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Raid 33 - Level 10 Achieved and Streamed!!

In my last raid I put a bunch of rounds into a scav at close range, but he killed me and the post-mortem said that no rounds hit.  I am sure I got those rounds on him. But I am no great player, I have bad aim, and after a few days doubt began to creep in, "am I really sure?".  A streamer I watch mentioned the value of recording and watching ones own raids to see mistakes firsthand. I know from experience this works very well with music. So I decided to try that.

I don't have a top end gaming rig. I don't even have a bottom end gaming rig. My little XO machine struggles to draw even a frame and I don't exactly have terrabytes of free space. So I decided to try hooking up a stream. Why not? I can stream low quality out to twitch, and then watch it back later.  I installed the free version of StreamlabsOBS and tested it out with a quick offline raid and a scav raid.  Seems to work.  

I haven't hooked up my camera or my microphone. This is for me, not an audience. But insofar as any of my readers are curious, I am proud to present the most boring tarkov stream on the net:  .  Twitch will only hold the raids for 14 days, but if you are one of my regular readers you can catch Raid 33 here:

Raid 33

Goals: I am pursuing two Woods quests: kill 5 scavs without armor, kill 15 scavs on Woods.   My preferred plan is to go to Emercom camp and kill scavs there.

Loadout: modded AKM, ears, meds, snack.

I have a new scope on this AKM. I saved up vodka and toilet paper and traded with Jaeger for the Burris Fullfield TAC 30. This is a 6x scope that also has a 1x view. It has a HUGE field of view, and the 1x is slightly magnified and is clearer and sharper than just regular vision. I've practiced with it a bit offline, and it's pretty nice. A little slow. Also the 6x is definitely too much magnification for short range, so you have to manage that carefully or there will be trouble.

There has been a new update to the game today. For whatever reason, that usually means there will be fewer players for the next day or so. That's good for me.

I spawned at the UN extract. Excellent.  I didn't rush straight to Emercom - people might be going there from different east side locations on the map, and I don't want to be in front. So I carefully and leisurely (and boringly) made my way there.  As I got close I spotted a scav moving south outside the camp. I backed up into a bush again, aimed down sight, lined up the shot, held my breath and took him down. This occurs at the 12 minute mark.  Nice shot.

After that, I entered the camp - someone had already been there - all the containers open and the loose loot hoovered up. I carefully circumnavigated the camp worried that whoever was looting might still be there. But it was empty.  The rest of the raid I spent circling the camp, inside and out, and I took down three more scavs, mostly outside. One of the kills was inside where I had switched to autofire and that was inelegant. I struggled with the autofire and the scope. But, ultimately I prevailed and came away unharmed. 

After the "Quest Complete" notice I started looting the scavs - looking for the white armor I need for Skier. I didn't find it, but I did find a Class 4 Ulley in good condition, so I snatched that, and hid in a bush while I moved my magazines over to it.

Finally it was late and time to go. My extracts were Factory Gate or Outskirts. I aimed my rifle up and tapped out "Shave and a haircut. Two bits" but got no reply.  Tried one more time. Nothing. Oh well, looks like Outskirts.  I made one last loop through the camp to pick up some more loot. And at the 41 minute mark stumbled onto a scav crouching at the entryway. I was not expecting him, nor him me. We fired on each other - my aim was atrocious and in my haste and panic I brought up the scope which I definitely did not want at such a close range.  Amateur.  As fate would have it, I prevailed this time and killed him. I had a lot of injuries, a bleed, and a blacked arm.  I bandaged, patched myself up and headed to Outskirts.

Time In Raid: 42 minutes, 21 seconds
Exp: 3151  (yes!!)
Kills (all AI Scavs): Vitalya Bardak, Vanka Vaychshika, Ilyusha Mohkovsky, Senya Shnek, Pul Guk.  Godspeed gentlemen and thanks for help with the quests.
Ammo Used: 67, Hits: 10, Accuracy: 0.12, Damage to Body: 420, Damage to Armor: 10


  • the close combat against the Vanka and Pul was really atrocious. Also, I still suck at tap firing.
  • should have jumped immediately to cover when fighting Pul instead of firing on him.  That could have cost me dearly. 
  • boring stream (but, hey, this is why I blog my raids)


  • survived
  • completed one of the quests
  • made Level 10 with the exp from this raid
  • good maneuvering  and good use of cover. (With the exception of the last fight)
  • streaming does not seem to kill my game performance (surprisingly)


Last wipe it took me 60 raids to reach Level 10.  This wipe I was really hoping to do it in 20. Obviously that didn't work out, but I did it today on raid 33. Yes!! I must be getting better, or at least sucking less. Perhaps I shall rename the blog "I Tarkov Mediocre".  I should do something to celebrate this important milestone. Suggestions welcome.


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