I'm trying to undertake three quests at once on Woods: deposit food for the Jaeger, kill 5 scavs without armor, kill 15 scavs. Progress so far has been slow.
Raid 29 - Track and Ambush
Loadout: VPO-209 suppressed, ears, meds, food and drink for the Jaeger. Snack for myself. No grenades. No armor.
Spawned near the length of wall that run behinds ZB-14. Excellent. Proceeded to ZB-14, deposited the food and water, looted. Moved on, heading towards scav house, which I plan to circumnavigate. It's slightly hazy, my laser is cutting through the fog like a big pointer aiming back at myself. I turned it off. Not long after I heard a firefight somewhere in front of scav house. Probably someone killing scavs. I could be travelling in their line of sight, so I ducked behind a rise to stay hidden. And I stepped on a mine. OMG I am an idiot. Esmarched, healed. No lasting damage. Continued. I tried peeking where the firefight might have occurred, but I wasn't quite sure where that was. I was hoping to get eyes on the scav body and then perhaps camp it, if the player would loot it. But I couldn't see it from my vantage. The player is likely across the road looking across the field towards scav house - I don't want him seeing me, so my attempts to remain hidden also served to reduce my ability to see.
Seemingly no other scavs, and no signs of the player or his victim (or vice versa) so I continued. I want to get to Emercom. I ran across the road, stayed low and proceeded along the waters edge. I looted the dead body on the way. Immediately before the sawmill there is a big rock outcropping that breaks the path. I'll be forced to go up and around it, closer to the sawmill. I also have to scope its top in case there is a sniper atop it. As I approached it, I thought I heard footsteps not my own. If you think you hear something, you hear something. I'm being stalked.
My plan was simple: run to top of the outcropping, dive down it and take cover, kill the player if he pursues, and figure something else out if he doesn't. I ran. He ran. I took the corner just as he opened fire. I descended slightly, took cover, leaned out right. My laser was still off. He took the corner and I fucked up. Instead of just firing and doing my best I right-clicked out of habit to bring up my scope. Too slow, too close. Amazingly I had a sight picture, but it was too late - he realized his mistake and ducked back just as I opened fire. I sent out a volley of shots. Damnit, the scope. I would continue to make this mistake two more times in this encounter.
He came back, circling wider, he couldn't see me well for all the trees and underbrush, but he fired some autofiring weapon blindly in a big arc and I took some shots. light bleed. My snap decision was to run up and to the right, turn and shoot, and then run back to the left - returning to far side of the outcropping. I ran up and to the right, turning on the laser as I ran, he didn't fire on me, I turned and raised my stupid scope again, like a moron. That killed my speed and my plan. He shot with a different weapon and I went down.
Time In Raid: 13 minutes, 59 seconds
Exp: 189
Killed By: BaboRock with SP5 and 7.62x39mm PS. Good game BaboRock, that was fun.
Ammo Used: 18. No hits
- activating the scope at close range. Three times.
- poor aim
- panic
- death
- The first snap plan was actually pretty good. Had I toggled the laser and not bobbled the scope, there's a good chance I would have been the victor. But sans laser, probably less than 50% odds - I'm not a great shot.
- Deposited the stuff in ZB-14. So that's half of the quest.
- I only carried enough food and drink for one Jaeger drop. I know the limits of my capabilities.
- My instincts were right - I was being stalked
Raid 30 - Death from Above
Loadout: AK-47 (AKM) with a handguard I scavenged that has great ergo boost and recoil reduction. Meds, ears, food for the Jaeger.
I spawned into someplace unfamiliar. My compass gave me a bearing towards the water, so I was happy for that. But a few steps later, I saw a landmine warning sign in my path. Hmm - mines to the south? Where am I? I switched to a more easterly course and then through the haze it loomed into view: Scav House. Fuck. Every Woods raid this wipe where I've started near Scav House has ended in my demise.
I should have heeded the omen. Perhaps Scav House is there warning me away. Perhaps I should take a different path. But I didn't. I went around Scav House, no scavs present, despite the name. I went to the water. Made my way to the location of my last death. Scoped the open ground ahead - no sign of anyone. But some ominous feeling compelled me to take a pain pill before proceeding. Can't be too careful, right?
I started crossing the open ground, staying close to the water so as to be out of sight of anyone who might be in, or looking into, the sawmill. I passed the dock. There are some sheer rock outcroppings, with sand between. I heard footsteps directly above - someone was on a rock outcropping. Fuck. I am exposed with no armor and few options.
I ran, zig-zagging. A silenced weapon started in on me. I took a hit, zigged, ran some more, zag, zig, more shots and more zagging and zigging and then a second hit and I was down.
Time In Raid: 12 minutes, 27 seconds
Exp: 0
Killed by: AndrewSF51 with two rounds of 7.62x54R BS ( silenced SVDS? ). GG AndrewSF51
No shots fired.
- maybe I should have flipped the AKM to autofire and charged up the hill as soon as I heard the footsteps? I'm not positive that those sandy areas between the outcroppings are all scale-able - that would have been epic if I charged up and got stopped midway.
- It's a risky route along the waters edge. Of course, there are few places in Tarkov that aren't risky.
- did not plant food for the Jaeger
- did not see, much less kill, a single scav
- died
- smart to PK
- did not die to a scav
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