, taking a place in the staircase between the second and third floors.  I waited. Someone fired the grenade launchers and the machine guns. Autofire rang out from the basement. I heard bags zipping and unzipping. Someone pulled the hermetic door switch. There were footsteps. But no one came up the stairs, I sat there unmolested.

After 10 minutes and when it was blissfully quiet again, I headed out. I went downstairs into the bunker. There was a pile of armor and weapons in a hallway, but I didn't investigate. Insurance fraud, most likely. I could hear footsteps moving and running downstairs, scav voices.  Have the player scavs descended on the bunker already? That might make things difficult. Hopefully it's just regular AI scavs that have spawned. I hit the entrance for black pawn and black bishop, then back along the upper hallway to the ramp that leads down to the white pawn stairs - there was a scav there. I blasted his head with autofire and took him out quick.  That seemed to excite some of the other scavs. I ignored them. I didn't enter that main bunker room, instead I went up the white pawn stairs and added that entrance to my collection. Two more.

I descended the ramp that leads to the king entrance. I could hear scavs in the big room. First entrance clear, swung to the second and blasted two more scavs. Checked the bathroom. Anyone following me? No. I jumped the water and picked up the white bishop entrance. Back across the water. More scavs in the main room - I took one out, then stepped around a pillar and took out the next one who was in the office hallway. I closed the office door.  I ran up to king and got that entrance. That's all the entrances right?  

I went down the side passage, looking for scavs or worse. Quiet. The D-2 switch hadn't been pulled yet. That's odd. Hmm - I should be careful, it might spawn real raiders. I pulled the switch and ran. A commotion in the offices. I ran to the room where white pawn stairs meet the black pawn ramp. There was a PMC there. I blasted him in the face with the Vityaz before he could get a shot off. Yes! I shouldn't do this, but I'm in a hurry. I searched him. He had a nice HK . This is the first HK I've ever seen in three wipes (that's how bad of a player I am). I took his HK and his mags (which I had to examine). The scavs started shouting - I can't stay - if those are raiders I don't want to be fighting them with 9mm. I tabbed out and ran up the stairs.

His tags - I forgot to get his tags. Oh well, nothing to be done about it. Once I descended those steps that lead to the long walk to D-2 I slowed down a bit. I don't believe the raiders will follow this far, and I don't want a repeat of the last time I rushed this passage.  So I took every corner carefully. Made my way to D-2 and extracted.

Time In Raid:  22 minutes, 54 seconds
Exp: 7717 ( a personal record for a real online raid).  YES!!
Kills: Volk (raider), Lev Taksist (scav), Denchik Slepoy (scav), Sasha Filolog (scav), Puma (raider), Kalan (raider).
Ammo Used: 83, Hits: 20, Accuracy: 0.23, Damage to Body: 748, Damage to Armor: 137, Headshots: 5.


  • I didn't realize those "scavs" were actually raiders. I should have looted some of those bodies.
  • I didn't realize the "PMC" was a raider.  I'm a moron.
  • Missed opportunity to get good armor


  • Really good fire control. Aimed for the face, and landed those shots 5 out of 6 times. 
  • Good use of cover - by and large I controlled these combats and kept my body behind hard cover. (Not that last kill, but I drew fast and first and that was enough that time)
  • Killed three raiders
  • Survived
  • Made Level 15


This was by far the easiest I've ever had it fighting raiders. That Vityaz is the stuff - quick, fast, accurate.  It and that ADAR are my new favs, though I have this HK to test out now too.  I'm very happy, because until this raid I've had a lot of offline successes on Reserve, but nothing but a string of online failures.  7717 Exp.  I can scarcely believe it.  Onward.


  1. Gratz, love reading your tarkov adventures, i find the way you write very easy to read! good luck in your raids!

    1. Thanks for the kind words! It means a lot.

      Tarkov has been really rough to me lately, which discourages me from playing and blogging both. Chalking up these wins and getting some reader feedback is encouraging, practically transformative.
      Though I know these successes will be short lived - I'm already dreading my next (inevitable) failure.


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