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The Happy Path - Raid 28 - Level 9

I have three simultaneous quests I'm pursuing on Woods: deposit food and water for the Jaeger, kill 5 scavs without armor (Jaeger) and kill 15 scavs (Prapor).  Let's do this!

Raid 28

Loadout: slightly modded VPO-209, suppressed, with three 30-round mags of .366 TKM FMJ, 4x Pilad scope.  No armor. Ears, meds, food and water for Jaeger, an energy drink in my secure container (along with an extra IFAK and CMS kit).

Spawned into the lake region near the abandoned village. Someone started shooting in the distance immediately. That's odd. Pow, pow, pow, I heard the shots persistently firing in the distance.  I turned on my laser and headed forward toward the abandoned village.  POW! I took a hit, heavy bleed. I'm catching sniper fire, or something?  I ran further into the trees toward the village. Esmarched the arm and saved it. Healed.  I'm barely 30 seconds into the raid and I've already used my esmarch.  Hope I don't need another.  I didn't loiter in the abandoned village, there is too much tall tall grass there which gives the scavs a big advantage, and the sniper encounter felt a little "sus" to me and I wanted to just get away. 

Made my way to the main village.  Seemed quiet. Started circling it from the outside, a scav in the road yelled, I put some rounds into him, he fled.  I didn't pursue immediately - I haven't cleared that area and I don't want to get pincered. I continued clearing and didn't encounter anyone else. Made my way back to the road where the scav had been.  No sign of him. However, there was blood on the ground - I was able to follow it into a yard, around a house, and to a little shack behind where I finished dispatching the scav.  That's a first for me. I've never followed a blood trail before. In fact, I don't recall seeing them in my own raids - I wonder if my graphic settings are showing them now, or if I'm just more attentive.

I looted and made another quick loop around the village but it was quiet.  My destinations today are ZB-16 to deposit the food and drink, and Emercom Camp where I hope to acquire some scav kills.  So I ventured forth.  Looted the old sawmill, which was similarly quiet.  Crossed into the old map and headed to ZB-16. Or, at least, where I thought ZB-16 should be. Where the heck is it? I wandered around and around looking for it.  While wandering I encountered a scav, he walked by me, muttering in Russian. I started aiming at his back when he stepped behind a tree. I pursued, but he was gone.  I waited, listening. Nothing. Where did he go?  I poked around some more, maybe I'll bait him into firing on me? But no luck. Perhaps I spooked a player scav who is prone in a bush, praying.

I continued to search fruitlessly for ZB-16.  There's the tank, there's the old train station, so ZB-16 should be right over here ... and ... where the hell is it?  I encountered another scav (or maybe the same one) walking along the bottom of a defile, heading towards the center of the map. I aimed through the scope - tough shot with him crossing my field of vision. I fired, and missed. I fired again, and missed. He turned and crouched, I fired again ... and missed. He fired on me, I fired, he fired - his shots are getting too close for comfort. I retreated, just ducked around a couple of trees and peeked into the gulley, but he was nowhere to be seen. I circled around looking for him, but nothing.  

I have wasted so much time looking for invisible scavs and ZB-16.  Forget this. I headed to Emercom Camp. Scoped it, it seemed quiet. I entered the camp. Someone to my left was groaning, like when you are getting shot. "Aaaach", "Urrgh", "Augh", but I didn't hear any shots.  What is going on? I stood in front of him, we exchanged glances, and then I put him out of his misery.  

I circled Emercom camp once, twice, three times. Looting. I am full of loot.  It's late and no more scavs are making an appearance. I checked my exfil. Outskirts ( oy ) or Factory Gate.  Fence has sent a message about offering forgiveness and rep increases for shared exfils. I have positive rep with him already, but it couldn't hurt to have more. I went back to the groaning scav body and checked him. Surprisingly, he didn't have much. But he had a VPO-136, which I need now.

I exited Emercom, aimed the VPO-136 into the air and fired off "shave and a haircut, two bits".  A reply came from Factory Gate. Excellent.  I switched to my knife and headed over there.  There were four bored scavs loitering near Factory Gate. I wiggled but no one took much interest in me. I guess without armor or helmet maybe I look a little scavish?  I'd think the boots and arm patches would make me stand out. Oh well. I went forward. The second I stepped into the extract zone everyone took notice. We all started shouting in Russian, wiggling like crazy. We formed a kumbaya circle and wiggled together while watching the countdown timer descend.  I looked at the circle of faces, more then enough here to finish my Jaeger quest. But that would be uncool. I wiggled and Russianed until I was safely back in my hideout.    Afterwards I realized I forgot to take a screen capture of that moment.  Next time, I'll bring a photographer to document my raid.

Time in Raid: 33 minutes, 52 seconds
Exp: 1972
Kills: Andrey Pukesh (AI Scav), Pahomiy Drobash (player scav).  Godspeed gentlemen. Sorry you had to extract early, Pahomiy, you missed a great party.
Ammos used: 20 (7 for the "call"), Hit: 4, Accuracy: 0.15, Damage to Body: 128, Damage to Armor: 34


  • missing the opportunities on the two scavs when wandering for ZB-16.  I'm glad I didn't do anything stupid that would have gotten me killed, but still. 
  • very bad aim on the second missed opportunity scav. Poorly done.
  • unable to find ZB-16.  I need to bring up a different map, I think. There is a trick to easily triangulating it, maybe the Tank and the Railway station aren't the right markers.


  • survived.  
  • survived
  • survived
  • got a ton of crappy loot (low end meds, foodstuffs, ammo in weird sizes)
  • killed two scavs
  • excepting the sniper at the beginning, no shots were landed on my unarmored ass
  • escaped the sniper at the beginning


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