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Dying Uncermoniously - Raids 34 and 35 - Level 11

The astute viewer of my boring stream may have observed me looting a hemostat from a dead scav in my previous raid, and I secured that little treat in my alpha container.  So in addition to completing the Jaeger quest last raid and making level 10, that little hemostat was all I needed to craft a last salewa, with which today I completed the Therapist "Shortage" quest AND her next quest (Gas Analyzer). So now I'm within spitting distance of Level 11.   The quest that pays the most xp for me right now is the Jaeger Dehydration quest.

Raid 34 - Dehydrated, Dumb, Dead

Goal: Pursue two quests at once: dehydration and finishing shootout picnic (kill scavs on Woods).  The plan is find a bush, eat some food, dehydrate for 5 minutes, heal, drink water, go kill scavs.

Loadout: AKM with 6x TAC30 scope, ears, meds, extra cheese, food and water.  

I spawned into somewhere, but I don't care where. There was a fat bush nearby and that'll suit me just fine. I crawled under it, drank some condensed milk and ate two snickers bars and waited. I watched the clock, and I'm glad I did because I didn't see the "subtask complete" notification, which is strange because I did see that in on offline raid earlier this week where I was practicing with the 6x scope.  Eventually I passed the five minute mark, and I rehydrated and started healing. I didn't bring enough cheese to heal completely and I left my IFAK at the hideout because I needed room in the secure container for the condensed milk and emergency water ration. Dumb.

I stood up. Where am I?  Headed out, encountered a minefield flag. Hmm - I bet I'm north of USEC Camp. I headed south and scoped the hill - yes there it is.  Maybe I'll go there. There's a safe approach from this direction if you hug the rock outcropping.  Of course, at that very moment I wasn't exactly hugging anything, I took two steps forward and BOOM - stepped on a mine. Dumb.  I took a PK and reversed course. Fortunately it didn't black my legs, but now my left leg is in bad shape and I have nothing with which to heal it.

Why was I going to USEC Camp anyway? There's loot there, but no scavs. I'm not thinking straight - must be a side effect of the dehydration. Scav Outpost is over there somewhere right? If I bear north I should be able to find it.  I checked my compass and set a northerly route.  I think that's the hill that scav outpost is on. I was approaching it, with a large rock I don't remember between me and it. 

As I approached the large stone, I heard running footsteps on the other side. A scav! Perfect.  I began to circle the rock - just then I heard a container open up. That's not a scav, that's a player.  My first instinct was to run around the rock and shoot him while he was looting. But caution got the better of me - I am not familiar with this rock or this stash - I could round this rock to just be met with a bunch of bushes - he might be crouched hearing me and I wouldn't know where he is.  Play smart. So I slowed down, rounded the rock quietly. The player started running back the way he came. I aimed down sight - I have to shoot fast because he's about to disappear into some bushes. I shot fast, and whiffed. And then I did something even dumber - I tried to disengage.  I tried running back down the hill, but I wouldn't move. The bushes, and maybe my lowered walk speed? I was moving through molasses. The player fired on me, hitting. I fired back into the underbrush - no eyes on him.  

I tried raising my move speed and resume running, but I just wasn't moving. Finally I seemed to wake up, but the player had already switched weapons - DVL 10 I think - and was landing shots. I was dead in a few steps.

Time in Raid: 16 minutes, 40 seconds
Exp: 310
Killed By: PlsCallMeDaddy - congrats PlsCallMeDaddy.  I really like that AKM and scope, would it be too much to ask to not take them?


  • bad plan - my first one of just rushing him was probably better
  • terrible execution - if I couldn't put the reticle on his head I simply shouldn't have taken the shot.
  • disengage?  What was I thinking? 
  • the whole bush and low speed thing was really something.  Fumbling
  • died
  • forgot to stream or take the other screenshots
  • did not read quest description carefully: I have to dehydrate and survive the raid.


  • finally a Tarkov bug works in my favor. Despite the requirement that I survive the raid, I was able to complete the quest and get my 5700 exp and achieved Level 11.

Raid 35 - The Bunker

The very boring twitch capture of this raid is here:

My next high xp payout quest is The Bunker. I haven't been to Reserve for awhile, I wonder how it's doing?  My plan is simple: try to get to the bunker "late" after the other players have taken a pass at it, and then get in, get to the control room, and get out.  I enjoy fighting raiders and if there is an opportunity to do it, that would be great. But I just don't have the loadout for a heavy fight. I wish I had my little AK-104 with the 2x Monstrum and the canted sight and laser and BP ammo, some class 5 armor, a bunch of grenades and a night vision set.  That's the loadout I want.   But what I have is some bruised class 4 armor, a VPO-209, and a flashlight.  

Spawned in the garage of the King building.  Hmmm. This is the closest spawn, not the farthest. Should I just go loot on the third floor and wait?  I decided to go take my chances.

I entered the stairwell area, closing the gate behind me. I quietly descended the stairs and approached, checking with my scope before advancing. It was quiet. I advanced to the opening before the metal staircase that finishes the bunker descent. If I take just a step forward I'll complete the first subtask, but I might also alert every raider down here of my presence. I listened, trying to understand what was going on.

There were footsteps, some shadows moved. Is someone down here? There were footsteps running on a metal staircase, but not the one I'm atop. What other metal staircase is down here? I couldn't figure that out, until after the raid when I realized I was hearing the metal staircases in the King garages.  I heard players upstairs, but I thought I was hearing players or raiders downstairs. I think.

I heard Russian spoken to my left, walking on metal (where?), and walking in water.  Ok - scavs are patrolling or there are players.  I was just about to move when I heard breaking glass. That's got to be a player. Shortly later weapon fire and footsteps. Followed by a lot more weapon fire, footsteps and now I could see the light of flashlights. More weapon fire.  Two or three figures moved below me briefly. "No ones left behind? Yeah, sure."  I think the raiders may have just come out as victors in one or two encounters.

I continued to wait, listening. Trying to understand what's going on. More footsteps, more russian, more wading in the water.  I shouldn't stay here. On one hand, I think I'm in pretty deep shadows, so I shouldn't be easy to spot. But on the other, King is a popular target and someone besides me may use it for entering the tunnels. I think I'll hear them if they approach, but this will be an awkward place to conduct combat. Should I move to the bathrooms?  I thought about it, but I kept hearing more footsteps and information that I didn't want to give up. 

There was another combat below me - and again I think the raiders prevailed. There were footsteps above me. Is that above me? BAM - I was dead, shot in the head by a single round of PS. And, no, those footsteps weren't above me.

Time In Raid: 5 minutes and 32 seconds  ( I will confess, it seemed a lot longer )
Exp: 20 
Killed By: MrYourPC   . Good luck with the raiders MrYourPC, I hope you fared better against them than your three predecessors. 


  • didn't stick to plan. My plan was to try to arrive at the bunker "late". I should have just hidden on the second or third floor for a bit.
  • misplaced sound. 
  • stayed in a dangerous place too long. It was riveting listening to the combat, the footsteps, and seeing the glimpses and shadows from flashlights. But that was not the place to do that.
  • If I had realized I was hearing the upstairs metal staircases, I also would have realized I'd soon have company.



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