I woke up this morning with some affirmations. "Don't give up!" , "You can do this!" So it's back to Reserve.
Plan: Go to Reserve, kill the Raiders for some fat XP and loot them for their wicked great armor and weapons. Also, never forget, third time is the charm!
Raid 4 - The Crowded Bus
Loadout: Vityaz PP-19 with flashlight. No armor. Ears, meds. One grenade.
I spawned into the building next to the scav land extract. Immediately started heading up toward white bishop. I was sprinting the last open leg when I started to catch fire and took a hit. I dove into the shipping container, flipped the Vityaz to auto-fire. Footsteps were approaching. I was bleeding, but nothing to be done about it now. I hid until I heard the footsteps get just a little closer then I step/leaned out and fired, stepping back to cover as I did so. That seemed like a good shot, but I think the player dove for cover. Stepped into the building. Used my esmarch to stop the heavy bleed. I also have a fracture and forgot to bring a splint. Damnit. Took a painkiller while I stepped into the corner room to peek over the sandbags. Where was the PMC? I ventured out the door to take a quick peek - no sign of him. I want to get underground and get this over with. I medded as I took the stairs down.
I descended down the ramp and peeked the underground bunker. No sign of anyone. I was just preparing to jump the water when I heard splashing. Someone walking in the water. I waited a second then threw my grenade. Fucking grenade did not go into the opening as planned, I ducked behind the door as it exploded and got nicked. The raiders and scavs started shouting "граната" and I heard someone sucking, I think the grenade wounded the splasher. I peeked the corner shortly after and there was no sign of anyone. I jumped the water and waded out.
Suddenly autofire broke out near the bathrooms. I was sure I was dead. But it wasn't me they were firing at. I stepped forward - there were two PMCs with couch backpacks fighting some raiders. I sprayed a PMC in the head, and put some rounds in a raider. Weapon fire tore into me, badly injuring me. I backpedaled. I took cover behind some crap in the hall. Some weapon fire came my way, but it was no threat. I have a heavy bleed and I've already used my esmarch. The damn car kit won't heal a heavy bleed. The battle was still raging nearby - I need to bounce - there are meds upstairs in white bishop - maybe I'll find an esmarch. I waded the water - entering the tunnel for a bit of cover, and then made my way up. There was no pursuit.
I medded as I ascended, and then started searching. Found bandages and cheese and a CMS kit. Had to take another painkiller. I don't know this building well, I searched all the rooms on all the floors, but didn't get any helpful meds. Now what?
I'm going to die if I don't get out of here, my vision was darkening - I was unfit for combat. My stuff insured. I dropped my bag and my weapon and mags in a corner, and then made my way down the stairs - heading for manhole cover. Can I make it without being seen? I don't know the answer to that, because I bled out on the far side of King - the manhole extract just barely in sight.
Time In Raid: 9 minutes, 8 seconds.
Exp: 1256 (my best so far this wipe)
Killed By: djw191 - Good work djw191, sorry about your buddy.
Kills: USEC (level 11-30) and BEAR (level 11-30)
Ammo Used: 60, Hits: 13, Accuracy: 0.1, Damage to Body: 681, Damage to Armor: 21
- Not bringing a splint.
- Not bringing two esmarchs into a heavy combat zone
- Not realizing I killed that first PMC. I didn't hear a death rattle. But I would have loved to have gotten his tags (to say nothing of his armor and weaponry)
- Bad grenade toss. (Lucky to have not died to it)
- Not great combat. Sure I was behind the players, but was overly excited about shooting people in the back and wasn't using cover well. I could have definitely handled that better.
- Not realizing sooner that I was going to die. Once I searched the lower floor I probably should have just headed to manhole right away. Maybe maybe might have survived.
- Did not put the CMS kit (or anything) in my secure container. Need to be better about this.
- I killed two PMCs from two different parties. Probably wounded with that grenade a third from another (unless there was a raider wading in the water).
- The first PMC kill was pretty nice - I wish I had realized it was a kill.
- Leaving the underground when I did was smart, and I got away.
- Even though I died, this was a fun raid. Man, I hope some of my stuff comes back on insurance, otherwise I'm going to be limited to running around Woods with an SKS for the rest of the damn wipe.
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