Raid 11 - Scav Hunt on Customs
Loadout: Class 4 armor and Remington M780 Shotgun with magnum buckshot, ears, meds. IFAK, hemostat, and extra splint in secure container.
Goal: I need two more scav kills for the Debut quest.
I spawned into one of the buildings in the industrial liquid storage area. Not much loot in mine and no scav sounds - they probably haven't spawned yet. I went over one building and looted it - got some pretty good loot, a lot of stuff I need for my hideout. I put some in my secure container. Then I went up the railroad embankment and began to bear towards Old Gas. The next building over I heard a scav in the parking lot. I ran down, aimed, leaned out of cover and took him down with some effort, but came away unharmed. Guess I'm getting used to the shotgun. Looted him. Went into his building hoping for more scavs, but it was quiet. But I got more loot. Now my bag is overflowing with mostly good stuff. No weapon parts or any of that useless stuff.
The next building over had a sniper scav on the roof. Took a few shots but I got him too. Quest completed. Awesome.
In Old Gas there was a scav voice, but no scav. I circled around, checked the building - nothing. Maybe he went downstairs? I continued on, looted the scav body. And then I did something really dumb. I forgot that I was already right at the edge of the sniper zone - as I crossed into the Stronghold construction area I bore a little too far left. Bam! Bam! Two quick shots and I was dead to the AI sniper. Sigh.
Time In Raid: 13 minutes, 20 seconds
Exp: 949
Kills (scavs): Karlusha Krezibamp and Mitrofam Suslik
Ammo Used: 11, Hits: 10, Accuracy: 0.45, Damage to Body: 256, Damage to Armor: 107
- Completed the Debut task.
Raid 12 - Outstanding In His Field
Loadout: SKS-OP with PSO scope, Class 2 PACA armor, ears, meds, etc.
Spawned near the construction vehicles on the west side of map - somewhere north of Scav house. Made my way north, the road on my right. Someone was firing a .338 Lapua somewhere near the center of the map - man that thing is loud. I approached USEC from below, carefully scoping before I advanced. There are spawns that way and I need to be wary of players. No sooner thought than I heard repeated fire from my left, further west. I slowed down carefully crouch walked through the bushes and leaned out from behind a tree. There was a player standing in an open field of flowers firing his weapon. I couldn't see what he was firing at, and he didn't seem to be receiving any return fire. I aimed down site, centered the scope reticle on his head and dropped him. I don't like where his body is, and I don't like not knowing what was going on - so I didn't approach. I looped around wide and went up to the USEC encampment. Subtask Complete. It had already been looted, but not completely. Got some stuff.
I continued north to the convoy. Subtask Complete. Then I returned south and was able to find the body of misakih, level 9. His level is higher than mine, but he's still below level 10, so I didn't loot his weapons or gear. But I took his meds, and his ghost face covering and tags.
After that I slowly made my way to Northern Roadblock and extracted with no further encounters.
Time In Raid: 32 minutes, 14 seconds
Exp: 1852
Killed: misakih with a headshot from 54 meters. Good luck on your next raids misakih. By the by, why were you firing your weapon? Had I not heard it I likely might have passed directly in front of you. For once, luck favored me. No doubt next time she'll smile upon you.
Ammo Used: 1, Hits: 1, Accuracy: 1
- none
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